Versió musical en animació stop motion del famós conte de 'Pinocho', ambientada a la Itàlia feixista, durant la dècada de 1930.

The story of John Buultjens, who has dedicated his life to the sport of BMX.

Leonard, és un sastre anglès que confeccionava vestits a la mundialment famosa Savile Row de Londres. Després d'una tragèdia personal acaba a Chicago, treballant en una petita sastreria en una zona difícil de la ciutat on fa roba elegant per a les úniques persones al seu voltant que la poden pagar: una família de gàngsters.‎

Després dels últims assassinats de Ghostface, els quatre supervivents abandonen Woodsboro per començar un nou capítol.

Inspired by a true story of a family who believed they were possessed by spirits, this film follows a woman who must protect her child from a curse. WARNING: This is a cursed video, it might contain certain risks to watch. For those who dares to follow, please solve the puzzle of my daughter's curse with me.

El 1979, un grup de joves cineastes es van proposar fer una pel·lícula per a adults a la zona rural de Texas, però quan els seus amfitrions solitaris i ancians els atrapen a l'acte, l'elenc aviat es troba en una lluita desesperada per les seves vides.

After a series of brutal slayings, a teen and her friends take on an evil force that's plagued their notorious town for centuries.

Rejected by her lover, the only man left in Cheryl's life is the orphaned nephew she has raised as her own son. She'll stop at nothing to keep Billy with her. When her plans misfire, she is swept up into an insane frenzy that means death to anyone who comes between her and her obsession. But the investigating detective is convinced that Billy is the real killer - and determined to prove it. Madness and fanaticism work together to drag all concerned into a terrifying vortex of blood-letting that adds a nightmarish twist to the classic Oedipus story.

Després de ser enverinada sense remei, una criminal implacable té menys de 24 hores per venjar-se dels seus enemics i, durant el procés, es forma un vincle inesperat amb la filla d'una de les seves víctimes anteriors.

A stoner and his dealer are forced to go on the run from the police after the pothead witnesses a cop commit a murder.

After Shideh's building is hit by a missile during the Iran-Iraq War, a superstitious neighbor suggests that the missile was cursed and might be carrying malevolent Middle-Eastern spirits. She becomes convinced a supernatural force within the building is attempting to possess her daughter Dorsa, and she has no choice but to confront these forces if she is to save her daughter and herself.

Hivern. Fred. Molt fred. Sota zero. Nit tancada. Enmig d'una carretera despoblada, un furgó blindat és assaltat durant un trasllat de presos. Algú busca un dels presos i no pararà fins alliberar-lo. El seu pla no té fissures, no li importen les conseqüències, res l'aturarà. Però el Martín, el conductor del furgó, aconsegueix atrinxerar-se dins el vehicle blindat amb els reclusos, i es converteix en el seu únic obstacle. Obligat a entendre's amb els seus enemics naturals, el Martín intentarà sobreviure i complir el seu deure en una llarga nit de malson que acabarà fent que posi en dubte tots els seus principis.

The story of Steve Harmon, a 17-year-old honor student whose world comes crashing down around him when he is charged with felony murder.

Legendary rock band Foo Fighters move into an Encino mansion steeped in grisly rock and roll history to record their much anticipated 10th album. Once in the house, Dave Grohl finds himself grappling with supernatural forces that threaten both the completion of the album and the lives of the band.

On the trail of a missing friend who had been experimenting with mind-altering drugs, a young journalist - aided by a rogue counter-culture writer, finds herself drawn into the dangerous world of top-secret government chemical research and the mystery of a disturbing radio signal of unknown origin.

Six complete strangers with widely varying personalities are involuntarily placed in an endless maze of interlocking cube-shaped rooms containing deadly traps.

A off-world look at the superstitious repercussions of tattooing an Ouija Board on your body. Hagen, who has a dead wife believes that he can revive her from the dead. Travis, a man who lost his brother and wants to join him in the after life. Morbius, a bartender who is betrayed by those he loves comes back from the dead to take revenge.

Theater actress Lillian Cooper's son dies mysteriously. When the investigating officer rules the cause of death an accidental overdose, Lillian conducts her own investigation which leads her to an unlikely alliance with her son's former drug dealer. On her quest for answers, Lillian hallucinates some of the iconic characters she's played on stage which serve as her inner voice, urging her to avenge her son's death.

Three friends on a backpacking trip find themselves stalked by a mysterious individual recording their every move.