La pel·lícula està inspirada en la increïble història d'un gos pastor anomenat Palma que va ser deixat inadvertidament a l'aeroport pel seu amo. Es fa amiga de Nicholas, un noi de nou anys, la mare de la qual mor, deixant-ho amb un pare que amb prou feines coneix, un pilot que troba el gos a l'aeroport. És una història d'aventures sorprenents, veritable amistat i amor incondicional.

1899, the Christmas-time St.Petersburg. Ice-covered rivers and canals of the capital seethe with festive activities. On the eve of the new century those who should not be destined to meet, come together. They are people from different worlds: Matvey, the son of a lamplighter, whose only treasure is his silver-plated skates; Alice is the daughter of a high-ranking official dreaming of science. Each of them has his own difficult life-story, but having accidentally met they rush forward together in pursuit of their dreams.

The social thriller starring a two year-old baby girl. She is living in a home where the adults are going through a complicated phase. Being a toddler, she is occasionally trapped in the accidental situations.

While caring for her brother along with her audacious mother, a teenager strikes up an unlikely friendship with an eccentric activist who is protesting one of the most landmark medical cases of all time.

Bruceuilis, a policeman from the countryside, is assigned to rescue Celestina, a goat considered heritage of his small city, and travels to São Paulo. There, he meets police clerk Trindade, who decides to venture out into the field, even though it is not his specialty.

A 17-year-old girl uses her wits, survival skills, and compassion to fight for her life, and those of her fellow classmates, against a group of live-streaming school shooters.

After thugs brutalize a deaf-mute woman, the spirit of an Apache warrior takes over her lifeless body and sets out on a bloodthirsty quest for revenge.

Set in a gritty and decadent 1970s America, American Boogeyman follows the elusive and charming killer and the manhunt that brought him to justice involving the detective and the FBI rookie who coined the phrase ‘serial killer’.

Snake Eyes és un solitari i tenaç guerrer que s'uneix a l'antic clan japonès dels Arashikage després de salvar-li la vida a l'hereu del clan. En arribar al Japó, els Arashikage ensenyen a Snake Eyes els camins del guerrer ninja i li donen alguna cosa que sempre va voler tenir: una llar. Però, en revelar-se els secrets sobre el seu passat, posaran a prova l'honor i la lleialtat de Snake Eyes, fins i tot si això vol dir perdre la confiança dels més propers a ell.

Juanjo (Antonio Pagudo) is a forty-year-old man who, despite not having low self-esteem due to his baldness, his wife, Inma (Eva Ugarte), obsessed with image and aesthetics, is in charge of making him complex about it. On the other hand, his friend Sebas (Carlos Librado "Nene") is affected by his lack of hair and is willing to do whatever it takes to regain his younger version, something that affects his ex-wife, Sofía (Amaia Salamanca) , and their daughters. Ready for anything, both get into a little trouble to get the money to allow them to travel to Turkey and have a hair transplant. In Istanbul they meet Rayco (Tomy Aguilera), a young reggaeton singer who is having great success, but after discovering his alopecia at a concert, he needs an urgent hair transplant. In this way, the three of them will try to seek happiness through aesthetics, but perhaps they will discover that there is something far beyond the physical.

A wild animal attacks six medical students on a weekend hike in the woods. One by one, they become infected with a “feral disease,” turning them into rabid, bloodthirsty creatures, and the vacation becomes a nightmare as they fight to survive each other.

The newly married Elizabeth arrives with her new husband, the scientist Henry, at a magnificent house. He tells her that she can do there anything she pleases, except to enter a certain closed room.

Tess enlists her biological father – a lovable slacker from the wrong side of the tracks – and the charming juvenile delinquent next door to help her come to grips with the death of her little sister.

Desperate to save their marriage, a young couple takes a deal to move into their dream home, but disturbing events reveal the house's troubled history.

When a proposed pipeline creates hostilities between residents of a small town, a newly-arrived forest ranger must keep the peace after a snowstorm confines the townspeople to an old lodge. But when a mysterious creature begins terrorizing the group, their worst tendencies and prejudices rise to the surface, and it is up to the ranger to keep the residents alive, both from each other and the monster which plagues them.

Viatjant per la desolada carretera d'una vall interminable, Alan i Jill detenen el vehicle per portar els fills adolescents a una caminada per la naturalesa de Nova Zelanda. Quan paren per gaudir d'un aperitiu, dos rodamóns apareixen del no-res i envolten la pacífica família. En un inesperat acte de violència segresten la família, cosa que provoca una sèrie d'esdeveniments dels quals no hi ha escapatòria.

La Delphine és una autora famosa. Al seu darrer llibre ha arraconat la ficció per consagrar-lo a la seva mare. Aclaparada per la fama i fragilitzada per la soledat, s'enfonsa encara més quan comença a rebre cartes anònimes que l'acusen d'haver esbombat la vida de la seva família per enriquir-se. Això la manté bloquejada completament i és incapaç d'escriure. Coneix aleshores l'Elle, una noia seductora, intel·ligent, intuïtiva, que sembla comprendre-la millor que ningú. A poc a poc, la Delphine va adquirint confiança en aquesta jove misteriosa i es deixa ajudar per ella a retrobar la inspiració. No triga a adonar-se, tanmateix, que l'Elle s'excedeix a l'hora de prendre decisions en nom seu i que ha aconseguit aïllar-la massa i tot.

After the death of their college age son, Anne and Paul Sacchetti relocate to the snowswept New England hamlet of Aylesbury, a sleepy village where all is most certainly not as it seems. When strange sounds and eerie feelings convince Anne that her son's spirit is still with them, they invite an eccentric, New Age couple to help them get to the bottom of the mystery.

Grieving over the loss of her son, a mother struggles with her feelings for her daughter and her husband. She seeks out a ritual that allows her say goodbye to her dead child, opening the veil between the world of the dead and the living. Her daughter becomes the focus of terror. She must now protect against the evil that was once her beloved son.

Due to financial problems, Yilmaz family moves in their grandmother Saadet's house. But Saadet is not living alone as known. Saadet's old house, which is also a tomb of her deceased husband, is inhabited by beings from another dimension. And this beings don't want anyone in the house, but Saadet.