On an isolated island in Brittany at the end of the eighteenth century, a female painter is obliged to paint a wedding portrait of a young woman.

Pel·lícula sobre el físic J. Robert Oppenheimer i el seu paper com a desenvolupador de la bomba atòmica. Basada en el llibre 'American Prometheus: The Triumph and Tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer' de Kai Bird i Martin J. Sherwin.

A curmudgeonly instructor at a New England prep school is forced to remain on campus during Christmas break to babysit the handful of students with nowhere to go. Eventually, he forms an unlikely bond with one of them — a damaged, brainy troublemaker — and with the school’s head cook, who has just lost a son in Vietnam.

Mario, un lampista de Brooklyn, viatja pel Regne dels Bolets amb la princesa Peach i el bolet antropomòrfic Toad per trobar Luigi (el germà de Mario) i per salvar el món del despietat Bowser.

A la Ciutat Element, els habitants del foc, l’aigua, la terra i l’aire conviuen junts, però han de complir una norma: no poden barrejar-se entre si. Tanmateix, una noia de foc i un noi d’aigua descobriran que tenen molt més en comú del que es pensen.

En créixer a l'era d'Arizona posterior a la Segona Guerra Mundial, un nen anomenat Sammy Fabelman descobreix un secret familiar devastador i explora com el poder de les pel·lícules pot ajudar-lo a veure la veritat. Pel·lícula semiautobiogràfica sobre la infància i joventut de Steven Spielberg.

En un món post-apocalíptic on tot ha perdut el valor, els pocs supervivents es guien per la llei del més fort. Sense estima per la vida, l'única cosa que desperta un brutal interès és la benzina, sinònim de poder i objectiu de bandes armades fins a les dents i sense escrúpols. En aquest context coneixerem la història de la despietada, salvatge i jove Furiosa, que cau en mans d'una horda de motoristes i ha de sobreviure a moltes proves mentre reuneix els mitjans per trobar el camí de tornada a casa. Preqüela de 'Mad Max: Fúria a la carretera' (2015).

El futur de l'últim pub que queda, The Old Oak, en un poble del nord-est d'Anglaterra, on la gent abandona la terra mentre es tanquen les mines. Les cases són barates i estan disponibles, per la qual cosa és un lloc ideal per als refugiats sirians.

L’any 1943, el comandant d’Auschwitz, Rudolf Höss, viu amb la seva dona Hedwig i els seus cinc fills en una casa idíl·lica al costat del camp de concentració. Höss porta els nens a nedar i a pescar i Hedwig passa gran part del seu temps cuidant el jardí. Els servents s’encarreguen de les tasques de la llar, mentre que les pertinences dels presoners es lliuren a la família. Més enllà del mur del jardí se senten constantment trets, crits i sons de trens i forns.

1945, Leningrad. World War II has devastated the city, demolishing its buildings and leaving its citizens in tatters, physically and mentally. Two young women, Iya and Masha, search for meaning and hope in the struggle to rebuild their lives amongst the ruins.

Residents in a lonely gulch of inland California bear witness to an uncanny, chilling discovery.

Stig is a 15-year-old pupil of 37-year-old teacher Viola. He is attracted by her beauty and maturity while she is drawn to him by his youth and innocence, a godsent relief from her drunk and miserable husband.

Augusta, Georgia, United States, June 3, 2017. After running some errands, Reality Winner returns home, where she is approached by two men.

An epic that details the checkered rise and fall of French Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte and his relentless journey to power through the prism of his addictive, volatile relationship with his wife, Josephine.

Tres adolescents britàniques se’n van de vacances per celebrar els típics ritus d’iniciació: beure, sortir de festa i lligar, en el que hauria de ser el millor estiu de les seves vides.

A tormented father witnesses his young son die when caught in a gang's crossfire on Christmas Eve. While recovering from a wound that costs him his voice, he makes vengeance his life's mission and embarks on a punishing training regimen in order to avenge his son's death.

Florence wants to introduce David, the man she’s madly in love with, to her father Guillaume. But David isn’t attracted to Florence and wants to throw her into the arms of his friend Willy. The four characters meet in a restaurant in the middle of nowhere.

Quan les seves obligacions l'envien a un forat de cuc vinculat a un revolucionari kree, els poders de Carol Danvers, la capitana Marvel, s'entremesclen amb els de Kamala Khan, també coneguda com la Sra. Marvel i la neboda de Carol, ara astronauta de S.A.B.E.R., Monica Rambeau. Juntes, hauran de salvar l'univers com a The Marvels.

Dos mil·lennistes de Los Angeles d'orígens dispars s'enamoren i fan front a la prova definitiva: conèixer els seus pares respectius. El xoc cultural està servit!

Alphonse is a 70 years old man, born and raised in Benin, left his country and his people with the promise to come back home… But he never did. When Alphonse receives the news that his sister Veronique is ill, it seems to him that time has past too long and that he has to go and see her. Alphonse will have to face the past and the present of his homeland. He will have to talk and explain 40 years of silence, shame and disillusion. To his sister who has been waiting for him, also to his mother, who died without seeing him back. “The door of no return” is a journey from north to south and south to north, from the present to the past, from here to beyond. An adventure back to the starting point. An open reflection about all the questions arising from the personal conflict of a man divided by the emigrant who has gone and the immigrant who has never returned. It is the unique and universal story of Alphonse Zannou.