One by one, Sailor Moon’s friends and loved ones are targeted by a formidable new enemy who threatens to destroy everything and rule over the cosmos. After devastating losses, Sailor Moon endures her battle against Shadow Galactica. Will despair crush her, or will she find light in the darkness?

Over the course of her stay at the remote residence, Ana becomes more and more familiar with Holden’s idiosyncratic methods that require the participating artists to abandon their own identities and live emotionally and psychologically as their characters. Captivated by her artistic investigation, Ana immerses herself wholly into the method and starts living as Violeta, until her fiction loses control.

Laura, this young and pretty blonde with the face of such an innocent angel arrives on stage ... What does she have in store for you? Laura Laune has no limits, she dares everything! In a stripping black humor and a total irreverence, the angelic madness of Laura Laune and her characters full of paradoxes gives you chills: is she innocent or mean? Aware of his words or just crazy to link? From a nursery rhyme that goes into a spin, characters of seemingly imperceptible madness, the show has many surprises in store for you. Sheltered under his air of a little fair-haired girl, the Belgian humorist, who caused a sensation by winning all the prizes of the humor festivals of the last two years, uncompromisingly tackles the most difficult themes: maternity, education, parenthood , abuse, homosexuality, racism, homophobia, and many others. With Laura Laune, you will discover the monsters hiding in the closet!

Dette er den tragikomiske sande historie om den spirende filmskaber og berygtede Hollywood-outsider Tommy Wiseau, manden bag kult-klassikeren The Room. Men det er samtidig en film om venskab, kunstnerisk udtryk og drømme, der blev forfulgt trods uovervindelige odds. The Disaster Artist er en vanvittig morsom påmindelse om, at der er mere end én vej til at blive en legende - og ingen grænser for, hvad du kan opnå, når du absolut ingen idé har om, hvad du laver.

Set in 1948, the historic story of India's first Olympic medal post their independence.

A samurai's path leads him to a young waitress whose hometown was destroyed by a dragon. He doesn't want any trouble — but it finds them anyway.

Short animation film about the fear of singing in public

The beautiful, beastly Beverly returns and faces a new gaggle of gargantuan gals, hell bent on achieving deluxe diva domination. Get ready for the cinematic smackdown thrills of Giantess Battle Attack. Size really does matter.

Delfinen Snebold redder en lille dreng i bølgerne. De to bliver meget tætte og lever et sorgløst liv i havet. En dag forstyrres freden i deres glade lille verden, af en onde blæksprutte.

At the age of just 30, Maanav at the peak of his acting career gets caught up in a murder accusation, which turns his own life into an eccentric action thriller as he flees the country, with a vengeful politician hot on his heels.

En stille, stoisk mand, lever en munkeagtig tilværelse i selvpålagt eksil. Da hans fraseparerede søn bliver dræbt i en dårlig narkohandel, bliver han overladt til at passe et barnebarn, han aldrig vidste eksisterede, og han tvinges tilbage til et liv, han forsøgte at lægge bag sig.

I en irsk by ringer du til Rose, kørelæreren, hvis du har problemer med spøgelse osv. Martins afdøde kone generer ham, så han tilkalder Rose, der er single. En "svævende" datter får ham til at ringe igen.

Efter en forkælet arving mister hukommelsen i en skiulykke ved juletid, tager en uheldsramt enkemand og hans datter sig godt af hende.

A female FBI agent holidaying in Eastern Europe with her family gets her life upside down when her daughter is kidnapped. She has to team up with a criminal on the run to save her daughter before time runs out.

I en lille by i Midtvesten udspiller der sig et dødbringende årligt ritual, da det mytiske mareridt, Sawtooth Jack, rejser sig fra kornmarkerne og udfordrer byens teenagedrenge i en blodig overlevelseskamp.

Victor har lige siden sin gravide kones død i et jordskælv i Haiti for 12 år siden, opdraget deres datter, Angela alene. Men da Angela og hendes veninde Katherine forsvinder i den nærliggende skov og vender tilbage tre dage senere uden at huske, hvad der skete med dem, udløser det en kæde af begivenheder, der tvinger Victor til at konfrontere en uset ondskab og i sin rædsel og desperation opsøge den eneste, der har været vidne til noget lignende før.

A lonely man finds himself bedeviled by a malevolent force. But is it real or just all in his mind? (ALTER)

Madea and the gang encounter monsters, goblins and boogeymen at a haunted campground.

Five tales of human vulnerability and the hilarious, painful, and awkward curveballs life throws us.

At the dawn of her thirties, Mona tries relentlessly to take off as an actress. Time passes and proposals do not arrive. Short of resources, she is forced to move to Sam, her younger sister.