When a horticulturalist-astronaut crashes onto a desolate planet, he encounters an ethereal visitor and discovers the joy of building a new life—realizing the universe has delivered something astonishing.

L'agent secret Yoo Da-hee és un novell al qual se li assigna la seva primera missió: la recerca del contraban d'armes a Corea. La detectiva privada Woo Soo-han també s'involucra en el cas, i ha de bregar amb la inexperiència i malaptesa del Yoo Da-hee. Fins que un dia les coses es compliquen: els seus principals testimonis són assassinats i ara ells són els principals sospitosos del crim.

Following a brutal murder case, the police are baffled to find out that the assailant, whose body was found on the scene with the victim, had already been dead for three months. Meanwhile, journalist Jin-hee sets up a live interview with an anonymous caller claiming he is the true killer behind the mysterious murder. When the man announces three more murders will occur in the hands of the undead, Jin-hee must face the sinister forces beyond understanding.

If Stan, Kyle and Cartman could just work together, they could go back in time to make sure Covid never happened. But traveling back to the past seems to be the easy answer until they meet Victor Chaos.

Hopper és el fill adoptiu del rei Peter, un famós aventurer. Meitat pollet i meitat llebre, li costa molt créixer i es disfressa de llebre per evitar les burles dels seus companys. Quan arriba el dia de les proves de la Royal Adventurer Society, Hopper, obstaculitzat per la seva disfressa, fracassa miserablement. Però està decidit a aprofitar una segona oportunitat i trobar el Ceptre de l'Hàmster de la Foscor, abans que el seu malvat oncle Lapin. El Ceptre atorgarà un immens poder a qui el tingui. Si Lapin aconsegueix amb ell, serà imparable. Acompanyat pel seu fidel servent Abe, una tortuga sarcàstica, i Meg, una mofeta experta en arts marcials, emprèn una cerca èpica i iniciàtica.

La Mirai és la germana petita d'en Kun. En Kun té 4 anys quan la Mirai neix. Aquest fet el trasbalsarà perquè l'atenció que rebia per part dels pares la compartirà amb al nova integrant de la família. Mirai significa futur, i és precisament el futur i el passat dels integrants de la família els que ajudaran a en Kun a madurar, créixer i acceptar el seu rol de germà gran.

When the irritable monkey king visits a temple together with his master Tang Monk, he feels offended because of a trifle and thereupon accidentally destroys a magic tree growing on the sacred ground. This brings an ancient demon king back to life, who promptly kidnaps Tang Monk to take revenge for his long imprisonment. The monkey king and his followers have only three days to not only save their master but also to prevent the demon king from regaining his full powers and destroying the world…

In the near future, Cameron Turner is diagnosed with a terminal illness. Presented with an experimental solution to shield his wife and son from grief, he grapples with altering their fate in this thought-provoking exploration of love, loss, and sacrifice.

In WWII's final years, a soldier in the German army, a British glider pilot, and a Dutch resistance fighter's paths intertwine. Their choices shape destinies, impacting not only their freedom but also that of others.

Sir Lionel Frost creu que és l’investigador de mites i monstres més important del món! Però, per què no li ho reconeix ningú?

In a modern America where witches are real and witchcraft is illegal, a sheltered teenager must face her own demons and prejudices as she helps two young witches avoid law enforcement and cross the southern border to asylum in Mexico.

La Tina és una agent de duanes sueca reconeguda per la seva eficiència i pel seu extraordinari olfacte, que sembla que li permeti detectar en pocs instants la culpabilitat de les persones. Quan en Vore, un home aparentment sospitós, passa al seu costat per primera vegada, les seves habilitats es posen a prova. La Tina sap que en Vore amaga alguna cosa, però no aconsegueix identificar exactament de què es tracta. Tots dos tenen més coses en comú que no es pensa.

An exceptional marksman and hopeless playboy, private eye Ryo Saeba reluctantly forms an alliance with his late partner's sister to investigate his death.

When two siblings stumble on a strange hole in the wall of their grandparents' house, horrifying incidents reveal sinister secrets about their family.

Rahul embarks on a journey to a small town in Tamil Nadu to fulfill the last wish of his grandfather: to have his ashes immersed in the Holy water of Rameshwaram. En route, he meets a woman hailing from a unique family down South. As they find love through this journey in the exuberant lands of South India, an unanticipated drive awaits them.

After witnessing a brutal murder in a cabin, a man hides in a crawlspace while the killers scour the property for a hidden fortune. As they draw nearer, he must decide if the crawlspace will be his tomb or the battleground in his fight for survival.

Larry Crowne és un home de mitjana edat que després de ser acomiadat de la feina vol donar un nou rumb a la seva vida. Malgrat tenir molts deutes, decideix tornar a estudiar i es matricula a la Universitat, on coneix a Mercedes Tainot, una atractiva professora de la qual s'enamora.

In the year of 2039, after World Wars destroy much of the civilization as we know it, territories are no longer run by governments, but by corporations; the mightiest of which is the Mishima Zaibatsu. In order to placate the seething masses of this dystopia, Mishima sponsors Tekken, a tournament in which fighters battle until only one is left standing.

Cinc caçadors d'elit paguen per caçar un home a una illa deserta. A mesura que avança la cacera, els caçadors es converteixen en presa de la presa que demostra un nivell de supervivència desconegut.

Mystery writer Grace Miller has killer instincts when it comes to motive - and she'll need every bit of expertise to help solve her sister's murder.