Cartman's deeply disturbing dreams portend the end of the life he knows and loves. Meanwhile, the adults in South Park are wrestling with their own life decisions, as the advent of AI is turning their world upside down.

An enchanting making-of story told through all-new in-depth interviews and cast conversations, inviting fans on a magical first-person journey through one of the most beloved film franchises of all time.

És un doble d'acció, i igual que tots a la comunitat d'especialistes, surt volant, li disparen, s'estavella, es llença des de finestres i cau des de les altures més extremes, tot pel nostre entreteniment. I ara, després d'un accident que gairebé acaba amb la seva carrera, aquest heroi de classe treballadora ha de seguir la pista d'una estrella de cinema desapareguda, resoldre una conspiració i intentar recuperar l'amor de la seva vida mentre segueix fent la seva feina. Què podria sortir bé?

Samantha’s Montana ranch is her family’s legacy, so when a developer shows up to buy it, Sam isn’t interested. But as he tries to win her trust and her ranch, Sam finds he might also be winning her heart.

Durant nombroses missions més que impossibles, Dom Toretto i la seva família han estat capaços de ser més llestos, de tenir més valor i d'anar més ràpid que qualsevol enemic que s'hi creués. Però ara s'hauran d'enfrontar a l'oponent més letal que mai hagin conegut: un terrible perill que ressorgeix del passat, que es mou per una sagnant set de venjança i que està disposat a destrossar la família i destruir per sempre tot allò que a Dom li importa.

Scooby-Doo and his pals win an all-expense paid vacation and embark on a trip of a lifetime to a tropical paradise. Their destination however, turns out to be Zombie Island. As soon as they arrive, they realize the place looks strangely familiar and is reminiscent of a trip they took years ago, in which they became wrapped up in a mystery involving zombies. The gang soon learns that their trip to paradise comes with a price when the zombies re-emerge and attack their hotel. Will Scooby-Doo and the Mystery Inc. gang finally solve the mystery behind Zombie Island?

Just before the holidays Jessica Lew is ending her tenure as the assistant to her wealthy boss to use her recently earned law degree within his company, but offers to help his charming, younger brother as he looks after his orphaned nieces and nephew over Christmas.

Stranded at a rest stop in the mountains during a blizzard, a recovering addict discovers a kidnapped child hidden in a car belonging to one of the people inside the building which sets her on a terrifying struggle to identify who among them is the kidnapper.

Colonel Steve Austin, astronaut and test pilot, is badly injured when he crashes while testing an experimental aircraft. A covert government agency (OSI) is willing to pay for special prosthetics to replace the eye, arm and both legs he lost in the crash. Highly advanced technology (bionics) built into them will make him faster, stronger and more resilient than normal. In return they want him to become a covert agent for the OSI. It will cost $6,000,000 to rebuild Steve Austin.

Ip Man’s promising career as a Policeman is ruined after he is framed for murder and targeted by a mob boss’s daughter.

En Claude i la Marie Verneuil, un matrimoni catòlic i molt conservador, tenen quatre filles a les que han tractat d'inculcar els seus valors i principis. Les filles, però, només els han donat disgustos: La més gran està casada amb un musulmà; la segona, amb un jueu i la tercera, amb un xinès. El matrimoni deposita totes les seves esperances en la filla menor, esperant que, com a mínim ella, es casi per l'església catòlica.

Cinquena pel·lícula de la saga Indiana Jones. Quan l’arqueòleg Indiana Jones es jubila; la seva fillola l’arrossega a una nova aventura en què miraran de trobar un dial que podria canviar el curs de la història.

Marley’s brilliant at organizing other people’s engagements, but unlucky in finding romance herself. When designing her most important proposal yet, the man who could jeopardize it all may be the one who helps find her own love story.

Back from a tour of duty, Kelli struggles to find her place in her family and the rust-belt town she no longer recognizes.

Sally Brown, a successful children's book author and Army widow loses her late husband's German Shepherd, Buddy, only to later find him adopted by a new family - single father Mark Green and his teenage daughter Emma. Each finds a sense of Christmas spirit as they struggle to decide with whom the dog really belongs.

A group of unwitting sorority sisters accidentally awaken the serial-killing Leprechaun after they build a sorority house on his hunting grounds.

When Joan’s son’s wedding planner unexpectedly quits, she must coordinate his Christmas Eve wedding with the help of Beau, the bride’s uncle. As they work alongside each other they discover their fates and pasts are intertwined.

Real estate exec, Erika, travels to Alaska during Christmastime to acquire a bed and breakfast, only to discover that it’s owned by her ex. While there, she finds herself falling in love with the town and quite possibly him.

Determined to unseat Steve Finch's reign as the town's holiday season king, Buddy Hall plasters his house with so many decorative lights that it'll be visible from space! When their wives bond, and their kids follow suit, the two men only escalate their rivalry - and their decorating.

Durant un viatge per Texas, quatre amics s'equivoquen de camí i tenen un accident al mig d'un bosc. Els joves busquen ajuda desesperadament, però es veuran assetjats per una família de psicòpates assassins.