How do you become who you are? Through the slights one experiences, believes freelance journalist and author Dirk Gieselmann. One late evening, he is alone in his apartment. His camera is set up in front of him, with which he records himself. In doing so, he first introduces himself personally and announces that he will call three people. In the telephone calls that follow, he confronts his interlocutors with long-ago encounters, experienced ruthlessness and the accusation that they drove him out of the paradise of childhood. That evening, he wants to know what the reasons were for the slights and hopes to be able to make sense of them. He realizes that his childhood has finally come to an end and remembers the world of thoughts that surrounded him when he was a little boy. Then he receives an unexpected call from his family.

Basada en la història real de Ray McElrathbey, jugador de futbol americà de la Universitat de Clemson, que va criar en secret el seu germà petit al campus després que la seva vida familiar es va tornar massa inestable.

The story of Venezuelan revolutionary, Ilich Ramirez Sanchez, who founded a worldwide terrorist organization and raided the OPEC headquarters in 1975 before being caught by the French police.

During World War II, millions of Jews from all over Europe are deported and killed in German concentration camps. When the German troops invade Norway, the Norwegian Jews feel safe and protected. But anti-Semitism knows no borders and as the war escalates in Europe, the situation changes drastically. Suddenly, their radios are taken away; their passports are stamped with a big J and one day, all the men men over the age of 15 are arrested and taken to prisons camps. Many of the women left behind are too frightened to escape and are desperately waiting for their husbands and sons to come back home. On November 26, 1942, hundreds of Jews are picked up by the police in the middle of the night and are transported to the dock in Oslo. Unknowing and frightened men, women, children, sick and old are forced on board the awaiting German cargo ship "SS DONAU". The ship leaves with 532 Norwegian Jews onboard; 302 men, 188 women and 42 children. The end station is Auschwitz.

The hunt for imperial gold continues. A priceless scepter, a treasure that could secure a worry-free life in sunny Rio de Janeiro for Ibrahim Bender and his young apprentice Ostap, has slipped from under their noses and ended up in possession of Nestor Makhno, an anarchist army commander. Makhno is convinced that the scepter is one of many imperial relics hidden in the area. With mafia, partisans, and officers of the Red and White armies all determined to get their hands on the fabled gold cache, Ostap and his mentor Ibrahim must surpass their own brilliance to outmaneuver their rivals and snatch the prize. And with Ostap’s beloved fair maiden losing her trust in him, he must do everything in his power to win her back and stop her from marrying another man.

Alex Dall (Isabelle Fuhrman) és una estudiant que s'uneix a l'equip de rem de la seva universitat, emprenent un viatge físic i psicològic obsessiu per a ser la millor en la millor embarcació, sense importar el cost. Amb la intenció de superar als seus companys d'equip, l'Alex s'esforça fins més enllà dels seus límits, allunyant-se de tots els que l'envolten en nom de l'èxit.

Bestselling author and award-winning filmmaker, Dinesh D’Souza, exposes widespread coordinated voter fraud in the 2020 election sufficient to change the overall outcome. Drawing on research provided by the election integrity group, True the Vote, “2000 Mules” offers two types of evidence: geotracking and video. The geotracking evidence, based on a database of ten trillion cell phone pings, exposes an elaborate network of professional operatives, called mules, delivering fraudulent votes to mail-in boxes in the five key states where the election was decided. Video evidence obtained from official surveillance cameras corroborates the cellular positioning data. The film concludes by exploring ways to assist in the prevention of election fraud in future democratic elections.

A tragedy surrounding a pop star propels her backup singer to fame, but the new star is plagued by supernatural occurrences.

Després de ser donat de baixa involuntàriament de les Forces Especials dels EUA, James Harper decideix recolzar la seva família unint-se a una organització de contractació privada amb el seu millor amic i sota el comandament d'un company veterà. A l'estranger en una missió encoberta, Harper ha d'evadir els que intenten matar-lo mentre torna a casa.

La lluna controla les nostres nits, els nostres dies, les estacions i les marees oceàniques. Des del començament de la humanitat, les seves fases s’han mantingut com un símbol d’il·luminació, de coneixement intern i de la nostra pròpia immortalitat. Fins ara. Una força misteriosa colpeja a la Lluna i l’envia en xoc directe contra la Terra.

A down-on-his-luck Rotterdam dock worker struggles to get his financials and family life back on track.

“As Benjamin had predicted, nothing brings the promise of happiness encoded at the birth of a technological form to light as effectively as the fall into obsolescence of its final stages of development.” – Rosalind Krauss

While on holiday in Rhodes, Athenian war hero Darios becomes involved in two different plots to overthrow the tyrannical king, one from Rhodian patriots and the other from sinister Phoenician agents.

Following the aftermath of a horrific accident, a woman is voluntarily subjected to artificial intelligence for rehabilitation.

May, a self help author with all the answers, suddenly finds herself stalked by a masked man who mysteriously reappears every night. Even when she kills him. May struggles to get help from the people around her as she fights to stay alive. Is this paranoia, or is she doomed to accept her new reality?

Annabel, the leader of a secret organization engaged in the recovery of priceless artwork, assembles a ragtag crew of art thieves to recover a Monet, Picasso, Degas, and Van Gogh stolen by Nazis during WWII and now in the possession of neo-Nazi billionaire oligarch Otto Huizen. As the planned heist approaches, loyalties are tested when the crew learns the real reason behind Annabel’s search for the long-lost paintings.

Després d'una recerca frenètica, les pitjors pors de l'agent retirat de la CIA, Robert Carter Michaels (Bruce Willis), i el seu fill Paul (Jesse Metcalfe) es fan realitat: la Melissa, la dona del Paul, ha estat segrestada.

Simon's spontaneous decision to help a stranger embroils him in a murder plot.

Haddad the Egyptian captain returns home after a journey of exile for more than fifty years to search for the remnants of adolescence and face many dramatic lines and people who are different in character in an exciting intertwining of human relations between all