This Holiday Season, Everything Is Terrible!, the world famous psychedelic soldiers of found footage, return with another epic masterpiece! O'er the last 5 years EIT! has built upon their classic Holiday Special, each year creating a more abominable video collage of everyone's least favorite time of the year! Fights over toys for tots! Erotic Santas! Nazi elves! The blood of Jesus poured over pancakes! Henry Winkler as an old creepy dude! Rapping Turtles! And an endless parade of singing kids will surely destroy us all!

The stand-alone pilot OVA which was shown as part of the "Jump Super Anime Tour" of 1998. Shortly before the TV series, a summary is presented of the story of Gon who wants to become a hunter and the friends he makes in the process.

When the Spirit World is flooded due to an unusual rainfall which overflows the River Sanzu (aka the River Styx), Lord Koenma senses an extremely powerful enemy. He entrusts Death God Botan, to deliver to Spirit Detective Yusuke, a mysterious item which must be protected from the invading enemy. However, by the time Botan finds Yusuke, she's too weak to explain the situation. Yusuke and his friends are left in the dark about the new enemy, but not for long. Soon it is a battle for Earth between mere Spirit Detectives and the almighty king of the Netherworld.

Decades since their successful television series was canceled, Chip has succumbed to a life of suburban domesticity as an insurance salesman. Dale, meanwhile, has had CGI surgery and works the nostalgia convention circuit, desperate to relive his glory days. When a former cast mate mysteriously disappears, Chip and Dale must repair their broken friendship and take on their Rescue Rangers detective personas once again to save their friend’s life.

Pushpa Raj is a coolie who rises in the world of red sandalwood smuggling. Along the way, he doesn’t shy from making an enemy or two.

After living 45 years in Germany, the Turkish Hüseyin Yilmaz, seventy, announces to his family that he has bought a house in Turkey and they should return to make the necessary reforms. The idea is unwelcome and causes very heated discussions. In addition, Canan, a granddaughter of Hüseyin, announces she is pregnant and the father is her English boyfriend, and no one knew anything.

When 12-year-old Ton transfers to an all-boys boarding school, he's taunted by his peers and terrified by their tales about the ghosts that inhabit the school. Ton is utterly miserable until he befriends a mysterious fellow pupil.

Desprès de 2 anys de la derrota d'en Bu, en Satan inaugura un hotel en el seu honor. Però enmig de la festa de benvinguda arriben uns visitants demanant ajuda als nostres amics per tal de poder vèncer uns enemics que els estan perseguint. No us perdeu el retorn dels personatges que tant de temps ens han acompanyat després de 20 anys sense cap novetat animada! Aquest especial va ser realitzat per la celebració del Jump Super Anime Tour.

Es tracta d'una seqüela de l'exitosa comèdia escrita i dirigida pel còmic Seth MacFarlane. Acabats de casar Ted i Tami-Lynn decideixen tenir un nadó. John s'ofereix a donar el seu esperma perquè el seu millor amic pugui complir el seu somni de tenir un fill, però inesperadament reben una carta legal que diu que l'estat no permet ser pare ja que no està demostrat que sigui una persona. Tots plegats hauran d'unir forces per lluitar pels seus drets en un tribunal de justícia.

Two girls with the same name but very different personalities share an apartment in this sequel to Nana. The rising fame of Nana Osaki's band, the Black Stones, is beginning to take a toll on the best friends' relationship. Meanwhile, Nana Komatsu struggles to make sense of her love triangle with Black Stones' guitarist Nobu and rival group Trapnest's bassist Takumi.

The untold and ultimately inspiring story of legendary singer, Teddy Pendergrass, the man poised to be the biggest R&B artist of all time until the tragic accident that changed his life forever at the age of only 31.

Inside a darkened house looms a column of TVs littered with VHS tapes, a pagan shrine to forgotten analog gods. The screens crackle and pop endlessly with monochrome vistas of static white noise permeating the brain and fogging concentration. But you must fight the urge to relax: this is no mere movie night. Those obsolete spools contain more than just magnetic tape. They are imprinted with the very soul of evil.

Following Jigsaw's grisly demise, Detective Mark Hoffman is commended as a hero, but Agent Strahm is suspicious, and delves into Hoffman's past. Meanwhile, another group of people are put through a series of gruesome tests.

La nau espacial Moonraker, que els nord-americans anaven a lliurar als seus aliats britànics, desapareix en ple vol. James Bond, que s'encarrega del cas, sospita que l'artefacte està en poder de l'organització criminal que dirigeix Drax. Bond li segueix la pista des de Venècia fins a Rio amb l'ajuda de Holly Goodhead, una agent de la CIA.

Mentre esclata una mortal lluita pel llegat de Jigsaw, un grup de supervivents busca el suport de Bobby Dagen, guru de l'auto-ajuda, un home amb foscos secrets que desfermara una nova onada de terror.

Després d'una sèrie de malentesos, Alvin, Simon i Theodore creuen que Dave se’n va a Nova York a declarar-se a la seva nova xicota, i oblidar-se d'ells. Tenen tres dies per intentar trencar el compromís i salvar-se així de la pèrdua de Dave.

In this last episode princess Fantaghirò ends up in a parallel dimension fairy land full of kids. Here the princess must fight against a villain called "Nameless".

A woman runs for her life though the streets of Los Angeles after her blind date suddenly turns violent.

Tercer lliurament de la saga Alvin i els esquirols. Els esquirols s'embarquen en un creuer de luxe i acaben en una illa deserta, però aviat esbrinaran que no està tan deserta com sembla.