Shortly after the Gulf War, oil fires were raging all through Kuwait. In the week before this sea of fire would be extinguished, Werner Herzog filmed this apocalyptic landscape with its murky skies, scorched earth and capricious flames.

The mysterious Count Orlok summons Thomas Hutter to his remote Transylvanian castle in the mountains. The eerie Orlok seeks to buy a house near Hutter and his wife, Ellen. After Orlok reveals his vampire nature, Hutter struggles to escape the castle, knowing that Ellen is in grave danger. Meanwhile Orlok's servant, Knock, prepares for his master to arrive at his new home.

L'Hortense és una jove negra que viu a Londres. Quan moren els seus pares adoptius, l'Hortense sent la necessitat de conèixer la seva mare biològica, que la va donar en adopció tot just quan ella va néixer. Quan per fi la troba, descobreix que és una dona blanca anomenada Cynthia.

Lugano, Switzerland. Titta Di Girolamo is a discreet and sullen man who has been living for almost a decade in a modest hotel room, a prisoner of an atrocious routine, apparently without purpose. His past is a mystery, nobody knows what he does for a living, he answers indiscreet questions evasively. What secrets does this enigmatic man hide?

El policia Stéphane Ruiz arriba al conflictiu suburbi parisenc de Montfermeil per unir-se als seus nous companys de la Brigada de Lluita contra la Delinqüència. Allà treballarà amb el Chris i el Gwada, dos experimentats agents que fa anys que breguen amb els diferents grups que pretenen controlar el barri.

Actress Myrtle Gordon is a functioning alcoholic who is a few days from the opening night of her latest play, concerning a woman distraught about aging. One night a car kills one of Myrtle's fans who is chasing her limousine in an attempt to get the star's attention. Myrtle internalizes the accident and goes on a spiritual quest, but fails to finds the answers she is after. As opening night inches closer and closer, fragile Myrtle must find a way to make the show go on.

Onoff is a famous writer, now a recluse. The Inspector is suspicious when Onoff is brought into the station one night, disoriented and suffering a kind of amnesia. In an isolated, rural police station, the Inspector tries to establish the events surrounding a killing, to reach a startling resolution.

In 1920s Ireland young doctor Damien O'Donovan prepares to depart for a new job in a London hospital. As he says his goodbyes at a friend's farm, British Black and Tans arrive, and a young man is killed. Damien joins his brother Teddy in the Irish Republican Army, but political events are soon set in motion that tear the brothers apart.

When the renegade crew of Serenity agrees to hide a fugitive on their ship, they find themselves in an action-packed battle between the relentless military might of a totalitarian regime who will destroy anything – or anyone – to get the girl back and the bloodthirsty creatures who roam the uncharted areas of space. But... the greatest danger of all may be on their ship.

La pel·lícula narra la història de David Carr, un treballador a l'atur i membre del Partit Comunista de la Gran Bretanya. L'any 1936, quan a conseqüència d'un aixecament feixista, s'inicia la Guerra Civil Espanyola, David Carr decideix lluitar en el bàndol republicà, una coalició de lliberals, socialdemòcrates, comunistes i anarquistes. S'uneix a les milícies del POUM (Partit Obrer d'Unificació Marxista) i és testimoni directe de la traïció a la revolució per part de la facció contrarevolucionària dins de la coalició de republicana.

In a post-apocalyptic world, the residents of an apartment above the butcher shop receive an occasional delicacy of meat, something that is in low supply. A young man new in town falls in love with the butcher's daughter, which causes conflicts in her family, who need the young man for other business-related purposes.

El futur de l'últim pub que queda, The Old Oak, en un poble del nord-est d'Anglaterra, on la gent abandona la terra mentre es tanquen les mines. Les cases són barates i estan disponibles, per la qual cosa és un lloc ideal per als refugiats sirians.

Boss, Charley, Mose i Button es dediquen a pasturar lliurement els seus ramats per les vastes praderies de l'Oest. Porten una vida primitiva i han forjat una amistat d'anys basada en un codi d'honor tradicional. En un dels seus desplaçaments topen amb un xèrif corrupte i un ranxer destacat que dominen el seu territori a través de la por i la tirania. El conflicte es fa inevitable, perquè els quatre amics no estan disposats a sotmetre's al domini d'aquests dos personatges. A més, Charley coneix la dona de la seva vida.

L'Ali és una noia de poble que es trasllada a la gran ciutat. Després d'aconseguir feina com a cambrera en un club de varietats, la jove tractarà de demostrar que té talent per a protagonitzar l'espectacle.

Robbie és un jove pare de família de Glasgow que no aconsegueix escapar del seu passat delictiu. El destí l’uneix amb Rhino, Albert i la jove Mo quan, com ells, evita per poc la presó tot i que rep una pena de treballs socials.

Alex, an intersexed 15-year-old, is living as a girl, but she and her family begin to wonder whether she's emotionally a boy when another teenager's sexual advances bring the issue to a head. As Alex faces a final decision regarding her gender, she meets both hostility and compassion.

Kaveh Nariman is a Doctor in the medical examiner's office. One day at his work he meets a corpse which is very familiar to him.

Xavier Lombard is a world-weary private eye in London, in exile from his native Paris; his best friend is Nathalie, a high-class call girl. He gets a call from an old friend from the Paris police department, now a businessman whose brother-in-law is missing. The missing man's parents hire Xavier over their daughter's objections, and quickly he finds himself in the realm of children's sexual slavery.

Jaap van Leyden is in charge of a shipyard in newly occupied Holland. At first he collaborates with the Germans because it is the easiest course to follow. Later a child's rhyme reminds him of his patriotic duty, but how best to resist the Nazis without endangering his wife and fellow workers?

Glasgow, principis dels anys 50. Joe és un jove que troba feina en una barcassa propietat de Les i la seva enigmàtica dona Ella. Una tarda, Joe i Els troben el cos d'una dona flotant a l'aigua. Tot i que la policia arresta un sospitós, es fa cada cop més evident que Joe sap més de la dona ofegada del que diu. Amb la investigació de l'assassinat com a teló de fons, Joe i Ella s'embarquen en una aventura íntima i passional.