El planeta Terra s'acosta poc a poc al final dels seus dies a causa de la contaminació i del mal estat en què estan les terres, cosa que provoca una escassetat de cultius i, per tant, de menjar. Cooper ha d'escollir entre quedar-se amb la seva família o liderar una expedició d'astronautes que viatjaran a l'espai buscant una nova llar per a la raça humana. L'equip aprofitarà els últims descobriments de l'astrofísica per abandonar el sistema solar i trobar un altre planeta lliure de contaminació, que pugui albergar el futur de la humanitat.

A group of college students, led by Claudia, decide to investigate a local tower that has figured prominently in disturbing reoccurring dreams Claudia has been having. They are suspended from school for their antics, but Claudia learns from one of the female staff members that the person in the dream is a student who killed herself years before and that the headmistress has seen her ghost.

Principis del segle XVIII. Anglaterra està en guerra amb els francesos. Una reina afeblida, Anne (Olivia Colman), ocupa el tron ​​i la seva amiga Lady Sarah (Rachel Weisz) governa el país en la seva absència, a causa del seu estat de salut i el seu caràcter inestable. Quan una nova serventa apareix, Abigail (Emma Stone), el seu encant sedueix Sarah. Sarah ajuda Abigail i aquesta veu una oportunitat per tornar a les seves arrels aristocràtiques. Com que la política ocupa gran part del temps de Sarah, Abigail comença a acompanyar amb més freqüència la Reina. Desenvoluparan una amistat que Abigail aprofitarà per satisfer les seves ambicions.

Two lighthouse keepers try to maintain their sanity while living on a remote and mysterious New England island in the 1890s.

Continua la història d'Els Venjadors: Era d'Ultron, amb Steve Rogers liderant un nou equip de Venjadors en el seu esforç per protegir la humanitat. Després d'un altre incident internacional relacionat amb els Venjadors que ocasiona danys col·laterals, la pressió política força a crear un sistema de registre i un cos governamental per determinar quan es requereixen els serveis de l'equip. El nou status quo divideix els Venjadors mentre intenten salvar el món d'un nou i pervers dolent.

Robert Neville és un científic brillant, però no ha pogut impedir l'expansió d'un terrible virus incurable. En Robert hi és immune i és l'últim supervivent humà a la ciutat de Nova York. Durant tres anys envia cada dia missatges per ràdio buscant altres supervivents.

Kate is a young woman who has a habit of making bad decisions, and her last date with disaster occurs after she accepts work as Santa's elf for a department store. However, after she meets Tom there, her life takes a new turn.

Armat només amb una paraula, Tenet, el protagonista haurà de lluitar per la supervivència del món sencer i evitar la Tercera Guerra Mundial, en una història d'espionatge internacional. La missió es desplegarà més enllà del temps real. No són viatges en el temps, és inversió.

A una dona (Jennifer Lawrence) li agafa per sorpresa que el seu marit (Javier Bardem) deixi entrar a casa unes persones a qui no havia convidat. A poc a poc el comportament del seu marit va sent més estrany, i ella comença a estressar-se i a intentar fer fora tothom.

When Duchess Margaret unexpectedly inherits the throne & hits a rough patch with Kevin, it’s up to Stacy to save the day before a new lookalike — party girl Fiona — foils their plans.

When Adolf Hitler reawakens at the site of his former bunker in present-day Berlin, he is mistaken for a comedian and quickly becomes a media phenomenon.

A young man in a personal tailspin flees the US to Italy, where he sparks up a romance with a woman harboring a dark, primordial secret.

Female protagonist’s brother dies under mysterious circumstances. Extremely vivid nightmares begin to haunt her and she decides to turn to the Institute of somnology for help. Along with other patients, they are induced into a «collective lucid dream». But at the dawn, they will awake to a completely different reality that is more horrifying than any nightmare.

Mary Lennox is born in India to wealthy British parents who never wanted her. When her parents suddenly die, she is sent back to England to live with her uncle. She meets her sickly cousin, and the two children find a wondrous secret garden lost in the grounds of Misselthwaite Manor.

Seeking inspiration for a new writing project, a man spends Halloween night in a notoriously haunted house. He soon realizes he is living in his own horror story.

Alex Whitaker and three other gifted psychics investigate rumors that the secret of life has been discovered by master puppeteer, Andre Toulon, in the form of five killer puppets uniquely qualified for murder and mayhem.

Trapped in a mysterious psychiatric ward, a man with no memory comes to believe that he’s the President of the United States and the subject of a diabolical political conspiracy. As the asylum’s soul-crushing forces bear down on him, he fights to preserve his sanity and escape so that he can return to power.

Dr. Louis Creed and his wife, Rachel, move from Boston to Ludlow, in rural Maine, with their two young children. Hidden in the woods near the new family home, Ellie, their eldest daughter, discovers a mysterious cemetery where the pets of community members are buried.

Teen girls perform a secret ritual at a Purity Retreat and, when one of them begins to see a supernatural entity, the terrifying question becomes what is more dangerous: the demon they’ve unleashed, or the pressure of their controlling fathers.

He threw their loved ones into a swamp. Now they want revenge... But when a demon does their dirty work, it comes at a price.