BTS perform their Japan concert at Tokyo Dome and Fukuoka Yahuoku Dome during their Love Yourself World Tour.

Noriko és una dona soltera de 27 anys que viu feliç amb el seu pare vidu, cuidant d’ell i encarregant-se de les feines de casa. L’home creu que ha arribat el moment que la seva filla es casi, encara que això signifiqui quedar-se definitivament sol. Noriko no està molt convençuda d’abandonar-lo, però acaba per acceptar la idea. No obstant això, el candidat ideal per contreure matrimoni s’acaba comprometent amb la millor amiga de Noriko.

A World War I veteran’s dreams of becoming a master architect evaporate in the cold light of economic realities. Things get even worse when he’s falsely convicted of a crime and sent to work on a chain gang.

When the Spirit World is flooded due to an unusual rainfall which overflows the River Sanzu (aka the River Styx), Lord Koenma senses an extremely powerful enemy. He entrusts Death God Botan, to deliver to Spirit Detective Yusuke, a mysterious item which must be protected from the invading enemy. However, by the time Botan finds Yusuke, she's too weak to explain the situation. Yusuke and his friends are left in the dark about the new enemy, but not for long. Soon it is a battle for Earth between mere Spirit Detectives and the almighty king of the Netherworld.

A few individuals in the medical profession are murdered or kidnapped, and the cop investigating the case suspects a doctor and arrests him. But is he the one who is behind these crimes? And why are they being committed?

Leila and Damien struggle with his bipolar disorder.

Takumi i la seva filla, Hana, viuen en un poble pròxim a Tòquio. La seva vida es veurà profundament afectada quan descobreixen que prop de la seva casa es construirà un glamurós càmping perquè els habitants de la ciutat facin escapades còmodes a la naturalesa.

In a future where Mars is terraformed and colonized by the best humanity has to offer, two very different college students wind up joining forces and sneak onboard a space shuttle to the red planet in order to be united with their significant others.

Karl Anton Verloc and his wife own a small cinema in a quiet London suburb where they live seemingly happily. But Mrs. Verloc does not know that her husband has a secret that will affect their relationship and threaten her teenage brother's life.

Un fill adolescent amb dos pares fa un documental sobre ells, però un gir argumental a la vida real de la seva família el sorprèn.

This documentary looks at the Danish resistance movement's execution of 400 informers during the Nazi occupation and the ensuing cover-up.

Joel, a caustic 1980s film critic for a national horror magazine, finds himself unwittingly trapped in a self-help group for serial killers. With no other choice, Joel attempts to blend in with his homicidal surroundings or risk becoming the next victim.

Itàlia, any 1936. Giovanni Comini acaba de ser ascendit al càrrec de Federal, el més jove a Itàlia. És traslladat a Roma per a una delicada missió: ha de vigilar l'escriptor Gabriele D'Annunzio i assegurar-se que no doni cap mena de problema. D'Annunzio, un poeta reconegut a nivell nacional, està cada cop més inquiet i Benito Mussolini tem que pugui perjudicar l'aliança amb l'Alemanya nazi.

A debt-ridden father takes advantage of an unforeseen situation to disappear and live off the grid under a false identity. But a chance event occurs and the temptation to want to know his family resurfaces.

A detective and a medical examiner join forces to solve a series of horrific murders in Victorian London - but one of them harbors a deadly secret.

An Irish undertaker profits when outlaws take over a peaceful town, but his own family come under threat as the death toll increases dramatically.

When an up-and-coming stylist is found stabbed to death in his home, a young detective is given 20 days to solve the case. Inspired by true events.

Majestic mountains, a still lake and venomous betrayals engulf a married couple attempting to celebrate their first anniversary.