Den Oscar-belønnede filmskaber Guillermo del Toro genopfinder den klassiske historie om trædukken, der vækkes til live, i denne smukke, musikalske stop-motion-film.

A young girl recounts her girlhood and eventual marriage to a general of the Mexican revolution. by one of the most outstanding writers of the new feminist Mexican literature, it is at once a haunting novel of one woman's life and a powerful account of post-revolutionary Mexico from a female perspective.

Haruto Asakura falls in love with hairdresser Misaki Ariake and asks her out. Watching Misaki Ariake work hard to achieve what she wants, Haruto Asakura, who almost gave up his dream to become a photographer, begins to pursue his dream again, but Misaki Ariake is diagnosed with a disease that ages her 10x faster than normal.

En klanherre er draget bort for en stund, hvilket giver et par af hans undersåtter anledning til at planlægge et kup. En gruppe unge samuraier fatter mistanke og er fast besluttet på at komme herrens familie og kammerherre – som er blevet kidnappet af de skurkagtige komplotmagere – til undsætning. En døsig Sanjuro viser sig nu på scenen og rådgiver de unge og voldsomt naive samuraier til at handle med hovedet og ikke lade følelserne løbe af med sig. Til at begynde med er de noget skeptiske over for den snuskede og taktløse lejesoldat, men efter at han har bevist sin snilde og kampevne i flere situationer, overgiver de unge helte sig efterhånden til Sanjuros ledelse.

Den hovedrige Lightstone-familie er mål for en bande brutale tyve, der tager alle som gidsler på selveste juleaften og truer med at skære mere end flæskestegen, hvis ikke det propfyldte pengeskab bliver åbnet. En desillusionerede og gnaven julemand, vader pludselig ind i denne situation og bliver tvunget til at finde sin gode side frem for at redde familien, ikke mindst den lille pige Trudy, der stadig tror på, at julemanden findes!

Når den første sne falder i dalen, må insekterne skynde sig at indsamle deres forråd til vinteren. Men under det store arbejde med at indsamlingen fanges en lille mariehønge i en kasse med kurs mod Carabien. Når krisen er ude er hjælpen nær, og redningsholdet i insekternes verden må træde til.

An aimless college graduate jumping from one job interview to another — killing time in between with his wisecracking and deadbeat room-mate — falls in love with an actress.

Journalist Michael Ausiello embarks on a rollercoaster ride of emotions when Kit Cowan, his partner of 14 years, is diagnosed with terminal cancer.

It's the final weeks of the most consequential presidential election in history. America is poised to elect either its first female president or its first viable independent candidate. Reporting history as it's made, an idealistic young journalist teams up with her idol, legendary journalist Nick Booker, to uncover a conspiracy that places the fate of the election, and the country, in their hands.

West Point, New York, 1830. When a cadet at the burgeoning military academy is found hanged with his heart cut out, the top brass summons former New York City constable Augustus Landor to investigate. While attempting to solve this grisly mystery, the reluctant detective engages the help of one of the cadets: a strange but brilliant young fellow by the name of Edgar Allan Poe.

In a Parisian parking lot Sonia finds herself trapped in her car with her son and the daughter of her boyfriend Fred, who has been left outside, powerless to deal with the situation: an anti-tank mine has been set under the car. Sonia is a bomb-disposal expert, who works for a NGO with Fred. She just got back from a mission in Ukraine and, while she's used to face dangerous situations, with the children's lives on the line the stakes have never been higher. Along with colleagues Igor and Camille, who came to the rescue, Sonia and Fred have 30 minutes to defuse the bomb and work out who could be the mastermind behind this. Will they stand united until the end or will the family implode under pressure?

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are taking on the British monarchy in the third installment in Lifetime’s movie trilogy about the royal couple. The film explores what really happened inside the palace that drove Harry and Meghan to leave everything behind in order to make a future for themselves and their son Archie.

En familiesammenkomst i et fjerntliggende palæ tager en dødelig drejning, da de er fanget inde og tvunget til at spille et dødbringende overlevelsesspil, hvor kun én vil komme ud i live.

Taking place in real time, elementary school teacher Emily organizes a mixer of like-minded women, but an altercation between a woman from Emily’s past and the group leads to a volatile chain of events.

The French government is asking Gustave Eiffel to design something spectacular for the 1889 Paris World Fair, but he simply wants to design the subway—until he crosses paths with a mysterious woman from his past.

Da en college studerende kvinde er alene på skolen henover Thanksgiving ferien, bliver hun udset som offer for en gruppe utilpassede. Hun må derfor overvinde sine dybeste frygt og kæmpe tilbage for at overleve!

When a spiteful coworker sabotages her deliveries, a courier and a helpful customer must race to return Christmas presents to their intended recipients.

When the local mafia shows up to burn down her restaurant, Ana, a chef with a meticulous past, defends her turf and proves her knife skills both in and out of the kitchen.

Aisha, a Senegalese immigrant who takes a job as a nanny for a wealthy white family in New York City, finds herself consumed by unsettling visions and a growing rage.

Uvidende om dets mørke fortid, køber et ægtepar det onde hus i Amityville, men som de og deres venner begynder at renovere, begynder de alle at opleve skrækindjagende fænomener og mareridt. Kan de slippe for forbandelsen over huset?