A behind-the-scenes look at the making of the classic film about romance set against a backdrop of war and political differences. Includes interviews with star Barbra Streisand and director Sydney Pollack, giving their views on the experience of crafting this well-loved masterpiece.

"Let's Get Loud" was Jennifer Lopez's NBC Special, which premiered on November 20, 2002 and was recorded over 2 nights in Puerto Rico in the fall of 2001. It was Jennifer's first-ever headlining concert appearance, showing off her talents as a vocalist and dancer. The performance features a variety of Spanish and English songs, including: "Love Don't Cost A Thing", "If You Had My Love", "I'm Real", "Plenarriqueña", and many more.

Filmed in December 1986 the film captures Spandau Ballet in performance during their « Through The Barricades » tour, which at the height of their success saw them play over a million people.

After the passing of her husband, the commissioned painter Anneliese Psiko decides to travel across the country. In the Austrian province of Styria, she discovers a strange work of art entitled "Weltmaschine" (World Machine). From now on, it will change her life significantly.

There are eight episodes in stories full of adventure and play in the neighborhood of Limoeiro, with a new car ride, lost treasure, art exhibition in the square, puppet theater, an unexpected escape from Cascão (again?), Characters Saltimbancos and a lot more.

A profoundly personal voyage into the complexity, fragility and wonder of the human brain, after Lotje Sodderland miraculously survives a hemorrhagic stroke and finds herself starting again in an alien world, bereft of language and logic. This feature documentary takes us on a genre-twisting tale that is by turns excruciating and exquisite - from the devastating consequences of a first-time neurological experiment, through to the extraordinary revelations of her altered sensory perception.

In the city of Sao Paulo, a new meditation about the Tiete River.

On his ship "Calypso," as well as in a submarine, Jacques Cousteau and his crew sail from South America and travel to Antarctica. They explore islands, reefs, icebergs, fossils, active volcanic craters, and creatures of the ocean never before seen. This voyage took place in 1975, and Captain Cousteau became one of the first explorers ever to dive beneath the waters of the frozen South Pole.

The newly elected Pope suffers a panic attack just as he is about to greet the faithful who have gathered to see him. His advisors, unable to convince him he is the right man for the job, call on a renowned therapist who also happens to be an atheist. But the Pope's fear of his newfound responsibility is one he must face alone. Winner Best Film at the Italian Golden Globes.

Full performance of the now classic Magma trilogy recorded live at the famous Triton at Les Lilas in November 2014

El Capità Haddock i en Tintín gaudeixen d'uns merescuts dies de tranquil.litat, tot passejant arriben a un abocador on hi malviuen un grup de gitanos i el capità els ofereix instal.lar-se a les seves terres. Però la tranquil.litat els durarà poc ja que la cantant italiana, Bianca Castafiore anuncia la seva arribada al Castell de Molins de Dalt per passar-hi uns dies. En assabentar-se de la seva visita, el capità intenta marxar de viatge, però ensopega amb un escaló trencat i es torceix el turmell. Un cop al Castell, Castafiore, que arriba acompanyada de la seva cambrera Irma i el seu pianista Igor Wagner, s'instal.la i guarda sota clau les seves valuoses joies. Per acabar-ho d'adobar, arriba un nombrós grup de periodistas que acaba de perturbar la poca tranquil.litat que els quedaba. En un gir dels aconteixaments les joies desapareixen i els policies Dupont i Dupond acudeixen per investigar. Però com és habitual, serà l'astúcia d'en Tintín la que acabarà resolén el cas.

Després d'haver desarticulat una important banda de narcotraficants, en Tintín està gaudint de l'hospitalitat del Maharahà de Rawhapurtalàh , quan un xinès el visita per donar-li un missatge, però una sageta impregnada amb el perillós verí raidjadjà fa que el missatger es torni boig, havent-li pogut dir tan sols dues paraules, «Mitsuhirato» i «Xangai». En Tintín no dubta en viatjar a la ciutat xinesa de l'extrem orient, per esbrinar que succeeix, sobretot quan és rebut pel senyor Mitsuhirato, un representat japonès a la Xina, que li diu que el missatger havia d'advertir-lo que el Maharahà està en perill i ha de tornar a l'Índia.

Maria és una noia de 30 anys, una mica peculiar i amb un objectiu: esdevenir una persona normal. Per aconseguir-ho, haurà de descobrir primer en què consisteix això exactament. Maria no té feina, l'acaben de fer fora del pis on viu per no pagar el lloguer, està distanciada de la seva família i la seva vida romàntica fa temps que és inexistent. En una entrevista de treball li pregunten "quin tipus de persona es considera?", i ella contesta que "una persona normal". La resposta de l'entrevistador, "bé, què és per a tu una persona normal?" desferma la inquietud de Maria. Després d'enumerar tots els requisits fonamentals per ser-ho, s'adona que no en compleix cap. En aquest moment crític coneix Borja, un noi obsessionat per perdre pes, amb qui establirà un curiós pacte: ella l'ajudarà a portar una vida més sana i ell l'ajudarà a complir el seu objectiu: complir un per un aquests requisits que et converteixen en una persona normal.

The untold and ultimately inspiring story of legendary singer, Teddy Pendergrass, the man poised to be the biggest R&B artist of all time until the tragic accident that changed his life forever at the age of only 31.

This real-life look at FBI counterterrorism operations features access to both sides of a sting: the government informant and the radicalized target.

This film was created by Sokurov before or during his VGIK student years for the regional TV of Gorki. He does not consider it a part of his filmography. For its creators, it was just a TV program, and the people who worked on it most often were being given no distinction in the credits. This document of the very origins of Sokurov gives us a notion of his "pre-stylistic" period, where the personality of the future great filmmaker reveals itself in spite of means and circumstances.

Two disconnected sisters are summoned to clean out their childhood bedrooms before their parents sell their family home.

The wedding of Kornel, a young, well known TV scientist, to the famous singer, Alicja, is to be the social event of the year. In the suburban reception hall, the final preperations are being made. The waiter, Tytus, who is somewhat touchy having just found out he is to become a father, lays out the cutlery on the tables.

TB is the most deadly infectious disease in history - it has killed over a billion people in the last 200 years. Multi-BAFTA winning film-maker, Jezza Neumann travelled to Swaziland to make this very intimate account of the crippling effects of MDR-TB. We witness victims from two families battle with the disease over the course of a year.