Young Vincent Malloy dreams of being just like Vincent Price and loses himself in macabre daydreams that annoy his mother.


After his wealthy family prohibits him from marrying the woman he is in love with, Devdas Mukherjee's life spirals further and further out of control as he takes up alcohol and a life of vice to numb the pain.




In 1950s Australia, beautiful, talented dressmaker Tilly returns to her tiny hometown to right wrongs from her past. As she tries to reconcile with her mother, she starts to fall in love while transforming the fashion of the town.



A day in the life of a group of teens as they travel around New York City skating, drinking, smoking and deflowering virgins.

An unexpected affair quickly escalates into a heart-stopping reality for two women whose passionate connection changes their lives forever.

Checco is 39 and lived his entire life with his parents. He loves his job where he does nothing the whole day, until something happens that will change his behavior and his life forever...


「氷の微笑」のポール・バーホーベン監督が「ピアニスト」のイザベル・ユペールを主演に迎え、「ベティ・ブルー 愛と激情の日々」の原作者フィリップ・ディジャンの小説「oh...」を実写映画化したエロティックサスペンス。ゲーム会社のCEOを務める女性ミシェルは、ある日突然、自宅に侵入してきた覆面男に襲われてしまう。何事もなかったかのように今まで通りの生活を送ろうとするミシェルだったが、襲われた時の記憶がフラッシュバックするようになっていく。犯人が身近にいることに気づいたミシェルはその正体を突き止めようとするが、自分自身に潜んでいた欲望や衝動に突き動かされて思わぬ行動に出る。第74回ゴールデングローブ賞で最優秀主演女優賞と最優秀外国語映画賞を受賞し、第89回アカデミー賞でもイザベル・ユペールが主演女優賞にノミネートされた。

A disenfranchised 16-year-old girl connects to an older man on the internet and after a brief one-sided affair descends into obsession and anorexia.

A renowned artist must uncover a young dancer's secrets in order to truly capture her likeness for a commissioned work.

At thirteen-years-old, with an unusually high IQ and a knack for observing things about other people, Lou Bertignac is not only the youngest in her class at school; she is also the most unusual. Painfully shy, she has few friends, save for Lucas, whose company helps her get through each day. At home, Lou's life is also difficult: Her mother hasn't left the house in years and her father spends his days crying in the bathroom. Lou's world is dark and sad... That is, until she meets No.

An ambitious teaching student's finals studies are interrupted by a passionate affair with a jazz musician.

An unhappily married woman struggles to break free from social pressures and her boring suburban setting.

A group of friends working on an offshore oil rig maintain close bounds and do their best to face the difficulties presented by living and working isolated out in the middle of the sea. A job promotion triggers events that disrupt, in an irreversible way, the group friendship and the protagonist’s own life on land. He is tested by the force of destiny and experiences the drama of an ordinary man facing a gradual process of isolation.