After receiving a patch, a blender gains consciousness and begin to think about life, the human and the lifetime of electronics. When a man disappears, the blender remains the only company of his wife.

Álvaro is a marketing manager, divorced with a son who he can barely talk to, living a mediocre life and doing a mediocre job, until his bosses tell him he needs to improve his marketing campaigns for the next 2018's World Cup. He'll soon launch a plan with Argentina's National Football Team and the upcoming qualifiers that may become a lot more risky that he planned.

La vida de Jeanne Dielman, una jove vídua amb un fill, segueix un ordre immutable: mentre el noi és a l'escola, ella s'ocupa de les feines domèstiques al matí i exerceix la prostitució a la tarda.

When witnessing a hit, Arandir, a newly married banker, tries to succor the victim, but the man, almost dead, has only time to make one last request: a kiss. Arandir kisses the man, but his act is spotted by his father-in-law Aprígio and photographed by Amado Ribeiro, a tabloid reporter.

A journalist descends into the dark underbelly of the Iranian holy city of Mashhad as she investigates the serial killings of sex workers by the so called "Spider Killer", who believes he is cleansing the streets of sinners.

A journey into the labyrinthine heart of ideology, which shapes and justifies both collective and personal beliefs and practices: with an infectious zeal and voracious appetite for popular culture, Slovenian philosopher and psychoanalyst Slavoj Žižek analyzes several of the most important films in the history of cinema to explain how cinematic narrative helps to reinforce prevailing ethics and political ideas.

The story of a blind dervish named Bab'Aziz and his spirited granddaughter, Ishtar. Together they wander the desert in search of a great reunion of dervishes that takes place just once every thirty years. With faith as their only guide, the two journey for days through the expansive, barren landscape.

Claude Massoulier is murdered while hunting at the same place as Julien Vercel, an estate agent who knew him and whose fingerprints are found on Massoulier's car. As the police discover that Marie-Christine Vercel, Julien's wife, was Massoulier's mistress, Julien is the prime suspect. But his secretary, Barbara Becker, while not quite convinced he is innocent, defends him and leads her private investigations.

Melodrama romàntic, ambientat a la Indoxina francesa durant els anys trenta, que narra els canvis que van portar a la creació de Vietnam a partir de les ruïnes del colonialisme. A l'hora de ser elegida millor pel·lícula estrangera va tenir molt de pes la interpretació de la prestigiosa actriu Catherine Deneuve, que va ser nominada a l'Oscar. Una dona elegant d'ascendència francesa, propietària d'una plantació de cautxú, té dos grans amors: la seva filla adoptiva i el país on viu.

A couple of friends work for a taxi driver to rob his passengers, but they feel like they're getting ripped off. They decide to plan their own robberies, but they are amateurs and things don't go too well. One of the youths, Cordoba, whose girlfriend Sandra is pregnant, just wants to get enough cash so they can leave Argentina and get to Uruguay to start a new life. He and his friends plan one last robbery, but things don't go as planned.

Sosa is a lawyer who haunts hospital waiting rooms hoping to represent the victims of traffic accidents in insurance claims. When he falls in love with ambulance medic Luján, he tries to leave this dark business but the shady law firm that he works for won’t let him off that easily.

Three key events during three different time periods, in three seasons, and on three nights culminate to change the life of Zhang Dong Ling.

Francisco Paesa, exagent secret del govern espanyol, responsable de l'operació contra ETA més important de la història, es veu embolicat en un cas d'extorsió en plena crisi dels GAL i ha de fugir del país. Quan torna al cap dels anys està arruïnat i la seva vida personal travessa el pitjor moment. En aquestes circumstàncies, rep la visita de Luis Roldán, exdirector general de la Guàrdia Civil, i de la seva dona Nieves Fernández Puerto, que li ofereixen un milió de dòlars per ajudar-los a salvar 1.500 milions de pessetes sostrets a l'erari públic i per brindar-ne una oportunitat idònia de millorar la seva situació econòmica, venjant-se del govern espanyol, en una magistral operació digna del millor espia ajudat de Jesús Camoes, el seu amic inseparable.

Paulina is a young lawyer with a promising career in Buenos Aires, who chooses to go back to her home town. Her father, Fernando, is a well known judge. Against his will, Paulina decides to teach in a suburban high school as part of an inclusion program. One night, after the second week working there, she's brutally assaulted by a gang. With the disapproval of the people around her, she decides to go back to work, in the neighborhood where she was attacked, without realizing that her attackers may be even closer than she thought.

School's out and 13-year-old Walter has lost his father. In his seemingly aimless wanderings around the Roman coast, a fascinating and mysterious place catches his eye: an abandoned villa with a huge, murky swimming pool. But the villa is not unguarded...

A man falls in love with his childhood friend, but her sister is the one who reciprocates his feelings.

Julián Lemar, a best-selling suspense writer, goes on vacation with his family to a cabin in the woods. During a strong storm, the power goes out and a woman shows up desperately asking for help: her husband killed her son and now he wants to kill her. From that moment on, danger and deception are a constant threat and for Julián a hellish night begins until he discovers the truth.

Titlla Swinton és la mestra de cerimònies, per partida doble, en la nova pel·lícula de Joanna Hogg, la directora britànica darrere del celebrat díptic: "The Souvenir". Una dona i la seva anciana mare han d'enfrontar-se a secrets enterrats fa molt temps quan tornen a la seva antiga casa familiar, una antiga gran mansió que s'ha convertit en un hotel gairebé buit ple de misteri.

Bergen, a valuable Turkish arabesque singer, fights to stay afloat despite all the difficulties in her life.

Ocultant-se en els frondosos boscos d'Amèrica del Nord, una família de Bigfoots, possiblement l'última de la seva enigmàtica espècie, viu en plena comunió amb la naturalesa. Un dia, decideixen embarcar-se en un absurd, èpic i hilarant viatge. Aquests gegants peluts intentaran sobreviure en un món en constant canvi i moviment que amenaça la seva pau, la seva existència... i el seu anonimat com a llegenda dels boscos.