"WE ALL PLAY" addresses the reality of the LGBTQIA+ community in sport. In a trip around the world, we will meet outstanding world elite athletes, who will talk, many of them for the first time, about their personal and professional experiences in first person.

A famous convict Jacques Collin, alias Trompe la mort, or abbot Carlos Herrera, also called Vautrin, escapes from prison. Chance makes him meet Lucien de Rubempré, an impetuous and eternal lover who, when he is dismissed, collapses. Moved by this fragility, he takes him under his wing, and will do everything possible to ensure that his creature reaches happiness, even if it means imagining the worst shenanigans and other scams, with the help of a band of clever villains.

Fathi trades in smuggled goods, he lives with his mother Bahia and loves his neighbor Fakiha who encourages him to finish his studies. A matchmaker persuades his mother to marry Said, a professional conman who marries wealthy old women and steals their money. Fathi tries to prevent this marriage.

Based on the book "Spend, Spend, Spend" by Vivian Nicholson and Stephen Smith. Story of pools winner, Vivian Nicholson.

Two teenagers are playing by night in a dirty parking lot. After they are driving on an empty road, they start to tease each other on the way to the sea, but they seem to be too young to drive and the road is a bit strange.

At a competition, a young dancer waits nervously in the wings. Once on stage, however, she shines, demonstrating her great passion for Irish dancing.

Another example of early filmmakers capturing on film anything that happened to be moving in America in 1904.

After four years, a young freight forwarder Sizuhin suddenly learns that under the guise of shipments of baby food his firm is involved in drug smuggling. Deciding to understand this case, he begins to fight the mafia and seeks help from a professional thief named "Varyoniy".

Late 17th century. With no access to the sea, Russia suffers great losses in foreign trade. Peter tries to capture the Turkish fortress of Azov, but with no success: he can win only if he has a fleet. Peter’s ukases provoke the Boyars’ indignation. Europe looks in amazement: the Russian tsar begins to work at a Dutch shipyard learning the subtleties of shipbuilding?! But his training is cut short. Peter has to return to Russia in order to brutally suppress the Streltsy rebellion organized by his sister Sophia.

夫を病気で失って以来、ビル清掃の仕事をしながら一人娘の桐子を育てているシングルマザー・花沢香。 変わりばえのしない毎日の中で、煙草だけが彼女の癒しである。しかし職場の東光株式会社では、新しく来た副社長の方針で喫煙室が縮小されてしまう。 煙草の値上げや歩き煙草禁止条例など、香たち喫煙者の肩身はどんどん狭くなっていく・・・ そんな日常がある日突然変わる。 宇宙から飛来した多数の球体から未知の生物が飛び出し、人間に寄生して操り始めたのだ。人間の口から入り込み、体内で繁殖した宇宙生物たちは、凄まじい勢いで仲間を増やしていった。ビルに閉じ込められた香と同僚たちは、逃げる最中に宇宙生物が煙草の煙に弱いことに気づく。だがそれは死闘の始まりにすぎなかった。 喫煙者VS宇宙生物、生き残るのはどっちだ?! 香の叫びがこだまする。「煙吸って地獄に堕ちな!」

A former intellectual senator and his beautiful young wife have an obsessive relationship.

An actress and her lawyer husband are so busy that their maid becomes the real mother to their six year old boy and at one point causes consternation by taking the child away to her home village.

Young art gallerist Katarina's dad suddenly goes missing. It turns out that her dad, a prominent art dealer, is kidnapped in Egypt by his former smuggle partner, who has been released due to the Arab spring. To save her father, Katarina has to find the hidden statue that the kidnapper demands as ransom.

Every morning, Pedro carefully prepares coffee for Tiago, but even with all his extraordinary efforts, he is unable to prevent the drink from getting cold.