Marcello Rubini és un desencantat periodista romà, buscant celebritats, que es mou amb insatisfacció per les festes nocturnes que celebra la burgesia de l'època. Volta per diferents indrets de Roma, sempre envoltat de tota mena de personatges, especialment de l'elit de la societat italiana. En una de les sortides s'assabenta que Sylvia, una cèlebre diva del món del cinema, arriba a Roma, creu que aquesta és una gran oportunitat per aconseguir una gran notícia, i, en conseqüència, la perseguirà a la nit per diferents llocs de la ciutat.

Behind the Hollywood Bowl stage which is playing the opera The Barber of Seville, Bugs Bunny flees into the backstage area with Elmer Fudd in close pursuit. Seeing his opportunity to fight on his terms, Bugs raises the curtain on Elmer, trapping him on stage. As the orchestra begins playing, Bugs comes into play as the barber who is going to make sure that Elmer is going to get a grooming he will never forget.

A woman must steal a statue from a Paris museum to help conceal her father's art forgeries.

Després d'haver assassinat el seu germà, el rei de Dinamarca, Claudius es casa amb la reina i ocupa el tron ​​danès. Al mig del dolor, al príncep Hamlet se li apareix el fantasma del seu pare reclamant venjança contra el seu assassí. Hamlet decideix llavors contractar una companyia d'actors ambulants perquè representin a la cort una obra en què es mostra l'assassinat d'un rei a mans del seu germà i en circumstàncies idèntiques. Hamlet espera veure com la reacció del seu oncle confirma la culpa.

Charlotte Vale, una dona de mitjana edat que pertany a una família acomodada de Boston, viu reprimida i totalment controlada per la seva dominant i insensible mare. Gràcies a l'ajuda d'un psiquiatre amable, Charlotte aconsegueix recuperar l'autoestima i superar les seves pors. A més, es torna molt més extravertida i comença a sentir-se fins i tot atractiva. Disposada a gaudir de la seva nova vida, fa un creuer per Amèrica del Sud i al vaixell coneixerà un atractiu arquitecte infeliçment casat.

A woman, after committing a murder, flees into a church, confessing her life story to a priest.

Lovely Linda Mason has crooner Jim Hardy head over heels, but suave stepper Ted Hanover wants her for his new dance partner after fickle Lila Dixon gives him the brush. Jim's supper club, Holiday Inn, is the setting for the chase by Hanover and his manager.

James Stewart plays aeronautical engineer Theodore Honey, the quintessential absent-minded professor: eccentric, forgetful, but brilliant. His studies show that the aircraft being manufactured by his employer has a subtle but deadly design flaw that manifests itself only after the aircraft has flown a certain number of hours. En route to a crash site to prove his theory, Honey discovers that he is aboard a plane rapidly approaching his predicted deadline.

An embittered woman seeks escape in marriage, only to fall for her husband’s best friend.

A boy receives a gift from his grandfather for his birthday; a box in which to store the lessons he will learn throughout life. He inadvertently learns his first lesson when he opens the large chest of his grandfather's own lessons learned.

Four strangers board a plane and become fast friends, but a catastrophic crash leaves only one survivor. He then sets off on a journey to discover who these people were, but ultimately discovers the devastating truth about himself.

A man refuses to believe that pilot error caused a fatal crash, and persists in looking for another reason. Airliner crashes near Los Angeles due to unusual string of coincidences. Stewardess, who is sole survivor, joins airline executives in discovering the causes of the crash.

Two nine-year-old girls—rude Luise Palfy and respectful shy Lotte Körner—meet on a summer camp. Apart from their different hair-do, they look alike. They have never seen each other before, but soon find out that they are identical twins. It turns out that their parents divorced, each keeping one of the girls. They decide to trade places at the end of the summer. Lottie curls her hair, Lisa braids hers, and both go off to where they have never been before. The adventure begins.

Des de fa més de trenta anys, en una emissora de ràdio nord-americana s'emet el programa "A Prairie Home Companion", un xou de varietats per a tota la família que inclou música country en directe, anuncis ficticis i una sèrie protagonitzada pel detectiu Guy Noir. Un dia, de sobte, el presentador i els seus convidats s'assabenten que estan fent l'últim programa perquè el teatre on actuen serà enderrocat per convertir-lo en un aparcament.

Lester is a clumsy and awkward TV repair man who is nevertheless gifted technically. In helping out a friend, he is drawn into a mystery involving a missing heir in a rich family. He begins to notice little things, like how much those family portraits look like him. can't be...can he ?

Popeye and Bluto are running competing penny arcades, trying to bring in customer Wimpy. Of course, he would gladly pay Tuesday for a penny today. And of course, their competing arcades show clips featuring each of them, with well over half of this short thus recycled.

Francisco and his closest friends play on a soccer team that has reached its lowest point. They’ve got to win one of the next three games to keep the school from cutting their team altogether. A series of strange events take place in the first two games. Coincidence? Conspiracy? Francisco and his friends decide to create The Footballest, an investigative team that will get them into all kinds of adventures, where their ingenuity and their friendships will be put to the test.

Lee Egan, un criminal d'estar per casa que viu a Los Angeles, planeja atracar una joieria amb la finalitat de començar una nova vida. Per donar el cop, demana ajuda al seu germà gran, el veterà Roy, i recluta un parell d'homes més: en Montana i l'ambiciós Skip. L'operació resulta un èxit, però l'Skip vol quedar-se amb tot el botí...

Set against the backdrop of the infamous Theatre Grand Guignol the story revolves around iconic actress Paula Maxa - the most famous of the Grand Guignol's leading ladies and the titular Most Assassinated Woman, who was graphically slain on stage multiple times a day.

Aquest és un Don Juan que canvia els papers que habitualment se li atribueixen. En aquesta versió ja no sedueix totes les dones sinó que s’obsessiona per una de sola, la que el va abandonar.