Antarbintang mencatat petualangan sekelompok penjelajah yang memanfaatkan lubang cacing yang baru ditemukan untuk melampaui batasan perjalanan ruang angkasa manusia dan menaklukkan jarak yang luas yang terlibat dalam pelayaran antarbintang.

A young lion prince is cast out of his pride by his cruel uncle, who claims he killed his father. While the uncle rules with an iron paw, the prince grows up beyond the Savannah, living by a philosophy: No worries for the rest of your days. But when his past comes to haunt him, the young prince must decide his fate: Will he remain an outcast or face his demons and become what he needs to be?

Seorang mantan Jenderal Romawi bertekad membalas dendam terhadap kaisar korup yang membunuh keluarganya dan mengirimnya ke perbudakan.

Terdampar di luar angkasa tanpa persediaan makanan dan minuman, Tony Stark berusaha mengirim pesan untuk Pepper Potts dimana persediaan oksigen mulai menipis. Sementara itu para Avengers yang tersisa harus menemukan cara untuk mengembalikan 50% mahluk di seluruh dunia yang telah dilenyapkan oleh Thanos.

A New York stockbroker refuses to cooperate in a large securities fraud case involving corruption on Wall Street, corporate banking world and mob infiltration. Based on Jordan Belfort's autobiography.

Ketika musuh yang tak terduga muncul, mengancam keselamatan dan keamanan dunia, Nick Fury, direktur Badan Perdamaian Internasional, dikenal sebagai S.H.I.E.L.D. , membutuhkan tim untuk menyelamatkan dunia dari bencana. Usaha perekrutan pun dimulai Iron Man, Captain America, Hulk, Thor, Black Widow dan Hawkeye dikumpulkan untuk menaklukkan Dewa Kehancuran, Loki, dalam usahanya menghancurkan bumi. Dengan semua gabungan kekuatan, tugas nampak lebih mudah. Namun kenyatannya tidak demikian! Para pahlawan super justru saling melawan satu sama lain Hulk melawan Captain America, siapa yang akan menang? Apakah Iron Man dapat mengalahkan kekuatan super milik Thor? Bagaimana para pahlawan super ini secara bersama-sama menghadapi bencana, melindungi masyarakat dan yang terpenting, bertahan hidup?

When the seaside community of Amity finds itself under attack by a dangerous great white shark, the town's chief of police, a young marine biologist, and a grizzled hunter embark on a desperate quest to destroy the beast before it strikes again.

Fifteen years after murdering his sister on Halloween Night 1963, Michael Myers escapes from a mental hospital and returns to the small town of Haddonfield, Illinois to kill again.

Sebuah keluarga dipaksa hidup dalam kesunyian dan harus berhati - hati pada setiap tindakan yang mereka lakukan, ketika mereka mencoba untuk tetap bersembunyi dalam pandangan dan suara dari makhluk cerdas yang ganas yang mulai menyerang bumi.

Permainan dimulai saat seorang detektif eksentrik harus memeras otak dan mengerahkan otot demi melacak sesosok musuh keji dengan bantuan rekannya.

Di sebuah kota kecil bernama Maine, 7 anak-anak yang dikenal dengan nama The Losers Club harus berhadap-hadapan dengan masalah, perundungan dan monster yang mengambil bentuk badut yang biasa dipanggil Pennywise.

Matilda Wormwood is an exquisite and intelligent little girl. Unfortunately, her parents, Harry and Zinnia misunderstand her because they think she is so different. As time passes, she finally starts school and has a kind teacher, loyal friends, and a sadistic headmistress. As she gets fed up with the constant cruelty, she begins to realize that she has a gift of telekinetic powers. After some days of practice, she suddenly turns the tables to stand up to Harry and Zinnia and outwit the headmistress.

A millionaire realizes he really wants to live after he has hired an assassin to kill him.

Agent 007 is back in the second installment of the James Bond series, this time battling a secret crime organization known as SPECTRE. Russians Rosa Klebb and Kronsteen are out to snatch a decoding device known as the Lektor, using the ravishing Tatiana to lure Bond into helping them. Bond willingly travels to meet Tatiana in Istanbul, where he must rely on his wits to escape with his life in a series of deadly encounters with the enemy.

Melawan kehedak Ayahnya Odin, Sang Perkasa Thor – Dewa pejuang yang kuat namun sombong – dengan ceroboh menyalakan kembali perang kuno. Thor dibuang ke Bumi dan dipaksa untuk hidup di antara manusia sebagai hukuman. Begitu tiba di sini, Thor belajar apa yang diperlukan untuk menjadi pahlawan sejati ketika penjahat paling berbahaya di dunianya mengirimkan pasukan tergelap Asgard untuk menyerang Bumi.

Ketika sebuah virus bocor dari sebuah fasilitas rahasia, mengubah semua peneliti yang tinggal di sana menjadi zombi yang rakus dan hewan-hewan laboratorium mereka menjadi anjing-anjing yang bermutasi dari neraka, pemerintah mengirimkan satuan tugas militer elit untuk membendung wabah tersebut.

When a huge hurricane hits her hometown in Florida, Haley ignores evacuation orders to look for her father. After finding him badly wounded, both are trapped by the flood. With virtually no time to escape the storm, they discover that rising water levels are the least of their problems.

Despite Jigsaw's death, and in order to save the lives of two of his colleagues, Lieutenant Rigg is forced to take part in a new game, which promises to test him to the limit.

Alice finds the deadly dreams of Freddy Krueger starting once again. This time, the taunting murderer is striking through the sleeping mind of her unborn child.

A massive asteroid impact on the moon begins causing storms on earth due to the sudden changes in ocean tides. But when further examination is conducted it's discovered that the moon's structure is now entirely unstable -- threatening all life on earth. With time running out, a team of scientists turn to one man, demolitions expert John Redding, in effort to find a solution and secure the moon.