With input from actor and writer Jan Hlobil, director and cinematographer Rene Smaal presents a film in the true surrealist tradition, in the sense that only 'found' elements were used, and that it defies interpretation based on ordinary cause-and-effect time sequence.

A young Tokyo salary man and his wife struggle within the confines of their passionless relationship while he has an extramarital affair.

Two women, black and white, in 1955 Montgomery Alabama, must decide what they are going to do in response to the famous bus boycott led by Martin Luther King.

Three women in a maternity ward reveal their lives and intimate thoughts to each other.

Parisian everyman Antoine Doinel has married his sweetheart Christine Darbon, and the newlyweds have set up a cozy domestic life of selling flowers and giving violin lessons while Antoine fitfully works on his long-gestating novel. As Christine becomes pregnant with the couple's first child, Antoine finds himself enraptured with a young Japanese beauty. The complications change the course of their relationship forever.

Celestine has a new job as a chambermaid for the quirky M. Monteil, his wife and her father. When the father dies, Celestine decides to quit her job and leave, but when a young girl is raped and murdered, Celestine believes that the Monteils' groundskeeper, Joseph, is guilty, and stays on in order to prove it. She uses her sexuality and the promise of marriage to get Joseph to confess -- but things do not go as planned.

On a trip to visit his parents, detective Nick Charles gets mixed up in a murder investigation.

Politikommisær Diamond får ordre fra politichef Peterson om at afslutte sin overvågning af Mr. Brown, der mistænkes for at være mafiaboss, fordi overvågningen koster afdelingen for mange penge uden at give brugbare resultater. Diamond gør et sidste forsøg på at afdække beviser mod Brown ved at gå til Browns kæreste, Susan Lowell.

The arrival of an attractive young teacher in a small town in the Po valley disturbs the drowsy life of the place, leading eventually to a murder.

The Making-of James Cameron's Avatar. It shows interesting parts of the work on the set.

After the Civil War, a former Union colonel searches for the two traitors whose perfidy led to the loss of a close friend.

Catherine Ballou er lige vendt hjem efter et langt skoleophold, men meget er sket siden hun forlod sin gamle far. En korrupt sheriff ser bare på, mens banditter styrer byen og prøver på at overtage Frank Ballou's gård. Hun får et råd af en medhjælper på gården (han er vidstnok halvtredsenstyvendedel indianer af én eller anden slags): Hyr en revolvermand! Det gør hun så og da hun har læst om Kid Shelleen, ja så skriver hun til ham. Men han er alt andet end hvad hun havde drømt om. Gammel, slidt, brugt og lugter fælt!

Jesus of Nazareth’s life and ministry were subject to seismic social and political events that led to his execution and changed the world forever.

A movie crew invades a small town whose residents are all too ready to give up their values for showbiz glitz.

Brad is about to hook up with the girl of his dreams, but runs into a problem, no condom. So Brad sets out into the night to find one, running into many obstacles along the way, while not knowing his best friend, Leah is in love with him.

The year is 1764. For over a year, Josef has been leading a precarious life in Venice. He hopes to become an opera composer. The city, full of talented and already-established composers, seems closed to him. Looking for work as a violinist, he comes into the orbit of a rich young woman. Thanks to her, he gets the opportunity to play at salons. But his real opportunity arises when he becomes the lover of a libertine marquise. She teaches him worldly manners, rids him of signs of a provincial upbringing and introduces him to a hedonistic existence free from religious intolerance. Thus transformed, Josef gets an incan incredible commission: to write an opera for the San Carlo, Europe's largest theatre.

Claudio and Helena are on the verge of breaking up, until the couple experiences another strange phenomenon that looks to help them understand one another more.

Abandoned by her fiancé, an educated black woman with a traumatizing past dedicates herself to helping a near bankrupt school for impoverished black children.

Efter at hans rige far nægter at betale sin gæld, slutter den spilleavhengige Lawrence Bourne III sig til Peace Corps for at unddrage sig vrede kreditorer. I Thailand får han til opgave at bygge en bro til de lokale landsbyboere med hjælp fra American-As-Apple-Pie WSU Grad Tom Tuttle og den smukke og jordnære Beth Wexler. Hvad de ikke er klar over er, at broen er eftertragtet af den amerikanske hær, en lokal kommunistisk styrke og en magtfuld narkobaron. Sammen med hjælp fra At Toon, den eneste engelsktalende indfødte, skal de bekæmpe de tre modsatrettede kræfter og finde ud af, hvad der er rigtigt for landsbyboerne, såvel som dem selv.

Andrew er en prisbelønnet og anset forfatter, som er taget på ferie istorbyen. Amos er en lille forbryder som er taget på ferie fra sinhjerne. Normalt ville deres verdener aldrig mødes. Men nu bliver Andrewuskyldigt anklaget for indbrud og havner midt i et hysteriskgidseldrama. Sammen tvinges de til at flygte fra gale naboer ogskydegale politifolk, som har deres klare ordre: "Skyd først - og stilspørgsmål bagefter!". Men det største problem er ikke hvordan det lykkes dem at overlevepolitiet. Hvordan skal det lykkes dem at overleve hinanden?