



In a Russian coastal town, Kolya is forced to fight the corrupt mayor when he is told that his house will be demolished. He recruits a lawyer friend to help, but the man's arrival brings further misfortune for Kolya and his family.

舞台は近未来のデトロイト。かつて自動車産業で栄華を誇ったこの街は犯罪都市と化し、巨大コングロマリット企業オムニ・コンシューマ・プロダクツ(OCP、通称オムニ社)によって警察(民営化されていて警察官から一般職員に至るまで会社員)を含む街全体が支配されていた。 アレックス・マーフィー巡査は、一連の警官殺しにおける犯人とされ指名手配中のマフィアであるクラレンス一味を追っていた。マーフィーはカーチェイスの末に一味の隠家を発見、潜入するも惨殺される。犯罪撲滅のため「警官のロボット化」を企画していたオムニ社は、死亡診断が下されたマーフィーの死していない生体部分を部品として利用、彼をロボコップとして蘇らせる。 ロボコップは驚異的な性能で優秀な成果をあげ、街の治安は少しずつ取り戻されて行った。しかし、ロボコップ自身は人間だった頃の記憶の断片に悩まされ、ついには自分が何者であったかを知ってしまう。


A French family moves to a new neighborhood with during the summer holidays. The story follows a 10-year-old gender non-conforming child, Laure, who experiments with their gender presentation, adopting the name Mikäel.

When her family moves from New York City to New Jersey, an 11-year-old girl navigates new friends, feelings, and the beginning of adolescence.

A stagnant and gloomy village in the 1980s. Reyhan, Nurhan, and Havva, three sisters were sent to town as 'besleme' (foster child and maid). Since they fail their foster parents for different reasons, they are sent back to their father's house in their poor village. Deprived of their dreams of a better life, they try to hold on to each other.

Mary Henry ends up the sole survivor of a fatal car accident through mysterious circumstances. Trying to put the incident behind her, she moves to Utah and takes a job as a church organist. But her fresh start is interrupted by visions of a fiendish man. As the visions begin to occur more frequently, Mary finds herself drawn to the deserted carnival on the outskirts of town. The strangely alluring carnival may hold the secret to her tragic past.

大竜巻の被害を受けたオハイオ州ジーニア。荒廃しきった町で無為な日々をすごす住民たち。野良猫を肉屋に売りつけて日銭を稼ぐソロモンとタムラー 。妹とふざけ散らすドットとその友人の女の子。町はずれをうろつくうさぎの帽子をかぶったままのバニーボーーイ。ソロモンの母もタムラーの父も、大人も子供もその...

A cop named Cristi must go undercover to trail teen Victor who is suspected of selling pot in the north-eastern city of Vasliu.


A father decides to make amends with his son, while Victor Tsoy 's double goes on a tour of Crimea. Sergei Loban's dilogy continued. Respect. Ladies and gentlemen, children of all ages! Prepare yourselves to witness a death-defying feat! A wise man, lost in the darkness, and his disciple, desperately striving for the light. They balance on the edge of the abyss while volcanic flames burn their faces. King Lear and the Star Child, their train of fate speeds through a tunnel in the mountain. Will there be light at the end of the tunnel? Cooperation. A world premiere! The circus proudly brings to you a surprising discovery in show business! The one, the only Ersatz Star! A creature capable of destroying any competitors! Its creator will fly up to the very top of Mount Olympus and leap into the depths of the waters. Engineer Garin and the Elephant Man will either save or destroy each other! Wait and see!

Lil and Roz are two lifelong friends, having grown up together as neighbors in an idyllic beach town. As adults, their sons have developed a friendship as strong as that which binds their mothers. One summer, all four are confronted by simmering emotions that have been mounting between them, and each find unexpected happiness in relationships that cross the bounds of convention.

As a lone spaceship proceeds on its long voyage across space, the crew are surprised to encounter a strange pyramid form. Surprise turns to horror as one by one, they discover that their darkest nightmares are all starting to become real. The pyramid has to be behind it all somehow, but how can they save themselves from its influence?

A group of teenagers grieving the death of their friend takes a trip to an isolated summerhouse in the countryside. What starts as a peaceful getaway turns into a horrific nightmare when a masked man begins to terrorize them in the most gruesome ways.

The action in this lavishly produced film takes place at an oddly ark-shaped mansion during World War I, and in spirit (although not in story) it reflects the play which inspired it, the ferociously antiwar Heartbreak House by George Bernard Shaw. A large group of family and friends have gathered at this country house to dance, drink, and converse. Their conversation, in particular, is adorned with erudite literary references and quotations. Despite their apparent refinement, their preoccupations are simple: sex and violence. Disquieting images break the tranquility of the vacationers' inappropriate idyll: some of these include documentary footage of starving African children, images (both real and re-enacted) of George Bernard Shaw going about his daily life, and a corpse coming to life on an autopsy table, only to cheapen that miracle by scolding a group of women. The music used in the film ironically points to its disturbing message and is uniformly anachronistic.