Un nen de 10 anys, que ha nascut amb una malformació a la cara, s’esforça per encaixar en el seu primer dia d’escola. Demostrar que és un nen com els altres serà el seu repte i l’acceptació dels companys de classe, el seu guany.

Sergio driving a taxi in a white Naples overflowing sadness and garbage. Pouring rain leads her clients through the city trying to process the death of his brother, who started ten years earlier for Tibet and never returned. A pop singer, a recycler of fragments of life, a radio announcer, an old uncle, alternate seats on its bearing, each in its own way, a trace of his brother loved. Stubborn not to go over and get lost in an endless race, Sergio is overwhelmed by memories and the music produced in pairs with Alfredo, which in Buddhism and in its foundations had found the strength to cope with the disease. Those notes that he believed buried and laid to always return overbearing and demanding a soundboard that resonate and express his being sound. Putting his hand on the piano, Sergio Alfredo feel again, giving the past with the present and realizing itself in the feeling.

A principis dels anys noranta, el jove i idealista Christopher McCandless adopta el nom d'Alexander Supertramp, deixa les seves possessions i els seus estalvis a la beneficència i abandona el món civilitzat amb rumb a la salvatge Alaska per entrar en contacte amb la Natura i descobrir el veritable sentit de la vida. Adaptació del best-seller de Jon Krakauer, basat en les notes del diari de McCandless.

El Jesse i la Celine es troben de nou, aquesta vegada durant l'estiu a la bella Grècia. Han passat nou anys des de la seva segona i última trobada romàntica a París i gairebé dues dècades des que van coincidir en un tren amb destinació a Viena. Encara els queda una oportunitat?

En l'època glacial de la prehistòria un mamut, un mandrós gegant i un tigre s'ocuparan de cuidar un bebè humà extraviat per la seva família.

El detectiu Conan finalment ha trobat el que buscava: un lladre misteriós anomenat Kaito Kid. En Conan i el seu amic Heiji, estan decidits a protegir l'últim tresor de la dinastia russa dels Romanov de l'amenaça d'en Kaito Kid: l'ou de la memòria (o també l'ou de Pasqua).

Un avi anomenat Geppetto fabrica una marioneta de fusta que anomena Pinotxo, amb l'esperança que es converteixi en un nen de veritat. La Fada Blava fa realitat el seu desig i dóna vida a Pinotxo, però conserva el cos de fusta. Pepito Grillo, la consciència de Pinotxo, haurà d'aconsellar-ho perquè s'allunyi de les situacions difícils o perilloses fins a aconseguir que el ninot es converteixi en un nen de carn i ossos.

Leela becomes an outlaw when she and a group of ecologically-minded feminists attempt to save an asteroid of primitive life forms and the Violet Dwarf star from being destroyed, while Fry joins a secret society and attempts to stop a mysterious species known as the "Dark Ones" from destroying all life in the universe.

Two school kids strike up a friendship with an orphaned puppy named Benji. When danger befalls them and they end up kidnapped by robbers who are in over their heads, Benji and his scruffy sidekick come to the rescue.

Dance your way to a magical adventure with Barbie as Kristyn, a ballerina with big dreams! When she tries on a pair of sparkling pink shoes, she and her best friend, Hailey, are whisked away to a fantastical ballet world. There, Kristyn discovers she must dance in her favorite ballets in order to defeat an evil Snow Queen. With performances to the legendary Giselle and Swan Lake ballets, it's a wonderful journey where if you dance with your heart, dreams come true!

Terry is a small-time car dealer trying to leave his shady past behind and start a family. Martine is a beautiful model from Terry's old neighbourhood who knows that Terry is no angel. When Martine proposes a foolproof plan to rob a bank, Terry recognises the danger but realises this may be the opportunity of a lifetime. As the resourceful band of thieves burrows its way into a safe-deposit vault at a Lloyds Bank, they quickly realise that, besides millions in riches, the boxes also contain secrets that implicate everyone from London's most notorious underworld gangsters to powerful government figures, and even the Royal Family. Although the heist makes headlines throughout Britain for several days, a government gag order eventually brings all reporting of the case to an immediate halt.

Bianca's universe turns upside down when she learns that her high school refers to her as a ‘DUFF' (Designated Ugly Fat Friend). Hoping to erase that label, she enlists the help of a charming jock and her favorite teacher. Together they'll face the school's mean girl and remind everyone that we are all someone's DUFF… and that's totally fine.

Fashion icon Coco Chanel, steeped in wealth and fame, still issues game-changing designs and collections. The audience is taken backwards in time to the woman's upbringing in an orphanage, and traces her path to ubiquity as it winds through poverty, wars, doomed romances, and rather glamorous betrayals.

Two years after choosing not to kill the man who killed his son, former police sergeant Leo Barnes has become head of security for Senator Charlene Roan, the front runner in the next Presidential election due to her vow to eliminate the Purge. On the night of what should be the final Purge, a betrayal from within the government forces Barnes and Roan out onto the street where they must fight to survive the night.

The execution was scheduled and the last meal consumed. The coolness of the poisons entering the blood system slowed the heart rate and sent him on the way to Judgement. He had paid for his crime with years on Death Row waiting for this moment and now he would pay for them again as the judgment continued..

Valdomiro gets involved in yet another scheme, this time involving the same people that tricked him into losing everything - and he brings everyone from Ms. Jô's hostel along.

Durant una expedició científica a Islàndia, el visionari científic Trevor Anderson (Brendan Fraser), el seu nebot Sean (Josh Hutcherson) i la seva bella guia regional, Hannah (Anita Briem), queden atrapats en una cova. L'única possibilitat d'escapar d'allí és endinsant-se a les entranyes de la Terra. Recorrent mons mai vistos, el trio es troba cara a cara amb criatures increïbles. Però l'activitat volcànica del lloc és cada vegada més intensa, per la qual cosa hauran de trobar urgentment una manera de poder tornar a la superfície abans que sigui massa tard.

After getting a taste for blood as children, Hansel and Gretel have become the ultimate vigilantes, hell-bent on retribution. Now, unbeknownst to them, Hansel and Gretel have become the hunted, and must face an evil far greater than witches... their past.

Els bessons de 9 anys, Dylan i Zach Collins, s'han traslladat amb la seva mare Courtney a una casa rural a Illinois. La llar i la propietat estan prou aïllades com per amagar-se del perillós marit de la Courtney, en Clint. El que desconeixen és que la pròpia casa està marcada per la mort.

En una nova missió, les tres noies anomenades 'els àngels de Charlie' estan preparades per recuperar dos valuosos anells que contenen informació encriptada del Programa Federal de Protecció de Testimonis.