A Polish language biographical drama about the rapper Tomasz Chada.

After the sudden death of her mother, Aurore Gagnon is abused by her disturbed step-mother as her town remains in the silence followed by her death. Based on a true story.

After 6 years of brutal murders, the West Yorkshire Police fear that they may have already interviewed The Ripper and let him back into the world to continue his reign of terror upon the citizens of Yorkshire. Assistant Chief Constable of the Manchester Police, Peter Hunter, is called in to oversee the West Yorkshire Police's Ripper investigation and see what they could have missed.

Bob Ross brought joy to millions as the world's most famous art instructor. But a battle for his business empire cast a shadow over his happy trees.

Betsy Connell, una jove infermera canadenca, és contractada per en Paul, amo d'una plantació de sucre d'una illa del Carib, perquè es faci càrrec de la seva dona Jessica, que es troba en un estrany estat de paràlisi mental. Sense voluntat pròpia, no parla mai, amb prou feines menja i es passeja de nit com un fantasma. Completen l'enigmàtica família el germanastre del marit i la mare de tots dos, que dirigeix una clínica a l'illa. De mica en mica Betsy s'enamora d'en Paul i tractarà de curar la Jessica per tots els mitjans. Descobrirà llavors els secrets rituals de vodú que practiquen els indígenes.

Harper Higgins is determined to land a tenured position at Boston Art College, and she’s counting on curating a big art gallery at the university to do so. But when she loses her showcase artist and can find no one else, she turns to her recently-hired dog walker who, unbeknownst to anyone, is a skilled painter.

Lonely widow Joyce rents out a room in her house and becomes dangerously obsessed with one of her guests.

Utah (Jack Kilmer) i Opal (Alice Englert) són dues persones drogodependents que viuen als carrers d'una zona rural d'Ohio fins que coneixen a l'enigmàtic Wood (Michael Kenneth Williams), un home que els ofereix la possibilitat de viatjar a Los Angeles per a ingressar en una clínica de rehabilitació. Malgrat les seves il·lusions, no triguen a descobrir que la clínica és en realitat un pretext per a un fosc negoci.

A group of former computer University colleagues and their partners meet for dinner after several years only to share one of the most secret files on the Internet.

Boy, a student from a rich family who has a relationship with a girl from college, but the couple's love is opposed by her parents.

Failed actor-turned-worse-high-school-drama-teacher Dana Marschz rallies his Tucson students as he conceives and stages politically incorrect musical sequel to Shakespeare's Hamlet.

Hopeful romantic Thibault believes his luck could change when sparks fly between him and Rose. But can he go from bestie to boyfriend?

Horror comedy film following vampire count Geza von Kösznöm who's visiting groundbreaking neurologist Sigund Freud because he's bored of his life and frustrated of the "eternally long" relationship with his wife Elsa.

When Kendall, a successful restaurant designer comes home to Mystic Bay for the annual Big Catch Festival, she finds herself in uncharted waters with town newcomer Zack. Is Kendall baited for trouble in her home town or will she catch true love?

Every choice has a consequence. But what if the flip of a coin could trigger two separate but parallel destinies? Bobby and Kate are a young New York couple at a crossroads whose lives are about to take very different directions. A seemingly ordinary July 4th is cleaved in two by the flip of a coin. One path leads them to gentle discoveries about family, loss and each other on a visit to Brooklyn, and the other plunges them into an urban nightmare of pursuit, suspense and murder in Manhattan.

As the countdown to graduation begins, students at Osborne High are being stalked by a maniac intent on exposing their darkest secrets to the entire town, terrorizing victims while wearing a life-like mask of their own face. With a mysterious past of her own, Makani and her friends must discover the killer's identity before they become victims themselves.

After his father’s death, poor Berhudar is left dealing with his father’s huge debt to the mob. In one of his many attempts to find a way out of his problem, he meets Ezel. He hopes she will help him get out of the mess he is in. Little does he know the she’s dealing with a very similar trouble...

Tormented and left for dead by a scorned lover, a woman finds the strength within herself to recover and retaliate against her abuser.

Una mare de família, després que el seu marit la recrimini violentament per no tenir la casa en ordre, surt amb el cotxe i se'n va a un centre comercial per fer unes compres de Nadal. Buscant un lloc on aparcar, veu que hi ha un cotxe ocupant dues places, i quan aconsegueix deixar el seu escriu una nota insultant el propietari del cotxe i se la deixa al parabrisa. En tornar es troba que el propietari del cotxe és un jove delinqüent que va acompanyat de la seva colla, i no tenen intenció de deixar-la marxar. Les coses es complicaran i començarà una persecució en què la dona haurà de lluitar per la seva vida.

Abraham and his female friend Álex have a close relationship; they share both secrets and fears. When Abraham starts going out with Anchi, he begins to distance himself from Álex, who gradually dives into a living hell where she encounters strange apparitions, nightmarish visions and extreme situations.