Després d'haver-se apropiat de 400.000 dòlars que no li pertanyen, Marion Crane agafa el cotxe i fuig carretera enllà amb els diners. En fer-se de nit, troba el Motel Bats, un tenebrós motel on decideix passar la nit. Marion n'és l'única inquilina, i mentre és a la dutxa, una ombra estranya irromp a l'habitació i la cus a punyalades.

El 6 de maig de 1938, Hitler visita Roma. És un dia de festa per a Itàlia feixista, que es consagra a la rebuda. En una casa de veïns només hi queden la portera, una mestressa de casa, Antonietta, i Gabriele, que tem la policia per algun motiu desconegut. Al marge de la celebració política, Antonietta i Gabriele estableixen una relació afectiva molt especial que els permet evadir-se durant unes hores de la tristesa i la monotonia de la vida quotidiana.

Friends Aldo, Giovanni, and Giacomo travel from north to south for Giacomo's wedding, carrying a precious item: the father of the bride, a tyrannical rich man who is both their boss and father-in-law (also Aldo and Giovanni married his daughters), has entrusted them with a wooden leg, the work of a famous artist.

Inspirada en un cas real, narra una sèrie de crims sexuals ocorreguts a Hamburg, Alemanya. Narrava els escruixidors crims que cometia Cesare, sota les ordres hipnòtiques del doctor Caligari, que recorria les fires de les ciutats alemanyes exhibint el seu somnàmbul. La idea dels guionistes era la de denunciar l'actuació de l'Estat alemany durant la guerra. El guió original de la pel·lícula, de Hans Janowitz i Carl Mayer, va ser modificat i Wiene, segurament pressionat per la productora i aquesta per les autoritats alemanyes, va afegir una escena inicial i una altra final que trastocaven el sentit de la història, quedant convertides en el relat d'un boig.

Old Prof. Preobrazhensky and his young colleague Dr. Bormental inserted the human's hypophysis into a dog's brain. A couple of weeks later, the dog became "human looking". The main question is "Is anybody who is looking like a man, A REAL MAN?"

Newlyweds receive a build-it-yourself house as a wedding gift—and the house can, supposedly, be built in "one week". A rejected suitor secretly re-numbers packing crates, and the husband struggles to assemble the house according to this new 'arrangement' of its parts.

When elderly pensioner Umberto Domenico Ferrari returns to his boarding house from a protest calling for a hike in old-age pensions, his landlady demands her 15,000-lire rent by the end of the month or he and his small dog will be turned out onto the street. Unable to get the money in time, Umberto fakes illness to get sent to a hospital, giving his beloved dog to the landlady's pregnant and abandoned maid for temporary safekeeping.

Després d'haver perdut la plantació familiar a mans dels creditors, Blanche DuBois viatja a Nova Orleans per anar a viure temporalment amb la seva germana petita Stella. En arribar es troba que l'Stella viu en un humil apartament i que el seu cunyat Stanley és un home vulgar de maneres grolleres, que contrasta amb l'educació refinada de Blanche. Tot i això, la Blanche provarà de refer la seva vida amb en Mitch, company i amic de l'Stanley. La tragèdia esclatarà quan Stanley esbrini alguns detalls de la vida passada de Blanche.

After upsetting the criminal underground in 'the Master Blackmailer' case, Sherlock Holmes has to face his archenemy: Prof. Moriarty.

Good hearted but not very wordly-wise, Dante is happy driving the school bus for a group of mentally handicapped children, while feeling he is somehow missing out on life and love. So he is very excited when after nearly being knocked down by her car he meets Maria, who seems immediately enamoured of him. He is soon invited to her sumptuous Palermo villa, little suspecting that this is part of a plot. He bears an amazing likeness to Maria's stool-pigeon gangster husband and it would be convenient for them if the mobster, in the shape of Dante, was seen to be dead and buried.

An automotive highway is scheduled to be built through the territory of a garage cooperative. A special meeting of the cooperative takes place to reduce the number of garages. As all was already decided and arranged by the chairholder and the board, the decision passes easily at the meeting. But one unexpected event happens - the meeting room's entrance has been locked by an anonymous member and the key is missing...

A baby lamp finds a ball to play with and it's all fun and games until the ball bursts. Just when the elder Luxo thinks his kid will settle down for a bit, Luxo Jr. finds a ball ten times bigger.

Thor és un arrogant i cobejós guerrer la imprudència del qual provoca una antiga guerra. Per aquest motiu, el seu pare Odín el castiga bandejant-lo a la Terra perquè visqui entre els homes i descobreixi així el veritable sentit de la humilitat. Quan el malvat més perillós del seu món envia a la Terra les forces més fosques d'Asgard, Thor s'adonarà del que realment cal per ser un veritable heroi.

The world's greatest criminal and the world greatest loser share the same face... now they'll share the same life!

Basada en l'obra de Brian Burrough "Public Enemies: America's Greatest Crime Wave and the Birth of the FBI, 1933-43". Narra la història de Melvin Purvis (Christian Bale), l'agent de l'FBI que als anys trenta va dirigir la recerca del llegendari atracador de bancs John Dillinger (Johnny Depp) i la seva banda.

Now, we find the rowdy extraterrestrial getting used to life with his new ʻohana. However, a malfunction in the ultimate creation of Dr. Jumba soon emerges, which reinstates his destructive programming and threatens to both ruin his friendship with Lilo and to short him out for good!

Animation film about a friendship between young Wolfy and Kapitoshka. Wolfy tries to learn how to be scary and threatening. But then he meets a drop of rain, Kapitoshka, which makes him realize that it is not necessary to be scary.

Soviet puppet cartoon trilogy basis on a fairytale story by Finnish writer Hannu Mäkelä.

Two escaped convicts pose as children's summer camp staff in order to evade capture and learn about caring for others in the process. Sumrak has been in prison since he was 16 years old but is pushing thirty now, is well acquainted with prison gang culture and covered with tattoos. Evgeni Koltsov is a former police officer unjustly imprisoned and destined for a death sentence from the other inmates if he stays in prison.