A debt collector who looks intimidating, but actually has a warm heart, ends up becoming the guardian of a child, who has been left behind as collateral by her illegal immigrant mother.

Greek Sea, World War II. An Italian ship leaves a handful of soldiers in a little island; their mission is to spot enemy ships and to hold the island in case of attack. The village of the island seems abandoned and there isn't a single enemy in sight, so the soldiers begin to relax a little. Things change when their ship is hit and destroyed by the enemy, and the soldiers find themselves abandoned there.

The film captures the daily duality of three young Palestinian women in Tel Aviv, caught between hometown tradition and big city abandon, and the price they must pay for a lifestyle that seems obvious to many: the freedom to work, party, have sex, and choose.

Martin Eden és un noi humil de poble que es guanya la vida treballant com a mariner. Un dia, en Martin defensa d'una agressió l'Arturo, un jove de classe alta. Com a agraïment, aquest convida en Martin a la seva llar i a poc a poc el va introduint en el seu estil de vida. El jove coneix així els avantatges de l'educació i veu això com una oportunitat per progressar i convertir-se en l'escriptor que ha decidit que vol ser, mentre aprofita el temps al màxim entre luxes. En Martin rebrà un impuls inesperat quan conegui l'Elena, la germana de l'Arturo, de la qual s'enamora a l'instant.

Laura, a specialized psychologist in sexist violence, receives the couple composed by Eva and Pablo when he is reported for abuse, at the same time that she suffers the consequences of trying to protect women from abusers.

A young woman struggles to cope with her elderly father's out-of-the-blue announcement he considers his life complete and will end it by his next birthday.

1933. Gareth Jones és un periodista jove i ambiciós que ha adquirit certa fama per haver entrevistat Adolf Hitler. Gràcies a les seves connexions amb Lloyd George, l'antic primer ministre britànic, aconsegueix obtenir un visat per viatjar a la Unió Soviètica. Jones vol entrevistar-se amb Stalin i esbrinar més coses sobre l'expansió econòmica de la Unió Soviètica i el seu aparentment exitós pla de desenvolupament quinquennal. Malgrat que el seu visat no li permet sortir de Moscou obté permís oficial per visitar Ucraïna, però a mig camí burla la seva vigilància, salta del tren i s'endinsa a la Ucraïna que Stalin no vol que el món vegi, la dels pobles buits i la gent que mor a causa de la fam extrema.

1888: a luthier, Vedder, has to step aside when his home, opposite the recently completed Central Station in Amsterdam, must yield for the planned Victoria Hotel. His cousin Anijs, pharmacist in the Northern provinces of the Netherlands, has gotten into a fix after illegal medical practices, and is looking for a way out. For himself and his wife Martha, but also for a colony of poor peat cutters whom he promises a future in the United States. Committed - or is it pride? - the two of them think up a scheme from which they all will fully benefit. With tragic consequences.

A la cerca de transcendència i prestigi social, un empresari multimilionari decideix fer una pel·lícula que deixi empremta. Per a això, contracta als millors: un equip estel·lar format per la celebérrima cineasta Lola Cuevas i dos reconeguts actors, dotats d'un talent enorme, però amb un ego encara més gran: l'actor de Hollywood Félix Rivero i l'actor radical de teatre Iván Torres. Tots dos són llegendes, però no exactament els millors amics. A través d'una sèrie de proves cada vegada més excèntriques establertes per Lola, Félix i Iván han d'enfrontar-se no sols entre si, sinó també amb els seus propis llegats.

Nathalie teaches philosophy at a high school in Paris. She is passionate about her job and particularly enjoys passing on the pleasure of thinking. Married with two children, she divides her time between her family, former students and her very possessive mother. One day, Nathalie’s husband announces he is leaving her for another woman. With freedom thrust upon her, Nathalie must reinvent her life.

Després de defensar les seves terres contra un poderós imperi, el soldat Van és pres com a esclau i enviat a les mines de sal. Una nit, un ramat d'estranys gossos ataca la mina i comença a propagar-se una misteriosa malaltia. Van troba Yuna, una nena òrfena, i com a únics supervivents de la pesta, inicien junts un viatge com si fossin pare i filla.

Després d'una relació que va sortir malament amb un home més jove, la Claire, una professora divorciada de 50 anys, crea un perfil de Facebook fingint ser una jove de 24, la Clara. A continuació inicia una amistat amb un amic fotògraf del seu ex.

Una saga centrada en una família multigeneracional d'agents de policia de la ciutat de Nova York. Els codis morals de la família es posen a prova quan Ray Tierney, investiga un cas que revela un escàndol incendiari de corrupció policial que implica el seu propi cunyat. Per a Ray, la veritat és reveladora, una caixa de Pandora que amenaça no només amb el llegat de Tierney, sinó amb tot el NYPD.

Charlie suffers from a serious disease that causes acute narcolepsy whenever he is happy. Although he develops a variety of techniques to deny himself pleasure and deal with his sleep issues, they’re put to the test when he falls in love.

Un cap de policia retirat que s'acaba de quedar vidu comença a sospitar que la seva dona, morta en un accident de cotxe, li era infidel. Sense haver paït encara la pèrdua, cada cop es capficarà més en el tema, fins a arribar a un punt de no retorn. Un thriller amb aires existencials que s'ha convertit en una de les sensacions del cinema islandès recent, i que sota la seva superfície ofereix una reflexió sentida sobre el dol.

A chambermaid and a former cop meet at a speed dating event and a romance develops. But during a romantic getaway things suddenly take a turn for the worse when her mysterious past is revealed.

Luisa, a 20-year-old law student, joins a cell of the Antifa group when she and her friends Alfa and Lenor get to know about an upcoming attack planned by a local neo-Nazi gang. As they try to find out more, the three youngsters delve deeper into the scene linked to right-wing movements and their political connections, to the point where they will understand how much they are willing to go further, in order to defend their own beliefs.

A sweeping multigenerational story set against the backdrop of the raw, roaring New York City of the late 1980s; adoption, teen pregnancy, drugs, hardcore punk rock, the unbridled optimism and reckless stupidity of the young—and old—are all major elements in this heart-aching tale of the son of diehard hippies and his strange odyssey through the extremes of late 20th century youth culture.

Nick is excited to discover he's won a dinner date with his favorite actress, Jill Goddard. But when Jill refuses to honor the contest, he receives an offer he can't refuse: the ability to view Jill secretly via computer. Nick begins watching the unknowing star on her webcam, not realizing that this decision will put himself and Jill at risk as they enter a terrifying world of cat-and-mouse.

Ana is transported to a dreamlike and dangerous land where she joins an army of girls engaged in a never-ending war. Even though she finds strength in this exhilarating world, she realizes that she's not the killer they want her to be, and time is running out for her to get home.