The giant squid is a creature of legend and myth which, even in the 21st century, has never been seen alive. But now, an international team of scientists thinks it has finally found its lair, 1,000 metres down, off the coast of Japan. This is the culmination of decades of research. The team deploys underwater robots and state-of-the-art submersible vessels for a world first - to find and film the impossible.

Eddie Izzard er den brittiske komiker som gennem sine briliante skildringer af omverderdenen giver os et surealistisk billede af os selv og hvordan vi lever vores liv.

The way of the eagle is to raise two chicks. The stronger is destined always to throw the weaker from the nest. Man also has his ways, often to hurt those closest to him. Lukas suffers at the hands of a father who has withdrawn since the loss of his wife. Killed whilst rescuing the infant Lukas, the boy now carries the burden of her death. Our eagle’s story begins in the nest. The first-born chick pushes his weaker brother to a certain death on the forest floor. But fate intervenes and the chick is found by Lukas. Naming him Abel, Lukas cares for the creature in secret, finding a love and companionship denied to him at home. But when the day comes to release Abel back into the wild, will Lukas find his own release into a new life?

Efter den atypiske, men ekstremt underholdende, Castafiores Juveler (1963), vendte Hergé i 1966 tilbage til klassisk Tintin-territorium med Rute 714 til Sydney. Hvor Castafiores Juveler var atypisk ved både at være en nærmest rendyrket komedie og ved udelukkende at foregå på og omkring Møllenborg, så er Rute 714 til Sydney en typisk Tintin-fortælling i den forstand, at den igen bringer Tintin og hans venner ud i verden, og ved at være en regulær spændingshistorie, som de fleste Tintin-albums jo er. Det eneste lettere atypiske ved Rute 714 til Sydney er, at Hergé introducerer et decideret science fiction-element i form af en UFO. Men nu foregriber jeg begivenhedernes gang.

In the winter of 1919, American war hero Luke Benson returns to his father's New England estate.

A symbol of luxury and adventure, the Orient Express opened a new path between the West and the East. Mata Hari, Josephine Baker and Agatha Christie, who dedicated a novel to it, contributed to its legend. Delve into the secrets of a legendary train.

It presents the struggle of the first unionized workers, after a strike for the implantation of the eight-hour day and the union right, in the sugar valleys of Peru. It is the story of the first union in the city of Trujillo, organized in 1921.

The fireworks begin when Madea’s family gathers for her granddaughter’s wedding. As usual, Madea rules the roost, as she and her neighbor, the wacky Mr. Brown, deliver nonstop laughs. Live, love,’s Madea’s Family Reunion!

The drama based on hidden implicit faith in miracle unfolds between the members of the family with an unhappy love story of a desolate teenage girl who tries to withstand this family madness after their devotee grandmother came to their flat from upcountry.

The Runaways follows three young siblings in Yorkshire who journey across the country in an attempt to evade their uncle and social services after the death of their father.

Mater and Lightning McQueen are ready to rock! When Mater's garage band, Mater and the Gas Caps, records a hit song, Mater becomes a rock legend. Then Lightning joins Mater's band for the rock concert of the century!

Han er den unge frihedskæmper, og filmen fortæller om ham, hans pige og hans gruppe. Der er stærke scener fra Vestre fængsel og fra tyskernes henrettelse af danske sabotører. Man får et ærligt billede af, hvordan unge, modige mænd satte livet på spil for at få Danmark befriet fra det tyske jerngreb. Her er forhekset spænding fra første til sidste minut.

Sven vil gerne være forfatter. Han keder sig i Sverige og rejser derfor til Thailand, hvor to meget forskellige kvinder inspirerer og udfordrer ham på uventede måder.

Al St. John tries to kill himself, but ends up trying to save a poor girl from a nasty crook.

When Jimmy is left alone in his house he discovers an old mask and decides to scare his parents upon their arrival home. Hiding in their bedroom closet he could not expect what he would see and the terror that would overtake their lives.

While Sompon leads his group through a forest searching for treasures, they are attacked by ghosts and Sompon is transformed into a werewolf.

After Nick is accidentally sent a sexy video from his dream girl and her friends, he drags his best friend Brian on a mission to figure out where the girls are and how to get there. Along the way, Brian figures out that you can't always follow the crowd and that you should stay true to yourself.