Wael, a former street child, makes a living from small scams with his adoptive mother and partner-in-crime Monique. When this unconventional duo swindles the wrong guy, Victor, an old acquaintance of Monique now in charge of a support organization for troubled teens, they have no choice but to become his interim secretary and educator in order to redeem themselves.

Katja's verden styrter i grus, da hendes mand og seksårige søn omkommer under et bombeattentat. Efterhånden står det klart, at gerningsmændene er et nynazistisk ægtepar, men retssagen mod de to falder ikke ud, som Katja håber. Sønderknust beslutter den unge kvinde at tage sagen i sin egen hånd. 'Ud af intet' modtog en Golden Globe for bedste ikke-engelsksprogede film, mens Diane Kruger fik Cannes-festivalens pris for bedste kvindelige skuespiller.

Filmen er baseret på den sande historie om lungelægen Iréne Frachon, der arbejder på et hospital i byen Brest. Lægen opdager en sammenhæng mellem dødsfald hos patienter, og indtagelsen af lægemidlet Mediator, som var udbredt i forbindelse med behandling af diabetes i Frankrig midt i 00erne.

Hilarious and outgoing, Brittany Forgler, is everybody’s best friend ― except her own. Her partying, underemployment and toxic relationships are catching up with her. She receives a startling wake-up call when a visit to the doctor reveals how unhealthy she is. Motivated to lose weight, but too broke for a gym and too proud to ask for help, Brit is at a loss, until her neighbor pushes her to run one sweaty block. Soon, she sets an almost unthinkable goal: the New York City Marathon.

After losing his farm during the floods of 1953, a romantic Dutch farmer is tired of getting his socks wet. He cycles to Italy and decides to grow tulips in the sweltering heat of Puglia.

In 1969, a young Beijing student, Chen Zhen, is sent to live among the nomadic herdsmen of Inner Mongolia. Caught between the advance of civilization from the south and the nomads' traditional enemies - the marauding wolves - to the north; humans and animals, residents and invaders alike, struggle to find their true place in the world.

Da den nørdede gymnasiepige Dani endelig tiltrækker opmærksomheden fra sit crush, ender hun i en strid med hans ekskæreste – der er berømt på de sociale medier.

An introverted teenager tells his parents he is going on a ski trip, but instead spends his time alone in his mom's basement. But things didn't go as planned after his half sister joins him.

10 millioner dollars stjåldne diamanter, en ny identitet, et nyt liv gift med en rig amerikansk diplomat. Laure Ash har taget store chancer i livet?.men så får også store gevinster. Da en fotograf fra en tabloidavis tager et billede af hende i Paris, får det gode liv en brat ende. Fjender fra hendes skjulte fortid ved nu hvem hun er - og hvor hun befinder sig. Alle ønsker de en del af byttet?eller at dræbe hende?.eller begge dele.

A group of Mexican emigrants attempts to cross the Mexican-US border. What begins as a hopeful journey becomes a harrowing, bloody and primal fight for survival when a deranged, rifle-toting vigilante and his loyal Belgian Malinois dog chase the group of unarmed men and women through the treacherous borderland. In the harsh, unforgiving desert terrain, the odds are stacked firmly against them as they discover there’s nowhere to hide from the unrelenting, merciless killer.

A camera crew catches up with David Brent, the former star of the fictional British series, "The Office" as he now fancies himself a rockstar on the road.

A man dedicated to religion and very faithful husband suddenly finds himself single. The new shop assistant in his shop will overwhelm his life.

Basse forsøger at give Gafli en lektion i hvordan det monetære system fungerer.

En fredsdommer fører opsyn med en fjerntliggende lille bosættelse ved rigets grænse. Han ser frem til sin snart forestående pension, hvor han kan komme tilbage til sit gamle liv, men en storsnudet oberst og hans lakaj lægger sig imellem, da de kommer for at stramme op om sikkerheden ved grænsen. Da fredsdommeren ser, hvordan hans landsmænd fra militæret behandler fremmede, begynder han at sætte spørgsmålstegn ved, hvor hans egen loyalitet bør ligge.

The story of a busy man, who fills his time travelling to Africa, South America and the Middle East. His passion for his job has distanced him from his loved ones. He’s been divorced for three years and has since seen his son very little. When the latter disappears, he is forced to stand still, and soon discovers things about his ex-wife and, above all, his son. A terrible feeling of guilt overwhelms him and he decides to find his son at all costs...

Bernadinho and Pedro are students and face the classic tasks of fulfilling school obligations, taking good grades, being well behaved and complying with school rules, increasingly elaborated thanks to director Ademar. Frustrated, Pedro ends up finding a diary of how to cause chaos in school without being caught, which leads the two friends to follow the tips of the notebook.

Three friends are on the verge of getting their video game financed when their benefactor is taken hostage by terrorists.

THE ENEMY HAS A WEAPON - SO DO WE. En britisk Maritim specialstyrke (Royal Marines Special Boat Service) jagter en international terroristcelle som planlægger et terrorangreb på London.