Mob assassin Jeffrey is no ordinary hired gun; the best in his business, he views his chosen profession as a calling rather than simply a job. So, when beautiful nightclub chanteuse Jennie is blinded in the crossfire of his most recent hit, Jeffrey chooses to retire after one last job to pay for his unintended victim's sight-restoring operation. But when Jeffrey is double-crossed, he reluctantly joins forces with a rogue policeman to make things right.

Un arrogant i poc ortodox professor torna com a director a un institut d'on uns anys abans va ser acomiadat. Ha estat cridat per un vell amic, Frank Napier, un inspector escolar, per dur a terme una reforma interna a l'institut Paterson, considerada la pitjor escola de Nova Jersey, un niu de delinqüents juvenils i de traficants de drogues. El director recent, Joe Clark, té la tasca impossible d'imposar disciplina abans que l'Estat deixi sense poder el consell escolar i assumeixi les competències. El seu càrrec es farà indefinit si aconsegueix que els alumnes passin els exàmens finals, però els mètodes poc convencionals l'enfronten amb gran part de la comunitat.

Josh Baskin té tretze anys però, cansat que les noies no li facin cas i que els seus pares el tractin com a un nen, vol ser gran. Una nit troba en una fira una vella màquina que concedeix un desig a canvi d'una moneda. Josh, sense dubtar-ho un instant, demana fer-se gran. L'endemà al matí descobreix al mirall un cos d'adult. L'altra cara de la moneda seran els problemes i les responsabilitats que ha d'assumir sense cap experiència prèvia.

A potato farmer connects with the injured alien that crash-landed in his field, much to the chagrin of the local authorities.

When secretive new neighbors move in next door, suburbanite Ray Peterson and his friends let their paranoia get the best of them as they start to suspect the newcomers of evildoings and commence an investigation. But it's hardly how Ray, who much prefers drinking beer, reading his newspaper and watching a ball game on the tube expected to spend his vacation.

Dalton té un doctorat en Filosofia, però ha optat per guanyar-se la vida com a vigilant de locals de contactes, una professió força ben remunerada. Contractat per mantenir l'ordre al Double Duce a Jasper, Missouri, resulta ferit en la seva primera nit al local i és atès per "Doc" Clay, una bella doctora de la localitat. De seguida se n'enamora, però hi ha un altre home que s'interposa entre tots dos: Brad Wesley, un extorsionador i capo mafiós.

Billie Blessings is drawn into a murder investigation when Katie Sanders, a former server at Blessings-turned TV star, becomes the focus when it’s discovered the victim was blackmailing her. Billie must sift through the mounting evidence – and list of suspects – to get to the truth and clear her friend’s name.

Spain, 30's. Fabian Insausti (Juan Luis Galiardo), which has become a rich landowner in Venezuela, returns to his hometown due to the death of his mother. One day he decides to visit an old mansion converted into a luxury brothel, and there falls in love with Ana (Maribel Verdú), a young prostitute. He asks her to accompany him, but she is not willing to give up the luxury of home run by Charo, for her real mother. So the owner Fabian offers its pupils move to Venezuela, under the same conditions they have here.

Dr. Clayton Forrester figures he can rule the world if he deadens his subjects' brains by making them endure terrible movies. Exploiting his access to nearby satellite-dwellers Mike Nelson and his robot pals, Crow T. Robot and Tom Servo, Forrester makes them watch "This Island Earth", a cheesy 1950s spaceship film. But when Mike and friends make funny comments throughout the movie and others that follow, Forrester's plan looks increasingly flimsy.

After being evicted from their Manhattan apartment, a couple buy what looks like the home of their dreams—only to find themselves saddled with a bank-account-draining nightmare. Struggling to keep their relationship together as their rambling mansion falls to pieces around them, the two watch in hilarious horror as everything—including the kitchen sink—disappears into the Money Pit.

Every night the boy dreams he is someone else. Someone in danger. A crazy woman is after him. A woman who cannot have a son of her own. A story about a kidnapped boy, who finds out that the people he thought were his parents are his kidnappers. The film is about his escape and search for his home.

Allen Bauer és un novaiorquès que es va salvar de morir ofegat quan era un nen gràcies a una jove sirena. 20 anys després torna al mateix lloc i de nou cau al mar per ser rescatat una altra vegada per la mateixa sirena. Confús sobre els fets, Allen torna a Nova York, però la sirena decideix buscar-lo. Tots dos aconsegueix trobar-se i s'enamoren, encara que ell desconeix el secret.

Quan Jeff planeja tornar a casar-se, les seves filles trigèmines Megan, Lisa i Jessie intenten portar-ho al costat de Susan.

UFC 94: St-Pierre vs. Penn 2 was a mixed martial arts event held by the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) on January 31, 2009. The main event featured the rematch of the UFC Welterweight Champion Georges St-Pierre against the UFC Lightweight Champion BJ Penn for the UFC Welterweight Championship.

Joe Banks és un home una mica maniàtic que odia la seva feina: odia els llums fluorescents perquè creu que el posen malalts, i tremola davant la presència del seu cap Frank Watori; a més, se sent atret per la seva secretària, però no gosa parlar amb ella. Inesperadament, la seva vida canvia quan, després de visitar el doctor Ellison, s'assabenta que té un tumor cerebral i que, encara que se senti bé, morirà en un termini de cinc mesos. Contra tot pronòstic, Joe experimentarà un fort sentiment d'alliberament i passió per la vida.

A Beverly Hills housewife in the middle of a divorce tries to find focus in her life by taking over her daughter's Wilderness Girls troop.

Lenny Brown moves to California to find his fortune in tax shelter investments. When the federal government changes the tax laws, poor Lenny finds himself $700,000 in hock with nowhere to turn. His friend, Joel, introduces him to cocaine to give Lenny that needed "boost". What ensues next is a descent into drug addiction and insanity as Lenny tries to regain control of his life, all the while needing that extra "boost".

Estats Units, anys 40. Merry Noel (Bergen) i Liz Hamilton (Bisset), íntimes amigues des del col·legi, on havien segellat un pacte de fidelitat, se separen quan Merry es casa. Vint anys després, Merry, prototip de dona burgesa, mare i mestressa de casa, ha esdevingut una popular escriptora de best-sellers. Liz, en canvi, com a escriptora de caràcter intel·lectual, no gaudeix de la mateixa popularitat. Aprofitant una gira per Califòrnia, Liz visita Merry, que sembla feliç dins d'un ambient frívol i superficial. El retrobament traurà a la llum el que totes dues han canviat durant tot aquest temps.

The year is 2048, and global warming has flooded much of Earth's land areas. A father and his two sons try to salvage treasures from sunken buildings when they are given an important assignment by the New Vatican.