Després d’un atac sorpresa de les tropes imperials a la base camuflada de l’aliança rebel al planeta gelat de Hoth, Luke Skywalker, en companyia d’R2D2, viatja cap el planeta Dagobah per a cercar en Yoda, l’últim dels mestres Jedi, per a que l’ensenyi els secrets de la Força. De mentre, Han Solo, la princesa Leia, Chewbacca i en C3PO esquiven a les forces imperials i busquen refugi amb l’antic propietari del Falcó Mil·lenari, en Lando Calrissian

Uns delinqüents de pa sucat amb oli decideixen atracar la sucursal d'un banc de Brooklyn. No obstant, a causa de la seva inexperiència, el robatori, que havia estat planejat per ser executat en només deu minuts, es converteix en un parany per als atracadors i en un espectacle per a la televisió en directe.

The first rule is that there are no rules. For the bare-knuckle combatants competing in Musangwe fights, anything goes - you can even put a curse on him. The sport, which dates back centuries, has become a South African institution. Any male from the age of nine to ninety can compete. We follow a group of fighters as they slug it out in the ring. Who will be this year's champion?

The frustrating adventures of a humble employee who all the time has to fullfill the wishes and desires of his bosses.

The Joker is back with a vengeance, and Neo-Gotham's Dark Knight, Terry McGinnis, needs answers as he stands alone to face the old Gotham's most infamous Clown Prince of Crime.

The battle for Earth turns against the humans, despite their infamous desperate act of blackening the skies.

Un home que es diu ell mateix 'Simon' inicia una onada de terror pels carrers de Nova York. Farà detonar una sèrie de bombes per la ciutat si no és que l'agent John McClane accedeixi a jugar a un joc anomenat 'Simón diu'. Amb l'ajuda de Zeus, un electricista del Harlem, comença una carrera trepidant per esbrinar les endevinalles i les intencions del terrorista.

A group of people are standing along the platform of a railway station in La Ciotat, waiting for a train. One is seen coming, at some distance, and eventually stops at the platform. Doors of the railway-cars open and attendants help passengers off and on. Popular legend has it that, when this film was shown, the first-night audience fled the café in terror, fearing being run over by the "approaching" train. This legend has since been identified as promotional embellishment, though there is evidence to suggest that people were astounded at the capabilities of the Lumières' cinématographe.

Scotland, 11th century. Driven by the twisted prophecy of three witches and the ruthless ambition of his wife, warlord Macbeth, bold and brave, but also weak and hesitant, betrays his good king and his brothers in arms and sinks into the bloody mud of a path with no return, sown with crime and suspicion.

Roy Earle surt de presó abans de complir condemna gràcies a la seva bona conducta i a la fiança dipositada per Big Mac, cap de la banda a què va pertànyer. Poc després, un membre de la banda li comunica que Big Mac, que prepara un cop nou, l'espera a Califòrnia. Roy, malgrat la intenció de canviar de vida, decideix acudir a la cita. En el seu viatge a través del país, entaula amistat amb una humil família de grangers, la néta de la qual, Vilma, conquereix el seu cor.

Dos submarins nuclears, un de soviètic i un de nord- americà, desapareixen misteriosament. L'agent soviètic, Anya Amasova i uns microfils que contenen els plans dels sistemes electrònics de defensa dels submarins nuclears. Malgrat que dos dels seus contactes moren en mans d'un gegant anomenat Jaws, Anya i James aconsegueixen els microfilms i des d'ara treballen amb coordinació. Sospiten de Karl Stromberg, propietari d'una companyia de navegació, que viu en un laboratori submergit en alta mar. A bord d'un caça-submarins arriben fins a un petroler gegantesc que pertany a Stormberg. Quan s'hi acosten, aquest obre unes portes i se'ls empassa. L'interior del vaixell és en realitat una base de submarins nuclears.

A multi-part documentary about the making of the Jurassic Park trilogy. Each part walks through the making of part of one of the films, including the hurricane during the shooting of the first film, and how advances in CGI for Jurassic Park helped change the world of special effects forever. All interviews for these retrospective documentaries come with comments from Spielberg, Johnston, Neill, Dern, Goldblum, the effects crews, the child actors, and Peter Stormare. This documentary is broken into six parts: Dawn of a New Era (25 min), Making Prehistory (20 min), The Next Step in Evolution (15 min), Finding the Lost World (28 min), Something Survived (16 min), and The Third Adventure (25 min).

The reinvigorated elderly group that left Earth comes back to visit their relatives. Will they all decide to go back to the planet where no one grows old, or will they be tempted to remain on Earth?

En route to the honeymoon of William Riker to Deanna Troi on her home planet of Betazed, Captain Jean-Luc Picard and the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise receives word from Starfleet that a coup has resulted in the installation of a new Romulan political leader, Shinzon, who claims to seek peace with the human-backed United Federation of Planets. Once in enemy territory, the captain and his crew make a startling discovery: Shinzon is human, a slave from the Romulan sister planet of Remus, and has a secret, shocking relationship to Picard himself.

Hardened criminal Maggie Hayward's consistent violence, even in police custody, ends in the execution chamber. However, top-secret US government agent 'Bob' arranges a staged death, so Maggie can be elaborately trained as a phantom killer and subdued into obedience.

Conan viatja amb un grup de buscavides per tal de rescatar la princesa Jehnna de les mans d'un màgic poderós.

Joanna Mills has a successful career but feels her personal life is spinning out of control. She has few friends, an estranged father, and a crazy ex-boyfriend who is stalking her. Joanna begins having terrifying visions of a woman's murder, and it seems that she is the killer's next target. Determined to solve the mystery and escape her apparent fate, Joanna follows her visions to the victim's hometown and finds that some secrets just do not stay buried.

L'agent Jack de la policia de San Francisco fa cinc anys que investiga un presumpte cap del crim organitzat anomenat El Témpano, però, després d'un tiroteig en què resulta mort un innocent, és suspès del servei per Assumptes Interns. Aleshores només tindrà 48 hores per trobar El Témpano.

Luc Deveraux, l'antic soldat universal, torna a l'acció quan SETH, la supercomputadora que controla els ultraguerrers, decideix venjar-se i destruir els seus creadors.

Superman s'ha d'enfrontar amb una arma mecànica creada per un geni dels ordinadors anomenat Gus Gorman, contra un magnat megalomaníac que pretén transformar la terra, i contra un desdoblament de personalitat, que serà el seu pitjor enemic. Però també hi haurà temps perquè Clark Kent torni a Smallville, on es retrobarà amb a la seva núvia de l'adolescència, Llana Lang, i es prengui un interval en la seva relació amb Lois Lane.