"L'emprise" is the story of a drama, adapted from the moving book-witness "Acquitted", by Alexandra Lange. The story of a mother of four children, which is found in March 2012 in the dock of the foundations of Douai for the murder of her husband. How does a woman manage to kill the father of her children with a knife? During the three days of the trial, panting narrative takes us into the daily life of Alexandra, a mother that the society has failed to protect, neither she nor her children from the control of a monster she has loved. Through this incident that made headlines and upset the public, an event movie that raises the question of the balance of justice. Will she be heard?

A series of mysterious events changes the life of a blind pianist who now must report a crime that was actually never witnessed by him.

Biopic sobre la famosa pintora mexicana Frida Kahlo, centrada en la seva tempestuosa relació amb Diego Rivera; des de la seva llarga i complicada relació amb el seu mentor i marit, fins al seu controvertit i il·lícit affaire amb Leon Trotsky, passant per les seves provocatives aventures amoroses amb dones, Frida Kahlo va viure una vida atrevida i absoluta com a revolucionària política, artística i sexual.

In an underground world where tunnels extend everywhere, even though they live in dark and confined spaces, people wear protective clothes and lead quiet and enjoyable lives. Patema, a princess in her underground village, loves to explore the tunnels. Her favorite place is a "danger zone" that her village prohibits people from entering. Even though she's scolded, Patema's curiosity can't be held back. No one ever explained what the supposed danger was. On her usual trip to the "danger zone," Patema faces unexpected events. When hidden secrets come to light, the story begins to unfold.

"Jellicle" cats join for a Jellicle ball where they rejoice with their leader, Old Deuteronomy. One cat will be chosen to go to the "Heavyside Layer" and be reborn.

In the last five years of his life, David Bowie ended nearly a decade of silence to engage in an extraordinary burst of activity, producing two groundbreaking albums and a musical. David Bowie: The Last Five Years explores this unexpected end to a remarkable career. Made with remarkable access, Francis Whately’s documentary is a revelatory follow-up to his acclaimed 2013 documentary David Bowie: Five Years, which chronicled Bowie’s golden ‘70s and early-‘80s period.

Després de la solemne cerimònia de casament, Sissí s'ha d'acostumar al ritme de vida habitual d'una emperadriu. El seu caràcter decidit xoca amb l'autoritarisme de la seva sogra. El conflicte entre les dues dones s'agreuja amb el naixement d'una nena. Invocant la tradició, la sogra pretén que Sissí no cuidi personalment la seva filla.

In a small suburb on the outskirts of Rome, the cheerful heat of summer camouflages a stifling atmosphere of alienation. From a distance, the families seem normal, but it’s an illusion: in the houses, courtyards and gardens, silence shrouds the subtle sadism of the fathers, the passivity of the mothers and the guilty indifference of adults. But it’s the desperation and repressed rage of the children that will explode and cut through this grotesque façade, with devastating consequences for the entire community.

La Camille és una noia solitària que treballa de dona de fer feines a les nits i dibuixa en el seu temps lliure. Viu de lloguer a les golfes d'un bloc de pisos de París. En Philibert és un excèntric jove de família aristocràtica que viu en un ampli pis del mateix edifici amb el seu amic Frank, un cuiner maleducat i faldiller, però que n'està molt de la seva àvia, la Paulette.

Christmas 1999, in a peaceful little village in the Ardennes. The life of a young boy named Antoine will soon be devastated by three tragic events : the death of a dog, the vanishing of a child, and a big ravaging storm.

La Nola Devlin és revisora d'articles d'una revista femenina, però té el somni de ser-ne columnista. Quan la directora vol buscar una columnista per a una nova secció de consultori de la publicació, la Nola s'ofereix a encarregar-se'n. Però, com que té sobrepès, la directora li diu que no té la imatge que cal per escriure aquest tipus d'articles. Aleshores, la Nola decideix crear una columnista fictícia, amb totes les qualitats que ella creu que no té, per escriure els articles sota una identitat falsa.

Wendy Walton is the best designer in Boston... but no one knows it yet. Hoping to kick-start her career, Wendy has left work with the local theatre to take a job as an assistant to Priscilla Hall, the most prestigious designer in the city. Ms. Hall works Wendy around the clock, which is how Wendy finds herself trapped in an elevator late one night with an incredibly handsome stranger. Wendy and the mystery man share an impulsive, romantic, life changing kiss before the doors open and Wendy runs out, leaving him behind. The next day at work, Wendy answers the door to find the handsome gentleman standing in front of her.

A woman tries to help her teenage daughter when she becomes the victim of online bullying.

Dueling high school debate champs who are at odds on just about everything forge ahead with ambitious plans to get into the colleges of their dreams.

Antonio is a 30 year old family man, whose life finds an unexpected twist when he's suddenly dumped by his husband, whom he depends both psychologically and economically: he needs to find a new place to stay, a job and a new purpose in life. Antonio finds a room in an apartment owned by Denis and starts to work in a bakery owned by Luca, while attending pastry school. Through this process he discovers that it was wrong of him to give up his independence for the sake of his relationship in the past.

En Paul Shepherdson és un agent jubilat de la CIA que està absolutament convençut que el famós assassí Cassius d'origen soviètic, fa molts anys que és mort. I així i tot l'assassinat d'un senador nord-americà que s'acaba de produir porta el seu segell. L'excap d'en Paul, Tom Highland, el desafia a demostrar que Cassius no té res a veure amb aquest crim. Juntament amb el jove agent de l'FBI Ben Geary, en Paul descobrirà que el misteriós assassí porta una doble vida.

An awkward adolescent boy and his angst-ridden friends try their best to fit in amongst a cast of varied characters.

Un pare, que es diu obert i tolerant, i lluita contra qualsevol forma de discriminació, resulta ser no tan liberal quan el seu fill anuncia el compromís amb la seva parella. Aclaparat per la notícia, es converteix en l'oponent més ferotge del matrimoni entre persones del mateix sexe, i intenta soscavar la felicitat del seu fill amb una sèrie de situacions enutjoses.

Jean-Pierre Savelli is a forty-something employee of an insurance company in Clermont-Ferrand who finds himself facing a mid-life crisis. When his fiancée Valérie decides to put their relationship on hold, he changes his holiday plans and heads for the Flots Bleus camping site near Arcachon. Jean-Pierre had been hoping for peace and calm. Instead he meets Patrick Chirac and his entourage of inveterate holidaymakers...

The Most Dangerous Game formula gets a monstrous twist as the mythical Hydra turns the tables on a group of wealthy human-hunters. Kidnapped along with three ex-convicts, former Marine Tim Nolan is transported to a deserted island where the super rich pay a fortune to hunt human prey. But this island isn't exactly deserted; it's actually home to Hydra the Beast!