The special features 22 real testimonials from people like Mandela, Martin Luther King and Marielle Franco, who fought racism and freedom in favor of justice.

A començaments dels anys 70, Sixto Rodríguez era un cantautor de Detroit amb una breu carrera discogràfica de dos àlbums, ben rebuts per la crítica però ignorats pel públic. Mentre sobrevivia fent feines diverses, Rodríguez no era conscient que a Sud-àfrica s'havia convertit en una icona musical i en un símbol de la resistència antiapartheid. Als anys 90, malgrat el rumor que el cantant s'havia suïcidat, un petit grup d'admiradors sud-africans va començar a investigar la seva vida. Aquest documental, guanyador d'un Oscar, és la història d'una recerca impossible que va canviar la vida d'unes persones a banda i banda de l'Atlàntic, i també és la història d'un somni fet realitat.

Walter Lee Younger is a young man struggling with his station in life. Sharing a tiny apartment with his wife, son, sister and mother, he seems like an imprisoned man. Until, that is, the family gets an unexpected financial windfall.

A wide-ranging, definitive look at Hawk’s life and iconic career, and his relationship with the sport with which he’s been synonymous for decades, featuring unprecedented access, never-before-seen footage, and interviews with Hawk and prominent figures in the sport including Stacy Peralta, Rodney Mullen, Mike McGill, Lance Mountain, Steve Caballero, Neil Blender, Andy MacDonald, Duane Peters, Sean Mortimer, and Christian Hosoi.

7,000 passengers are stranded in the small town of Gander, Newfoundland after all flights into the US are grounded on September 11, 2001. Filmed live on stage at the Gerald Schoenfeld Theater in New York City.

In the midst of the Great Depression, manipulative emcee Rocky enlists contestants for a dance marathon offering a $1,500 cash prize. Among them are a failed actress, a middle-aged sailor, a delusional blonde and a pregnant girl.

Un nàufrag arriba a una illa tropical deserta on troba aigua, fruita fresca i gran diversitat d'animals. Amb els troncs d'un bosc de bambú proper decideix construir un rai per escapar de l'illa. Un cop enllestit amb molt d'esforç, tots els seus intents per tornar a la civilització es veuen frustrats per una tortuga vermella gegant que li enfonsa reiteradament l'embarcació.

Covered in ice and snow, Elior Forest is the home to dangerous magical beasts and 50 elves frozen in ice. One day, the great spirit Puck helps a young girl break out of her ice prison. Her name is Emilia, a half-elf born with silver hair, long ears, and amethyst eyes—features that resemble the evil Witch who destroyed half the world long ago. Shunned by society because of her appearance, Emilia dwells in the forest with Puck as her sole companion and family. Burdened with a sin of destruction she does not remember committing, she spends her days trying to find a way to help her frozen kin. But when the great spirit Melakuera, the Arbitrator of the world, finds Emilia, her right to stay alive is brought into question. Will the bonds of ice she formed with Puck prove to be the warm thread that defies fate?

El militar Markus ha de tornar a casa amb la seva filla adolescent, Mathilde, quan la seva esposa mor en un tràgic accident de tren. Tot sembla ser a causa de la mala sort, fins que l'Otto, expert en matemàtiques i també passatger de tren sinistrat, apareix amb els seus dos excèntrics col·legues, Lennart i Emmenthaler. L'Otto està convençut que hi ha algú darrere de tot això.

A man trying to get home to his dog gets stuck in a time loop that forces him to relive a deadly run-in with a cop.

She was arguably the greatest women's basketball player. She won three national trophies; she played in the ’76 Olympics; she was drafted to the NBA. But have you ever heard of Lucy Harris?

This documentary recounts the experiences of people on the ground in the earliest days of the novel coronavirus and the way two countries dealt with its initial spread, from the first days of the outbreak in Wuhan to its rampage across the United States.

Aquesta pel·lícula és una biografia del cantant i compositor dels Beach Boys, Brian Wilson, centrada en dues etapes que es van intercalant. D'una banda relata els primers i anys del grup a la dècada des 60. I d'altra banda mostra la dècada dels 80, època en què Wilson va tenir problemes psicològics greus.

En Henry és un monologuista còmic d'humor incisiu i l’Ann una cantant de renom internacional. Centre de totes les mirades, junts formen una parella feliç envoltada de glamur. El naixement de la seva primogènita, l'Annette, una nena misteriosa amb un destí excepcional que els canviarà la vida.

Bruce Macdonald follows punk bank Hard Core Logo on a harrowing last-gasp reunion tour throughout Western Canada. As magnetic lead-singer Joe Dick holds the whole magilla together through sheer force of will, all the tensions and pitfalls of life on the road come bubbling to the surface.

A shy teenager living on the Isle of Wight dreams of pop stardom. With the help of an unlikely mentor, she enters a singing competition that will test her integrity, talent, and ambition.

L'adolescent Owen només està intentant superar la vida als suburbis quan el seu company de classe li presenta un misteriós programa de televisió nocturn: una visió d'un món sobrenatural sota el seu. A la llum pàl·lida de la televisió, la visió de la realitat d'Owen comença a trencar-se.

A screener at the British Board of Film Classification (BBFC), who has earned an unsavory reputation for being the strictest censor of violent films, begins to spiral out of control after viewing a low-budget horror with similarities to the disappearance of her sister.

Activists and volunteers work through the darkest days of 2020, galvanizing social change amidst chaos as governments start to fail local communities. This epic, globally spanning and deeply passionate documentary serves as a clarion call that great change can be born of crisis.

Catharine Holly, a poor relation of a prominent New Orleans family, seems to be insane after her cousin Sebastian dies under mysterious circumstances on a trip to Europe. Sebastian's mother, Violet Venable, trying to cloud the truth about her son's homosexuality and death, threatens to lobotomize Catharine for her incoherent utterances relating to Sebastian's demise. Under the influence of a truth serum, Catharine tells the gruesome story of Sebastian's death by cannibalism at the hands of locals whose sexual favors he sought, using Catharine as a device to attract the young men (as he had earlier used his mother).