A hitman is tasked to take out ex-mobsters when he suddenly hears a voice that questions his morality.

A young photographer's home is haunted by it's former residents.

Un home queda captivat d'una dona a l'estació de tren, la química és mútua en el breu moment que connecten.

Dignity. Poise. Mystery. We expect nothing less from the great turn-of-the-century magician, Presto. But when Presto neglects to feed his rabbit one too many times, the magician finds he isn't the only one with a few tricks up his sleeve!

Bus driver Stan Butler agrees to marry Suzy, much to the anguish of Mum, her son-in-law, Arthur, and daughter Olive. How, they wonder, will they ever manage without Stan's money coming in? Then Arthur is sacked, and Stan agrees to delay the wedding. Meanwhile, he hits on an idea: Arthur should learn to drive a bus. Somehow he does just that, and even gets a job. Stan then blackmails the Depot Manager into giving him the job of driver on the new money-making Special Tours Bus. A great idea ...if only the inspector hadn't taken Stan on his trial run to the Windsor Safari Park

An animated road-movie set across the vast and barren landscape of Australia's Nullarbor Plain.

Lisbeth Salander és buscada per la policia, després de veure's embolicada a l'assassinat de dos col·laboradors de Millennium, a punt de treure a la llum un escàndol sobre el comerç sexual a Suècia. No obstant això, la Lisbeth és més un àngel venjador que una víctima indefensa, i carrega amb justa ira sobre els que l'han ferida... Segona part de la trilogia Millennium, adaptacions de les reeixides novel·les de Stieg Larsson.

An absentee father and his bipolar son are forced to live together as they struggle with a recent family tragedy. The tension and anxiety boil as they live and try to cope in a tiny apartment. As time passes, they realize their shared pain is not their only source of grief, as they find the outside world is a cruel and unjust place.

Explore the myths and legends that inhabit the real world of Harry Potter. Follow award-winning documentary filmmakers as they offer insights to witches, wizards, Greek gods, ancient Celts, ghosts, magical creatures, alchemy, and ancient spells. Narrated by British actor Hugh Laurie, this fascinating documentary brings new dimensions to the historical and scientific world behind the Harry Potter series.

Two Minions are busy at work in the mailroom. One of them, bored, decides to throw a box of expired PX-41 samples into its designated chute.

The fireworks begin when Madea’s family gathers for her granddaughter’s wedding. As usual, Madea rules the roost, as she and her neighbor, the wacky Mr. Brown, deliver nonstop laughs. Live, love, rejoice...it’s Madea’s Family Reunion!

Nic (Annette Benning) i Jules (Julianne Moore) són una parella de lesbianes que viuen amb els seus dos fills adolescents: Joni (Mia Wasikowska) i Laser (Josh Hutcherson), tots dos fruit de la inseminació artificial. El que obsessiona els dos nois és conèixer el seu pare biològic (Mark Ruffalo). Per un caprici del destí el troben i decideixen que formi part de les seves vides, encara que naturalment ensopegaran amb l'oposició de les mares. Però aquest no serà l'únic problema.

Lilo, Stitch, Jumba, and Pleakley have finally caught all of Jumba's genetic experiments and found the one true place where each of them belongs. Stitch, Jumba and Pleakley are offered positions in the Galactic Alliance, turning them down so they can stay on Earth with Lilo, but Lilo realizes her alien friends have places where they belong – and it's finally time to say "aloha".

A man suffering from allegrophobia, the fear of being late, is late to work.

A girl calls on her brother's imaginary friend to banish a mischievous boogeyman who has framed her for his pranks.

Some of Sin City's most hard-boiled citizens cross paths with a few of its more reviled inhabitants.

'Avions 2: Equip de rescat' segueix a una peculiar colla d'avions bomber d'elit la principal comesa de la qual és protegir l'històric Parc Nacional de Piston Peak d'un atroç incendi. El popular avió de carreres Dusty descobreix que el seu motor està espatllat, la qual cosa li impedeix tornar a competir. Malgrat la terrible notícia no es desanima i decideix utilitzar la seva experiència per unir-se a l'equip antiincendis.

After the death of his father Murat II, Mehmet II ascends to the Ottoman throne. After braving internal and external enemies, he decides to complete what he was destined to do: Conquer Constantinople.

Former race car driver Brent Magna is pitted against the clock. Desperately trying to save the life of his kidnapped wife, Brent commandeers a custom Ford Shelby GT500 Super Snake, taking it and its unwitting owner on a high-speed race against time, at the command of the mysterious villain holding his wife hostage.

Girona, 1989. La Sandra i el David són amics i companys d'aventures des de la infància. Quan arriben a l'adolescència, sembla lògic que la seva amistat derivi en una relació més profunda, però un esdeveniment imprevisible colpeja brutalment a cadascun per separat, alterant el curs que seguien les seves vides d'estudiants. Des d'aquest moment, la Sandra es convertirà en una supervivent i el David en el guardià del seu secret. Junts, sense parlar-ho mai en veu alta, mantenen la seva relació de còmplices. S'enamoren desesperadament, amb la innocència i la crueltat dels nens, fins que la vida empeny la Sandra a creuar el llindar d'aquest secret, descobrint l'única cosa que el David mai li ha explicat, i que els deixarà marcats a tots dos per sempre.