Versió musical en animació stop motion del famós conte de 'Pinocho', ambientada a la Itàlia feixista, durant la dècada de 1930.

La història de l'Agojie, la unitat de guerrers totalment femenina que va protegir el regne africà de Dahomey als segles XVIII i XIX. Inspirada en fets reals. Nanisca, general de la unitat, i Nawi, una recluta ambiciosa, van lluitar juntes contra enemics que van violar el seu honor, van esclavitzar la seva gent i van amenaçar de destruir tot pel que havien viscut.

Ambientada més d’una dècada després dels esdeveniments de la primera pel·lícula, “Avatar: El sentit de l’aigua” explica la història de la família Sully, els seus problemes, les batalles que lluiten per sobreviure...

Nikander, a rubbish collector and would-be entrepreneur, finds his plans for success dashed when his business associate dies. One evening, he meets Ilona, a down-on-her-luck cashier, in a local supermarket. Falteringly, a bond begins to develop between them.

A close examination of the Whakaari / White Island volcanic eruption of 2019 in which 22 lives were lost, the film viscerally recounts a day when ordinary people were called upon to do extraordinary things, placing this tragic event within the larger context of nature, resilience, and the power of our shared humanity.

La reconeguda psicòloga Susanne (Signe Egholm Olsen) es veu atrapada en un malson vivent quan el seu nou client (Anton Hjejle) resulta ser un assassí en sèrie buscat.

On a mission to make Christmas unforgettable for Quill, the Guardians head to Earth in search of the perfect present.

When a meteor carrying a destructive plant strikes the world, a suicide squad is given hours to save their post-apocalyptic city from total collapse.

In response to a global rise in demonic possessions, the Catholic Church reopens exorcism schools to train priests in the Rite of Exorcism. On this spiritual battlefield, an unlikely warrior rises: a young nun, Sister Ann. Thrust onto the spiritual frontline with fellow student Father Dante, Sister Ann finds herself in a battle for the soul of a young girl and soon realizes the Devil has her right where he wants her.

Gairebé 5.000 anys després d'haver estat dotat dels poders omnipotents dels antics déus i empresonat amb la mateixa rapidesa, Black Adam és alliberat de la seva tomba terrenal, llest per deslligar la seva forma única de justícia al món modern.

La vigília de Nadal, l'egoista i avar Ebenezer Scrooge té una única i freda nit per afrontar el seu passat (i canviar el futur) abans que sigui tard.

After old enemies kill his family, a former mafia enforcer and his feisty daughter flee to Milan, where they hide out while plotting their revenge.

Loosely inspired by the life of Lucio Urtubia, explore the figure of the so-called anarchist 'Robin Hood,' who ran a legendary counterfeiting operation in Paris that put him in the crosshairs of America's largest bank, when he managed to obtain a huge amount of money by forging traveler's checks to invest in causes he believed in.

Quan un avió s'estavella al mar, els dofins rescaten un nen i el crien com a família. Viu una vida sense preocupacions sota les onades fins que un monstre malvat pren el poder sobre el món submarí. El nen és bandejat a terra ferma, on un bondadós capità ho acull. Amb l'ajuda del capità, el nen emprèn un viatge per resoldre el misteri de la veritable identitat.

Heartbroken that their children no longer want to spend time with them, two parents fake an inheritance to bring the family together for Christmas.

When Sheriff Roy Pulsipher finds himself in the afterlife, he joins a special police force and returns to Earth to save humanity from the undead.

After a teacher dies, his best friend — a former cop — takes a job at the school where he worked to confront the gang he thinks was responsible.

Detective James Knight 's last-minute assignment to the Independence Day shift turns into a race to stop an unbalanced ambulance EMT from imperiling the city's festivities. The misguided vigilante, playing cop with a stolen gun and uniform, has a bank vault full of reasons to put on his own fireworks show... one that will strike dangerously close to Knight's home.

La vida perfecta i privilegiada d'una dona es comença a enfonsar després de l'arribada de dos estranys a la seva tranquil·la comunitat.

Six complete strangers with widely varying personalities are involuntarily placed in an endless maze of interlocking cube-shaped rooms containing deadly traps.