An exploration of the rise of Héroes del Silencio, the seminal 1980s Spanish rock band anchored by Enrique Bunbury.


Follow Christian and his companions on a great journey from the City of Destruction to the gates of Heaven as they face obstacles large and small, man-made and demon-spawned. Beyond the gripping drama, Bunyan’s powerful allegory teaches us all the hazards and hopes of the Christian life, and it features the triumphant glory that awaits all who faithfully follow the King of kings!

An academic tags along among a crew of rowdy delivery-truck drivers, taking notes on their colorful and idiomatic use of language.

Alex is an 11-year old boy who, during WWII, hides in the Jewish ghetto from Nazis after all his relatives have been sent to the concentration camp. The movie portrays the ghetto through his eyes.

While leading a police investigation of a massacre in a public school at the border of Mexico and U.S.A, special Agent Emanuel Ritter links this strange case to the coming and rising of the ancient demon Belzebuth. But in order to stop the trail of upcoming infanticides, Ritter shall have to confront himself before dealing with the forces of good and evil.



A thief makes a disturbing discovery in the house where he breaks in. Later, when he returns to the same house with his partner in crime, things are no longer how he expected.

When a terrorist who specializes in explosives takes hold of an underground tunnel, he threatens to kill hostages if his demands are not met.

In the near future, the Earth’s resources are gradually getting scarce. In order to continue the hope of survival for generations of children and grandchildren, top scientists from various countries have brought several species of animals and plants to Mars for research, hoping to improve the Martian environment through advanced science and technology to make it suitable for human habitation.

A group of old college friends reunite on a Caribbean scuba diving trip exploring the wreckage of a WWII battleship and find themselves trapped inside the underwater labyrinth of rusted metal surrounded by great white sharks.



イタリアの鬼才ルッジェロ・デオダートが、食人族の恐怖をファウンドフッテージ・モキュメンタリー形式で描いたホラー映画。その情け容赦ない残酷描写から世界各国で上映禁止やフィルム没収、ビデオ発売中止騒動など物議を醸した一方、カルト的作品として語り継がれている一作。 ドキュメンタリー撮影のため南米アマゾン奥地の「グリーン・インフェルノ」と呼ばれる秘境を探索していたアメリカ人男女4人組が消息を絶った。現地へ向かった救助隊は未開のジャングル奥地で食人族の村にたどりつき、白骨化した遺体を発見。持ち帰った撮影済みフィルムを確認すると、そこには想像を絶する地獄絵図が記録されていた。

To end an apocalyptic war and save her daughter, a reluctant soldier embarks on a desperate mission to cross a frozen sea carrying a top-secret cargo.

It follows 15-year old Quinn Perkins, who will be spending the summer working as an intern with her best friend Daniela. Mysterious events start to occur, and they assume that they are being haunted by local legend Everly Fallow.

When passengers on a train are attacked by a creature, they must band together in order to survive until morning.

In the 1930s, a young reverend and his family are forced to confront their worst fears when they discover their new home holds a horrifying secret.

Female adventurer Parker joins a crew of male trophy hunters in a remote wilderness park. Their goal: slaughter genetically recreated dinosaurs for sport using rifles, arrows, and grenades. After their guide is killed by raptors, the team tries to escape the park – but the hunters quickly become the hunted. Even worse, the park’s manager suspects Parker of being a spy and sends a hit squad after her. This battle’s about to become primitive!