El Kyuta és un nen solitari que viu a Tòquio i el Kumatetsu és una criatura sobrenatural aïllada en un món imaginari. Un dia el nen travessa la frontera al món imaginari i fa amistat amb el Kumatetsu, que es converteix en el seu amic i guia espiritual.

Quan un enemic inesperat sorgeix com una gran amenaça per a la seguretat mundial, Nick Fury, director de l'Agència SHIELD, decideix reclutar un equip per salvar el món d'un desastre gairebé segur.

La Sophie reflexiona sobre l’alegria compartida i la melancolia d’unes vacances que va fer amb el seu pare 20 anys enrere. Els records reals i imaginaris omplen els espais entre les imatges, mentre intenta reconciliar el pare que va conèixer amb l’home que no va conèixer.

En Kevin McAllister és un nen de vuit anys membre d'una família nombrosa, que accidentalment es queda abandonat a casa seva quan tota la família marxa a passar les vacances a França. En Kevin aprèn a valer-se per ell mateix i fins i tot a protegir-se d'Harry i en Marv, dos brivalls que es proposen assaltar totes les cases tancades del veïnat. Quan la seva mare Kate el troba a faltar, realitza un pintoresc viatge de tornada contra rellotge a Chicago per recuperar al seu fill.

Three moments in Takaki's life: his relationship with Akari and their forced separation; his friendship with Kanae, who is secretly in love with him; the demands and disappointments of adulthood, an unhappy life in a cold city.

Nova York, dècada dels 60. La normalitat de l'escola religiosa de Sant Nicolau, al barri del Bronx, es veu alterada quan la germana Aloysius, directora del centre, sospita que s'amaga alguna cosa tèrbola rere les atencions que mossèn Flynn, capellà de la parròquia i també professor a l'escola, dedica a en Donald, un alumne de dotze anys que és l'únic nen negre del centre. La cosa s'agreuja quan enxampen en Donald bevent vi de missa i la germana Aloysius acusa directament mossèn Flynn d'estar-hi al darrere. Tot i la intervenció a favor del capellà de la germana James, una monja jove, i de no tenir-ne cap prova, la germana Aloysius insisteix en les seves acusacions.

On 22 July 2011, neo-Nazi terrorist Anders Behring Breivik murdered 77 young people attending a Labour Party Youth Camp on Utøya Island outside of Oslo. This three-part story focuses on the survivors, the political leadership of Norway, and the lawyers involved.

La cèlebre actriu Anna Fritz ha mort, i ha deixat un cadàver tan jove i bonic que quan tres amics es colen al dipòsit de cadàvers per contemplar-ne el cos inert, no podran resistir la temptació de traspassar els límits morals.

Shamoto runs a small tropical fish shop. When his daughter Mitsuko is caught shoplifting at a grocery store a man named Murata steps in to settle things between the girl and the store manager. Murata also runs a tropical fish shop and he and Shamoto soon become friendly. However Murata hides many dark secrets behind his friendly face.

Madison is paralyzed by shocking visions of grisly murders, and her torment worsens as she discovers that these waking dreams are in fact terrifying realities with a mysterious tie to her past.

After old enemies kill his family, a former mafia enforcer and his feisty daughter flee to Milan, where they hide out while plotting their revenge.

Two girls from the Valley wake up to find that a passing comet has eradicated their world and left behind a mysterious red-dust and a pack of cannibal mutants. With the help of a friendly truck driver, the girls save the earth from a villainous "think tank," karate chop their way through flesh-eating zombies, and, of course, find time to go to the mall.

Innocent people are brutally killed on the streets of New York by a uniformed police officer. A young cop, Jack Forrest, finds himself marked as the chief suspect after his wife is murdered.

In the early 1960s, teenager Adam Stafford (Cameron Bright) becomes obsessed with his new neighbor, Catherine Caswell (Gretchen Mol), a divorcée and free spirit. Stafford spies on Caswell as she meets with strange men, and, despite the warnings of his conservative parents, he begins working for her as a gardener. Amid rumors of her affair with President Kennedy, the two become close, but political intrigue surrounding her acquaintances soon infringes on their friendship.

Two crooks looking to scam tourists organize a tour of an abandoned manor house rumored to be haunted by the cousin of Count Dracula. Their first group consist of a Swedish Satanist, two French goths and a Russian porn director. But the scam descends into bloody chaos when the tour is attacked by a Nazi cannibal wielding a circular saw.

Playing around with a Ouija board, a trio of friends succeeds in contacting the spirit of a young boy. Trouble begins when the evil spirit, Malfeitor, takes over one of their bodies.

In 2007, in the midst of the drought and water shortages, the NSW State government has unveiled plans to tap into and recycle millions of litres of water trapped in a network of abandoned train tunnels just beneath the heart of Sydney. However the government suddenly goes cold on the plan and it is not made public why. There is talk of homeless people who use the tunnel as shelter going missing, even though the government states that there are no homeless people in there. This, and the silence from the officials and ministers, leads a journalist, Natasha to begin an investigation into a government cover-up. She and her crew Pete (Producer), Steve (Cameraman) and Tangles (Sound Technichian) decide to investigate the story in the tunnel.

Two women run a business breaking up couples for cash but when one develops a conscience their friendship unravels.

Tommy dos Santos wasn't born a psychopath, nor was he made into a sociopath. He was something entirely new, and he was walking his own path - a path that will run red with the blood of the foulest most fiendishly frightening creatures ever conceived by man! No longer do they have the starring role in our nightmares, it is now the clowns who are the prey, running for their lives from a killer who won't stop until every single one of them is dead. As Tommy's body count rises, he finds himself getting closer and closer to what he thought was a ghost, the once great clown king known as "Giggles," and wonders - if laughter can't die, how about Giggles?

Junior works as a realtor and uses the houses he has access to set up casual meetings.