In Ghosts On The Go, the gang crosses the Atlantic Ocean and takes on Europe! In Large Dragon at Large, the gang attends a Renaissance Faire, where a dragon interrupts their fun. While traveling in Greece, an ancient myth apparently comes to life because of a medallion Shaggy wears in It's All Greek to Scooby. In Pompeii and Circumstance, the gang's Italian vacation is interrupted by misdeeds in teh ancient city of Pompeii, leading to an ominous visit into the mouth of th no so dormant Vesuvius. And finally, the gang goes to Paris to see Daphne's cousin become a model, but only to discover she's been abducted by a giant gargoyle in Ready To Scare.

スタンリー・キューブリックがA・C・クラークのアイディアを基に製作したSF映画の金字塔。 月に人が住むようになった時代。月のティコクレーターの地中からの謎の石碑「モノリス」が発掘され、合衆国宇宙評議会のフロイド博士が調査に向かう。それから18カ月後、最新型人工知能「HAL 9000型コンピュータ」を搭載した宇宙船ディスカバリー号は、デビッド・ボウマン船長、フランク・プールら5人のクルーを乗せて木星探査に向けて航行していた。しかし、その途上でHALが探査計画に対して疑問を抱いていることを打ち明ける。ボウマンとプールはHALの不調を疑い、いざというときはHALの回路を切断することを決めるが、それを知ったHALは反乱を起こす。

ヒロインのひとりである間桐桜を通じて「聖杯戦争」の真実に迫るシナリオ「Heaven's Feel」ルートを3部作で描く「劇場版 Fate/stay night Heaven's Feel」の第1部。どんな願いでもかなえる願望機“聖杯”を巡って魔術師(マスター)と英霊(サーヴァント)が戦った“聖杯戦争”から10年が経ったが、冬木市で再び戦争が始まる。

A new documentary by filmmaker-photographer Raymond Depardon – where justice and psychiatry meet.

A purely observational non-fiction film that takes viewers into the ethically murky world of end-of-life decision making in a public hospital.

《関東【山王会】 vs関西【花菱会】》の巨大抗争後、大友(ビートたけし)は韓国に渡り、日韓を牛耳るフィクサー張会長(金田時男)の下にいた。そんな折、取引のため韓国滞在中の【花菱会】幹部・花田がトラブルを起こし、張会長の手下を殺してしまう。これをきっかけに、《国際的フィクサー【張グループ】 vs巨大暴力団組織【花菱会】》一触即発の状態に。激怒した大友は、全ての因縁に決着をつけるべく日本に戻ってくる。時を同じくして、その【花菱会】では卑劣な内紛が勃発していた……。

"Loro", in two parts, is a period movie that chronicles, as a fiction story, events likely happened in Italy (or even made up) between 2006 and 2010. "Loro" wants to suggest in portraits and glimps, through a composite constellation of characters, a moment in history, now definitively ended, which can be described in a very summary picture of the events as amoral, decadent but extraordinarily alive. Additionally, "Loro" wishes to tell the story of some Italians, fresh and ancient people at the same time: souls from a modern imaginary Purgatory who, moved by heterogeneous intents like ambition, admiration, affection, curiosity, personal interests, establish to try and orbit around the walking Paradise that is the man named Silvio Berlusconi.

Pee-Wee is excited when Jambi the genie grants him a wish. He wishes to fly but gets upset when he sees Captain Carl and Miss Yvonne on a romantic date with each other.

A group of people in Los Angeles are brought together thanks to their canine friends.

Examining the violent death of the filmmaker’s brother and the judicial system that allowed his killer to go free, this documentary interrogates murderous fear and racialized perception, and re-imagines the wreckage in catastrophe’s wake, challenging us to change.



This musical version of the tale of the boy who wouldn't grow up aired live on television on March 7, 1955. It was so popular that it was restaged the following year, and again four years later.



Our three hapless heroes - Igor, Artyom, and Sauna - return for another lesson from St. Valentine. This time they must learn the true value of fatherhood.

Tina Shepard, a telekinetic teenage girl, accidentally unchains Jason from his watery grave, allowing him to go on another killing spree in the area.

Three people, each having different aspirations from life, are caught in a tangle of emotions and don’t know the way out. There’s a husband and wife with love eroding from their life. And there’s a single, happy-go-lucky dude who falls in love with the wife.

The fourth installment of the 'Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them' series which follows the adventures of Newt Scamander.