Aza confronts her potential for love, happiness, friendship, and hope while navigating an endless barrage of invasive, obsessive thoughts.

A unique friendship develops when a little girl and her dying mother inherit a cook - Mr. Church. What begins as an arrangement that should only last six months, instead spans fifteen years.

After surviving a car accident that took the life of her boyfriend, a teenage girl believes he's attempting to reconnect with her from the after world.

Told across a number of years, part of the ever waging war between the police and the criminal empires spanning Eastern Europe, we follow one young man's life, his childhood and adolescence and ultimately his descent into the criminal underworld. His path soon crosses with a policeman who will stop at nothing to catch him.

Cash is trying to live a quiet, honest life in a small Appalachian town. When a vicious crime boss forces him back into her services, he soon learns he's capable of anything -- even killing -- to protect his family and his home.

Based on the true story of an award-winning investigative journalist -- and avowed atheist -- who applies his well-honed journalistic and legal skills to disprove the newfound Christian faith of his wife... with unexpected, life-altering results.

Jim Morris never made it out of the minor leagues before a shoulder injury ended his pitching career twelve years ago. Now a married-with-children high-school chemistry teacher and baseball coach in Texas, Jim's team makes a deal with him: if they win the district championship, Jim will try out with a major-league organization. The bet proves incentive enough for the team, and they go from worst to first, making it to state for the first time in the history of the school. Jim, forced to live up to his end of the deal, is nearly laughed off the try-out field--until he gets onto the mound, where he confounds the scouts (and himself) by clocking successive 98 mph fastballs, good enough for a minor-league contract with the Tampa Bay Devil Rays. Jim's still got a lot of pitches to throw before he makes it to The Show, but with his big-league dreams revived, there's no telling where he could go.

Pop superstar Kat Valdez is about to get married before an audience of her loyal fans. However, seconds before the ceremony, she learns about her fiance's cheating ways and has a meltdown on stage. In a moment of inspired insanity, Kat locks eyes with a total stranger in the crowd and marries him on the spot. As forces conspire to separate the unlikely newlyweds, they must soon decide if two people from such different worlds can find true love together.

Harriet finds art imitating life when she discovers certain songs can transport her back in time – literally. While she relives the past through romantic memories of her former boyfriend, her time travelling collides with a burgeoning new love interest in the present. As she takes her journey through the hypnotic connection between music and memory, she wonders – even if she could change the past, should she?

Judith has known her husband Brice since they were children, but now their marriage is growing stale. Having just completed her graduate work in psychotherapy, she's eager to begin a career as a marriage counselor. She takes an internship at a matchmaking firm for millionaires and meets Harley, a charismatic billionaire investor who makes no effort to hide his attraction to Judith. Although quite resistant at first, eventually Judith succumbs to his charms, placing her marriage in jeopardy and forever altering the course of her life.

El ball de graduació de l'any passat va acabar en un gran drama per a la princesa Margarida. No gosa explicar a ningú el que va passar la nit que va ser hospitalitzada. De sobte, la família reial danesa planeja visitar Noruega, i la princesa Margarida finalment coneixerà el príncep danès amb qui ha estat parlant durant mesos. A mesura que el drama familiar comença a acumular-se per a la família reial noruega, es troba perduda entre tenir cura de la seva família, presentar-se com una princesa forta, i ser vulnerable a la recerca de l'amor.

Two romantic burnouts, Jane and Will, are immediately drawn to each other at a mutual friend’s wedding. After a disastrous hookup in the coatroom, the two spend the next 24 hours together, trading candid confessions of messy histories and heartbreak, on the off chance that this fling might be the real thing.

A man looking for the release of a long-time prisoner takes a police officer, his daughter, and a group of strangers hostage.

Un franctirador nord-americà que ha tornat de l'Afganistan es trastoca i comença a assassinar tots els membres de la unitat amb què va servir a l'última missió. Un coronel de l'exèrcit ordena formar un grup d'elit que elimini el tirador i protegeixi els components de la unitat que encara són vius. El Brandon Beckett, un expert franctirador, quedarà fora del grup perquè un dels oficials assassinats és el llegendari Thomas Beckett, el seu pare, i l'oficial en cap no vol que els seus sentiments personals interfereixin en la missió. Però el noi es negarà a obeir.

A young woman quietly unsatisfied in the bedroom by her boyfriend puts their relationship to the test when she proposes to open up their sex life to a third person.

A young Brooklyn couple head upstate to disconnect from their phones and reconnect with themselves. Cut off from their devices, they miss the news that the planet is under attack.

In the not-too-distant future: after a global catastrophe has wiped out nearly all of humanity on Earth, an elite astronaut from Space Colony Kepler must make a decision that will seal the fate of the people on both planets.

A photographer struggling with memory loss discovers her pictures may indicate something sinister is hitting close to home.

Henry, un escriptor fracassat, s'emporta una sorpresa en descobrir per què el seu llibre és un èxit a Mèxic. María, la traductora de la versió mexicana, ha convertit la seva insulsa novel·la en una apassionant narració eròtica.

Durant una exòtica escapada romàntica al sud-est asiàtic, la Jaelyn i el Kylie es veuen sorpresos per una forta tempesta tropical. El temporal arrasa la seva vila i els deixa a la deriva en un mar ple de taurons. Si volen sobreviure hauran de superar molts reptes.