As Agnes slowly dies of cancer, her sisters are so immersed in their own psychic pains that they are unable to offer her the support she needs.
アメリカ中北部の田舎町を舞台に、偽装誘拐が引き起こす惨劇とそれに関わる人々の奇妙な姿を描いたユニークな犯罪ドラマ。 ミネソタ州ミネアポリスに住むカー・ディーラーのジェリー・ランディガード(W・H・メイシー)は借金返済のために自分の妻ジーンを誘拐し、会社のオーナーでもある義父から身代金をいただこうと考えた。誘拐を実行するのは、前科者の従業員から紹介された妙な二人組、カール(S・ブシェミ)とグリムスラッド(P・ストーメア)。だがジーンを自宅から誘拐した二人は、隣町ブレイナードまで逃げたところで、停車を命じた警官と目撃者を射殺してしまう。ブレイナードの女性警察署長マージ・ガンダーソン(F・マクドーマンド)は事件を追ってミネアポリスに赴くが、その間にも狂い始めた誘拐計画は次々と犠牲者を産んでいく……。 コーエン兄弟はその特異な作風で知られる、80~90年代アメリカ・インディペンデント映画界の雄だが、この作品はその真価がもっとも発揮された一編と言っていいだろう。実話を基にしているとはいえ、ほとんどは創作だというストーリー自体の面白さももちろんだが、個々のキャラクターのおかしさとさりげなくも効果的な台詞の数々は、ドラマの完成度を極限まで高めている。雪に覆われた白い町で起こる血みどろの物語。まさに“白のフィルム・ノワール”と呼んでもいい。カンヌ映画祭で監督賞に輝いただけでなく、アカデミーでは主演女優賞と脚本賞も獲得した逸品。
ジュールとジムは、情熱的で奔放な女性カトリーヌに恋をする。ジムへの想いを胸に秘めたままジュールと結婚した彼女だが、ジムとの再会で再び二人に愛の炎が燃え上がる。しかし、小さな食い違いでジムは彼女から離れていく。ある日出かけた河岸で、カトリーヌはジムをドライブに誘い、壊れた橋に向かってスピードを上げた。 三角関係の心理を見事に描いた本作は、ジャンヌ・モローの輝くばかりの美しさが圧倒的な魅力となった一遍。
Alessandro and Arturo have been together for over 15 years and, despite the feeling they still have for each other, their relationship is now at crisis. When Alessandro’s best friend, out of the blue, asks them to take care of her two kids for a few days, something changes in their daily routine and love will drive them to a crazy and unexpected turn in their life.
Set during the Nazi occupation of Poland, in which Michał witnesses the murder of his mother, wife and child. He is hurled into a life that literally is not his own; a surreal world littered with trapdoors, doppelgängers and wormholes. It also tells the true untold story of a vaccine laboratory where Jews and members of the resistance were employed as feeders for parasites infected with typhus.
A man is murdered, apparently by one of a group of soldiers just out of the army. But which one? And why?
Martha Beck, an obese nurse who is desperately lonely, joins a "correspondence club" and finds a romantic pen pal in Ray Fernandez. Martha falls hard for Ray, and is intent on sticking with him even when she discovers he's a con man who seduces lonely single women, kills them and then takes their money. She poses as Ray's sister and joins Ray on a wild killing spree, fueled by her lingering concern that Ray will leave her for one of his marks.
A doctor at a run-down psychiatric hospital is offered a large sum of money to shelter a new patient. Soon the place is full of suspicious and secretive characters, all apparently international secret agents trying to find out who and what the patient is.
A captain and his sailors investigate the rampaging "Marsh Phantoms" terrorizing a coastal town, but their search is hindered by a local reverend and a horrifying curse.
After an unusual meteor shower leaves most of the human population blind, a merchant navy officer must find a way to conquer tall, aggressive plants which are feeding on people and animals.
After a series of scientific experiments directed towards freeing the inner man and controlling human personalities, the kindly, generous Dr Henry Jekyll succeeds in freeing his own alter ego, Edward Hyde, a sadistic, evil creature whose pleasure is murder.
Simon Cordier, a French magistrate and amateur sculptor comes into contact with a malevolent entity. The invisible - yet corporeal - being, called a "horla" is capable of limited psychokinesis and complete mind control.
Aliens have landed and are hiding on Earth, but need Earth’s scientists to help them fight an inter-planetary war.
Lynch's first film project consists of a loop of six people vomiting projected on to a special sculptured screen featuring twisted three-dimensional faces.
Based on a true story of serial killer a model citizen, loving father and husband and serial killer John Wayne Gacy, a man with over 30 dead men and boys entombed in the crawl space underneath his house which he shared with his family.