The documentary offers testimonies and documents never disclosed about the plot against its protagonist, who had the stigmata of Jesus Christ in his hands, feet and side for 50 consecutive years.

A boy with Tourette's syndrome overcomes criticism and discrimination to achieve his dream of becoming a teacher.

In 1917, outside the parish of Fátima, Portugal, a 10-year-old girl and her two younger cousins witness multiple visitations of the Virgin Mary, who tells them that only prayer and suffering will bring an end to World War I. As secularist government officials and Church leaders try to force the children to recant their story, word of the sighting spreads across the country, inspiring religious pilgrims to flock to the site in hopes of witnessing a miracle..

Thurgood Marshall, the first African-American Supreme Court Justice, battles through one of his career-defining cases.

In WWII's final years, a soldier in the German army, a British glider pilot, and a Dutch resistance fighter's paths intertwine. Their choices shape destinies, impacting not only their freedom but also that of others.

When Ashtray moves to South Central L.A. to live with his father (who appears to be the same age he is) and grandmother (who likes to talk tough and smoke reefer), he falls in with his gang-banging cousin Loc Dog, who along with the requisite pistols and Uzi carries a thermo-nuclear warhead for self-defense. Will Ashtray be able to keep living the straight life?

Una nit de l'estiu del 1839, cinquanta-tres esclaus negres que viatjaven a bord del navili “L'Amistat” es van amotinar i van prendre el control del vaixell davant de les costes de Cuba. Fracassat el seu intent de tornar a Àfrica, van ser detinguts per tropes americanes i es van trobar en un país estrany ia la mercè d'un sistema judicial que els era aliè.

Un buscavides es compinxa amb una pitonissa per enganyar la gent i aconseguir diners... Remake del film "El carreró de les ànimes perdudes" (Nightmare Alley) del 1947.

Vittorio is looking for a woman who matches his ideal. Through a classified ad he meets Sonia, a sweet, pleasant, intelligent girl. However, she weighs 125 pounds -- which according to Vittorio is way too much. A goldsmith by trade, Vittorio is obsessed with the desire to shape Sonia's body and mind as does a fire with gold. Almost imperceptibly Sonia becomes a passive participant and the relationship grows into a reciprocal masochistic game. When the two lovers isolate themselves in a country house in the Veneto hills, they dangerously lose touch with reality and the rest of the world.

Gunman Flame and his partner Citron assassinate Nazi collaborators for the Danish resistance. Assigned targets by their Allies-connected leader, Aksel Winther, they relish the opportunity to begin targeting the Nazis themselves. When they begin to doubt the validity of their assignments, their morally complicated task becomes even more labyrinthine.

Louise, a widow with two children, almost crushes a stranger with her car. She takes care of him, even if he's not really wounded. It turns out that he has mental disorders and that they can help each other much more than they thought.

Un adolescent testimoni d'un assassinat és perseguit per dos assassins bessons a través de les terres salvatges de Montana. Tot i que compta amb un expert de la supervivència per evitar que els sequaços el donin caça, un incendi proper aviat amenaça de robar la vida de tots els implicats.

Una xef amb l'ego inflat pren una sèrie de decisions que la fan quedar-se sense feina. Ara ha de dedicar-se a cuinar en una llar d'acollida. Un càstig diví o una oportunitat de redempció? Cathy és una estricta xef de 40 anys. Quan està a punt de complir el seu somni d'obrir el seu propi restaurant gurmet, un revés fa que res surti com havia planejat. Amb serioses dificultats econòmiques, accepta amb reticència una feinal en la cafeteria d'un centre per a joves immigrants. A poc a poc, les habilitats de la Cathy i la seva passió per la cuina comencen a canviar la vida dels nois, que també tenen molt a ensenyar-li a ella

Des de la dècada de 1960, un nombre desproporcionat de la població a Nome i al seu voltant, Alaska, ha desaparegut. Malgrat les investigacions de l'FBI, les desaparicions segueixen sent un misteri. La doctora Abigail Tyler, una psicòloga, pot estar a punt d'obrir els casos sense resoldre quan, durant el curs del tractament dels seus pacients, troba proves de segrestos alienígenes.

Marseille, July 1905. Nearly a teenager, Marcel Pagnol embarks in his last summer vacation before high school and returns, at last, to his beloved hills in Provence. What begins as a summer of boyhood adventures becomes one of the first loves, and unearthed secrets.

Un jove matrimoni compra una preciosa casa amb diversos acres de terreny a Napa Valley i descobreixen que l'home a qui la van comprar es nega a abandonar la propietat.

A man providing overnight watch to a deceased member of his former Orthodox Jewish community finds himself opposite a malevolent entity.

Tres faroners arriben a una illa abandonada. Thomas, James i Donald comencen les seves rutines, fins que passa una cosa inesperada: topen amb una cosa estranya, cosa que no és exactament el que un faroner hauria de vigilar. Les coses es complicaran quan albirin un vaixell que podria tenir totes les respostes, desencadenant un thriller psicològic basat en la llegenda de l'illa de Flannan.

A group of urbex enthusiasts travel to the backwoods of Appalachia to capture footage of abandoned houses, when they unwittingly become the subjects of a much darker video - made by a different kind of "enthusiast".

Forced to deal with the impending menopause Eve has to relive his life up to that point. With the 'help of Angelo (a real and clumsy guardian angel) she is also going be able to take off a few pebbles from her shoes.