A hitman is tasked to take out ex-mobsters when he suddenly hears a voice that questions his morality.

Skurkebørnene vender tilbage til De Fortabtes Ø for at rekruttere en ny flok skurke til Auradon Prep. Da et barrierebrud truer sikkerheden i Auradon under deres afrejse fra øen, beslutter Mal at lukke barrieren permanent i frygt for, at ærkefjenderne Uma og Hades vil tage hævn mod riget. Trods hendes beslutning sætter en ufattelig mørk kraft folkene i Auradon i fare, og det er op til Mal og skurkebørnene at redde alle i deres hidtil mest episke slag.

Disguised as an Italian medic, Dolas finds himself on a ship evacuating wounded Axis soldiers to Italy. He leaves the ship disguised as a Nazi soldier, but is found out, declared a deserter and sent to the Eastern Front. However, on the flight to Russia, he is able to escape with a parachute, and finds himself back in Poland, now occupied by Nazis.

Young man has his dreams come true when the sexy new maid seduces him. But she also has a secret that leads to trouble.

Valdis Nulle is a young and ambitious captain of fishing ship 'Dzintars'. He has his views on fishing methods but the sea makes its own rules. Kolkhoz authorities are forced to include dubious characters in his crew, for example, former captain Bauze and silent alcoholic Juhans. The young captain lacks experience in working with so many fishermen on board. Unexpectedly, pretty engineer Sabīne is ordered to test a new construction fishing net on Nulle's ship and 'production conflict' between her and the captain arises...

Covered in ice and snow, Elior Forest is the home to dangerous magical beasts and 50 elves frozen in ice. One day, the great spirit Puck helps a young girl break out of her ice prison. Her name is Emilia, a half-elf born with silver hair, long ears, and amethyst eyes—features that resemble the evil Witch who destroyed half the world long ago. Shunned by society because of her appearance, Emilia dwells in the forest with Puck as her sole companion and family. Burdened with a sin of destruction she does not remember committing, she spends her days trying to find a way to help her frozen kin. But when the great spirit Melakuera, the Arbitrator of the world, finds Emilia, her right to stay alive is brought into question. Will the bonds of ice she formed with Puck prove to be the warm thread that defies fate?

Skæbnen vil, at den studerende Chris og den velhavende forretningsmand Jorges liv bliver viklet sammen i parallelle kærlighedshistorier. Baseret på en sand historie.

An urban legend says that lighting fireworks at an abandoned airfield will beckon the "summer ghost," a spirit that can answer any question. Three teenagers, Tomoya, Aoi, and Ryo, each have their own reason to show up one day. When a ghost named Ayane appears, she reveals she is only visible to those "who are about to touch their death." Compelled by the ghost and her message, Tomoya begins regularly visiting the airfield to uncover the true purpose of her visits.

The Fifth Holy Grail War continues, and the ensuing chaos results in higher stakes for all participants. Shirou Emiya continues to participate in the war, aspiring to be a hero of justice who saves everyone. He sets out in search of the truth behind a mysterious dark shadow and its murder spree, determined to defeat it. Meanwhile, Shinji Matou sets his own plans into motion, threatening Shirou through his sister Sakura Matou. Shirou and Rin Tohsaka battle Shinji, hoping to relieve Sakura from the abuses of her brother. But the ugly truth of the Matou siblings begins to surface, and many dark secrets are exposed.

Tanjiro and his sister Nezuko have been apprehended by the Demon Slayer Hashira, a group of extremely skilled swordfighters. Tanjiro undergoes trial for violating the Demon Slayer code, specifically smuggling Nezuko, a Demon, onto Mt. Natagumo. A recap film of Kimetsu no Yaiba, covering episodes 22-26 with some new footage and special ending credits.

An ever evolving alien life-form arrives on a comet from the Dark Gaseous Nebula and proceeds to consume pollution. Spewing mists of sulfuric acid and corrosive sludge, neither humanity nor Godzilla may be able to defeat this toxic menace.

A young Viking called Vitharr arrives in Britain with dreams of conquest and adventure, but when his family and clan are ambushed and killed, he must survive alone in this strange,dangerous new land as he searches for his Uncle's settlement.

Julen bringer den ultimative gave med til Aldovien i form af en kongelig baby. Men først må dronning Amber redde familien og kongeriget ved at løse et royalt mysterium.

She was once as famous as Jackie O—and then she tried to take down a President. Martha Mitchell was the unlikeliest of whistleblowers: a Republican wife who was discredited by Nixon to keep her quiet. Until now.

Emilia arrives at her Aunt Inés' hostel located on the Argentina-Brazil border, looking for her missing brother. In this lush jungle a dangerous beast which takes the form of different animals seems to be roaming around.

Jura is 23 years old - and Lena is 23. They live in Budennovsk, play computer games, walk and learn. They live in a city where Shamil Basayev entered 23 years ago with militants, and know almost nothing about the events of that time.

En dag i 1973 røver Lars Nystrom Kreditbanken i Stockholm. I banken tager han gidsler i håb om at få udleveret en million dollars, få sin ven Gunnar løsladt fra fængslet og køre derfra i en sej flugtbil. Men politiet vil ikke forhandle, og timer bliver til dage. Et af gidslerne, Bianca, fatter sympati for Lars, da hun opdager, at han inderst inde er et godt menneske. En følelsesmæssig forbindelse, der gav navn til fænomenet "Stockholmsyndromet".

June var først og fremmest kendt som en person af protestkulturen, men det er nu 10 år siden. Nu lever hun alene i sin lejlighed i South Bronx, så godt som afskåret fra verden omkring hende. Det er sommeren, hvor den frygtelige seriemorder Son of Sam myrder løs i New York, og June skal bare kigge ud af vinduet for at fornemme den eskalerende vold i den brutale sommerhede. Byen balancerer på et knivsæg, og da en uforudset overgrebsmand begynder at udnytte Junes svagheder, flyder hendes indre bæger over.

A man is imprisoned for a crime he didn't commit. When his wife is murdered and his son kidnapped and taken to Mexico, he devises an elaborate and dangerous plan to rescue his son and avenge the murder.

En college professor og hendes studerende finder en rigt udsmukket boks i universitetets kælder. Da de åbner den lyder et skrig der fryser deres blod til is. Ifølge irsk mytologi vil dem der hører en Banshees skrig dø. Dette er lige præcis hvad der sker når monsteret begynder at komme efter eleverne en for en. Nu må de unge kæmpe for at stoppe Bansheen som er ældre end tiden selv, men hvordan skal de stoppe noget som ikke kan dø.