Those who still see him as an innocent teen TV correspondent are in for a surprise: French comic Panayotis Pascot is all grown up and ready to get real.
Pil-ju, an Alzheimer's patient in his 80s, who lost all his family during the Japanese colonial era, and devotes his lifelong revenge before his memories disappear, and a young man in his 20s who helps him.
A movie fan escapes from a labour camp during the Chinese Cultural Revolution and strikes up a relationship with a homeless female vagabond.
Nour, a 14-year-old boy, is enjoying the summer holidays in the South of France. He is the youngest of four brothers. They live together in a council estate, caring for their mother who is in a coma. Nour dreams of escaping to a faraway place. When he crosses paths with Sarah, an Opera singer teaching summer classes, he finds the opportunity to come out of his shell and explore new horizons.
Bruno Salvati is a director of little success, fresh from the separation from his wife Anna with whom he had two children, the twenty-year-old Adele and the seventeen-year-old Tito. Following a sudden illness, Bruno is diagnosed with a disease that requires the intervention of a donor. All his family relationships are called into question, including that with his father Umberto, the custodian of a secret that will force Bruno to embark on a journey in search of someone who can help him.
Marianne Winckler relocates to the port city of Caen in order to pass herself off as a member of a large community of itinerant workers desperate to make ends meet. She gains employment as a cleaner on a ferry travelling between Ouistreham and Portsmouth, recording the drudgery of the work she and her colleagues are required to do.
A few days before Christmas, having quit his job in Germany, Matthias returns to his Transylvanian village. He wishes to involve himself more in the education of his son, Rudi, left for too long in the care of his mother, Ana, and to rid him of the unresolved fears that have gripped him. He’s also eager to see his ex-lover Csilla and preoccupied about his old father, Otto. When a few new workers are hired at the small factory that Csilla manages, the peace of the community is disturbed, underlying fears grip the adults, and frustrations, conflicts and passions erupt through the thin sliver of apparent understanding and calm.
Vienna, Austria, 1910. The young painter Egon Schiele is a rising artist, provocative and free, whose work, characterized by eroticism, shocks as much as it fascinates art lovers.
Naëlle (Najaa Bensaid) té 19 anys, amb un passat ja complicat a l'esquena. Durant un taller d'integració, Naëlle coneix Hélène (Agnès Jaoui), la seva instructora, que aconsegueix un entrenament en un gremi d'artesans. Tot i els seus errors, Naëlle aconsegueix trobar el seu camí, però no sense el suport d'Hélène i de Paul (Pio Marmai), el mestre artesà que l'assessora. Naëlle es llaurarà un lloc al fascinant món dels vitralls i s'adonarà que els valors dels companys no són només paraules buides.
Fifty-year-old Maria Garcia is the owner of the Dos Estaciones, a once-majestic tequila factory struggling to stay afloat, and the final hold-over from generations of Mexican-owned tequila plants in the highlands of Jalisco; the rest have folded to foreign corporations. Once one of the wealthiest people in town, Maria knows her current financial situation is untenable. When a persistent plague and an unexpected flood cause irreversible damage, she is forced to do everything she can to save her community's main source of economy and pride.
Dos amants són 15 anys després, al corredor d'un hospital. Ella en té 71, ell en té 45. Repel·lits, però atrets l'un per l'altre, tornen a connectar. Vídua, mare, àvia, Shauma vol reafirmar que segueix sent dona, abans de res.
Una xef amb l'ego inflat pren una sèrie de decisions que la fan quedar-se sense feina. Ara ha de dedicar-se a cuinar en una llar d'acollida. Un càstig diví o una oportunitat de redempció? Cathy és una estricta xef de 40 anys. Quan està a punt de complir el seu somni d'obrir el seu propi restaurant gurmet, un revés fa que res surti com havia planejat. Amb serioses dificultats econòmiques, accepta amb reticència una feinal en la cafeteria d'un centre per a joves immigrants. A poc a poc, les habilitats de la Cathy i la seva passió per la cuina comencen a canviar la vida dels nois, que també tenen molt a ensenyar-li a ella
Thornton Melon, un milionari excèntric propietari d'una cadena de botigues anomenada "Alts i grossos", preocupat pels repetits fracassos del seu fill a la universitat, es matricula al mateix centre per donar-li exemple. Però una sèrie de circumstàncies faran que l'objectiu que s'havia proposat canviï completament.
Two friends spend all their free time building flame-throwers and weapons of mass destruction in hopes that a global apocalypse will occur and clear the runway for their imaginary gang "Mother Medusa".
Vincent, a civil servant, has always enjoyed the benefits of his family's status. When the government votes on a massive savings plan, Vincent is pushed out. When he is transferred to the North Pole, he meets Eva and finds love. It's time for him to choose.
Quan Marco, un nen gitano de 14 anys sense llar, és arrestat al control de fronteres danès per possessió del passaport d'un funcionari públic desaparegut, l'inspector de policia Carl Mørck i el seu equip del departament Q tenen la tasca de trobar la connexió. El cas anterior conté diversos elements sospitosos: el servidor públic va ser acusat de pedofília poc abans de la seva desaparició, i el seu cas es va tancar inusualment ràpid. Però el silenciós i traumatitzat Marc es nega a parlar amb ells i no passa gaire temps abans que estigui fugint d'aquells que pretenen matar-lo pel que sap.
Coming-of-age story depicting Zlatan Ibrahimovic's upbringing in a rough Swedish suburb. Born to Balkan immigrants, football was Zlatan's release in a tough environment where his remarkable talent and self-reliance catapulted him against all odds to the top of international football playing for clubs like Ajax Amsterdam, Juventus, Inter, Milan, Barcelona, Paris Saint-Germain and Manchester United.
La Charly és una reeixida editora en cap d’una revista de moda dedicada a l’alta costura a París. Quan mor el seu pare, ella hereta el negoci familiar: una carnisseria, que no és exactament la seva passió en la vida. Està a punt de vendre-la quan en Marcial, que treballava per al seu pare, vol fer-se’n càrrec, però ella té altres plans. Aquests dos personatges oposats hauran d'acostumar-se l'un a l'altre. Entre tots dos reinventaran l’establiment familiar donant-li una visió més moderna i adaptada als nous temps, sense perdre el vessant més artesanal i més relacionat amb la qualitat del producte.
Three officers are tasked with escorting an illegal immigrant to Charles de Gaulle airport, where he will be forced onto a plane and sent back to his homeland. But when they find out about the truth, they have to make a difficult choice.
On the eve of a vote to greenlight the construction of a leisure centre where a primal forest currently stands, an unashamedly right-wing mayor sets out to trap his ecologist opponent. But both will end up being outwitted by a group of feminist activists who will confront the two men with their own contradictions, once and for all.