A documentary that chronicles the recent years of the famous C.D. Guadalajara, a Mexican football club commonly known as 'Chivas', their ups and downs, victories and struggles.

El planeta Terra s'acosta poc a poc al final dels seus dies a causa de la contaminació i del mal estat en què estan les terres, cosa que provoca una escassetat de cultius i, per tant, de menjar. Cooper ha d'escollir entre quedar-se amb la seva família o liderar una expedició d'astronautes que viatjaran a l'espai buscant una nova llar per a la raça humana. L'equip aprofitarà els últims descobriments de l'astrofísica per abandonar el sistema solar i trobar un altre planeta lliure de contaminació, que pugui albergar el futur de la humanitat.

Two years after bringing peace to the galaxy, Steven Universe sees his past come back to haunt him in the form of a deranged Gem who wants to destroy the Earth.

Peter Parker és desemmascarat i per tant no és capaç de separar la seva vida normal dels enormes riscos que comporta ser un súper heroi. Quan demana ajuda a Doctor Strange, els riscos passen a ser encara més perillosos, obligant-lo a descobrir allò que realment significa ser Spider-Man.

Quan un enemic inesperat sorgeix com una gran amenaça per a la seguretat mundial, Nick Fury, director de l'Agència SHIELD, decideix reclutar un equip per salvar el món d'un desastre gairebé segur.

During an unfortunate series of events, a friend of Kung Fury is assassinated by the most dangerous kung fu master criminal of all time, Adolf Hitler, a.k.a Kung Führer. Kung Fury decides to travel back in time to Nazi Germany in order to kill Hitler and end the Nazi empire once and for all.

An aging, booze-addled father takes a trip from Montana to Nebraska with his estranged son in order to claim what he believes to be a million-dollar sweepstakes prize.

Set in the thick of the Cold War, Red Son introduces us to a Superman who landed in the USSR during the 1950s and grows up to become a Soviet symbol that fights for the preservation of Stalin’s brand of communism.

A teenager lives out the hilarious and often tragic consequences of being lethally attractive, until he meets a girl with a congenital defect.

Belle and Sebastian is set high in the snowy Alps during the Second World War. The resourceful Sebastian is a lonely boy who tames and befriends a giant, wild mountain dog, Belle – even though the villagers believe her to be ‘the beast’ that has been killing their sheep.

Reverse-Flash manipulates the Speed Force to put the Flash into a time loop that forces him to relive the same day over and over again—with progressively disastrous results, including losing his powers and being fired by the Justice League. The Flash must find a way to restore time to its original path and finally apprehend his worst enemy before all is lost for the Flash…and the world!

El professor Dumbledore sap que el malvat mag Grindelwald fa plans per apoderar-se del món màgic. Incapaç d'aturar-lo ell sol, confia en Scamander per dirigir un intrèpid equip de mags, bruixes i un valent forner en una missió perillosa, on es troben amb antics i nous animals i s'enfronten a una legió cada vegada més nombrosa de seguidors de Grindelwald.

After escaping from an Estonian psychiatric facility, Leena Klammer travels to America by impersonating Esther, the missing daughter of a wealthy family. But when her mask starts to slip, she is put against a mother who will protect her family from the murderous “child” at any cost.

Years have passed since the Three Musketeers, Aramis, Athos and Porthos, have fought together with their friend, D'Artagnan. But with the tyrannical King Louis using his power to wreak havoc in the kingdom while his twin brother, Philippe, remains imprisoned, the Musketeers reunite to abduct Louis and replace him with Philippe.

Trainees in the FBI's psychological profiling program must put their training into practice when they discover a killer in their midst. Based very loosely on Agatha Christie's And Then There Were None.

Any 1989, el mur de Berlín és a punt de caure. Un agent de l'MI6 encobert apareix mort i l'espia Lorraine Broughton (Charlize Theron) ha de trobar per tots els mitjans una llista que l'agent estava intentant fer arribar a Occident, i on figuren els noms de tots els agents encoberts que treballen a Berlín oriental. Lorraine no s'aturarà davant de res per aconseguir trobar aquesta llista, enfrontant-se a diversos assassins i submergint-se en un món en què ningú sembla ser qui diu ser.

A young woman grieving the loss of her mother, a famous scream queen from the 1980s, finds herself pulled into the world of her mom's most famous movie. Reunited, the women must fight off the film's maniacal killer.

Concert footage of BABYMETAL "LEGEND - METAL GALAXY," which was held on this January in Japan

In 1970, a few days before Christmas, Elvis Presley showed up on the White House lawn seeking to be deputized into the Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs by the President himself.

L'Ava és una eficaç assassina a sou que treballa per a una organització d'operacions encobertes, viatja per tot el món acabant amb aquells objectius que ningú més pot eliminar. Quan un perillós encàrrec surt malament, l'Ava torna a casa en un intent per reconduir la relació amb la seva família. Serà el moment en què es veurà obligada a lluitar per la seva pròpia supervivència.