The story is about a simple man with high moral values. Avinash (Farookh Shekh) is a poor but self respected guy. His policy is to earn while you learn. He excels in his studies and wishes for an idealistic society to live in. He wants to change the world with truth and simplicity. Movie has beautiful Gazals from Jagjit Singh and Chitra Singh

Keiko, whom everyone calls Mama, narrates her story: she's a hostess on the Ginza, 30, a widow. She describes life's vicious cycle: acting cheerful around drunks, dressing and living well to convey confidence, needing money for these expenses and for her demanding mother and brother, and knowing she's growing older.

In a village affected by climate change and scanty rainfall, a blind farmer strikes a deal with the debt recovery agent to save his son from a debt trap.

Jamal Malik és un adolescent pobre de Bombai que participa en la versió hindú del programa "Qui vol ser milionari?". A punt d'aconseguir 20 milions de rúpies, que és el premi màxim del concurs, el jove és interrogat per la policia, que sospita que està fent trampes. Però per a cadascuna de les preguntes, en Jamal té una resposta.

L'any 1971, Roger i Carolyn Perron es traslladen a viure amb la seves cinc filles, Andrea, Nancy, Christine, Cindy i April a una granja de Rhode Island. Un cop allà, a la família li comencen a passar tota mena de coses estranyes que els fan viure amb la por al cos. Finalment, Carolyn, la mare, decideix anar a veure uns famosos investigadors d'efectes paranormals, Lorraine i Ed Warren, per intentar trobar una solució als seus problemes. Quan Ed i Lorraine visiten la casa descobreixen que ha estat l'escenari d'un seguit d'esdeveniments terribles. La casa està embruixada, i per alliberar-la dels mals esperits caldrà fer-li un exorcisme.

A schoolteacher, stuck in a teaching post in an arid backwater, stops off in a mining town on his way home for Christmas. Discovering a local gambling craze that may grant him the money to move back to Sydney for good, he embarks on a five-day nightmarish odyssey of drinking, gambling, and hunting.

Any 1795. Jane Austen és la filla menor del reverend Austen i la seva dona. Si vol assegurar-se una bona posició social, tal com feien les dones de la seva època, ha de trobar ben aviat un marit com cal. Com que el que més desitja és convertir-se en una gran escriptora, desafia les convencions socials i rebutja amb fredor els pretendents. Fins que apareix l’arrogant, intel·ligent i ben plantat Thomas Lefroy. Després d'una primera impressió deficient, a poc a poc en Tom fa canviar de pensament la Jane, que començarà a prendre's seriosament la idea del matrimoni.

El germanet d'en Bill desapareix un dia de pluja a mans d'un misteriós pallasso. És un cas més de la colla de nens dels quals no s'ha sabut mai més res a la ciutat de Derry. En Bill volta amb uns amics del seu institut i acaben coneixent en Ben quan el rescaten de les tortures d'un grupet de perdonavides. En Ben ha fet tota una recopilació d'esdeveniments catastròfics que s'han anat produint al llarg de la història de Derry i s'ajunta a la colla dels "merdetes". Tots plegats, amb una noia que coneixen per casualitat i que també pateix assetjament escolar, es dediquen a mirar de desentranyar el misteri de les estranyes desgràcies i desaparicions.

In the United States for the first time, an Indian housewife with a limited command of English turns Manhattan into her personal language school.

A mysterious place, an indescribable prison, a deep hole. An unknown number of levels. Two inmates living on each level. A descending platform containing food for all of them. An inhuman fight for survival, but also an opportunity for solidarity.

In a barren, arranged marriage to an amateur swami who seeks enlightenment through celibacy, Radha's life takes an irresistible turn when her beautiful young sister-in-law seeks to free herself from the confines of her own loveless marriage.

In Bodeen, Texas, Land Of The Dragon, an indie-rock loving misfit finds a way of dealing with her small-town misery after she discovers a roller derby league in nearby Austin.

It's 1947 and the borderlines between India and Pakistan are being drawn. A young girl bears witnesses to tragedy as her ayah is caught between the love of two men and the rising tide of political and religious violence.

Six actors portray six personas of music legend Bob Dylan in scenes depicting various stages of his life, chronicling his rise from unknown folksinger to international icon and revealing how Dylan constantly reinvented himself.

Victor Maynard is a middle-aged, solitary assassin who lives to please his formidable mother, despite his own peerless reputation for lethal efficiency. His professional routine is interrupted when he finds himself drawn to one of his intended victims. After sparing her life, he unexpectedly acquires a young apprentice. Believing Victor to be a private detective, his two new companions tag along, while he attempts to thwart the murderous attentions of his unhappy client.

Charlie and his troublesome cousin Paulie decide to steal $150000 in order to back a "sure thing" race horse that Paulie has inside information on. The aftermath of the robbery gets them into serious trouble with the local Mafia boss and the corrupt New York City police department.

Sis amics es troben atrapats en una casa enmig d'una sèrie d'estranys i catastròfics esdeveniments que han devastat la ciutat de Los Angeles. Fins que tot torni a la normalitat, els queviures van escassejant, amb el que la convivència fa miques la seva relació. Al final, es veuen obligats a abandonar la casa, enfrontant-se al seu destí i al veritable significat de l'amistat.

In this modern love story set against the Austin, Texas music scene, two entangled couples — struggling songwriters Faye and BV, and music mogul Cook and the waitress whom he ensnares — chase success through a rock ‘n’ roll landscape of seduction and betrayal.

A group of 3 men struggle to get their water to a safe location while on the run from the law.