Su, a woman whose friends are only men, finds herself forced to follow a series of absurd instructions to overcome the unexpected death of her fiancé.

Ruby is hopeful for a new start with her twin sister as they continue their education at an all-girl's boarding school. However, she soon endures torturous punishments and public humiliation as her cruel headmistress and stepmother plot against her.

En Paul, un nen que viu en un orfenat d'un barri pobre del París del 1927, és adoptat per la Celestine, la minyona d'un aristòcrata, i el seu marit, un guardabosc treballador de la gran finca de Sologne, propietat del comte de La Fresnaye. Acostumat a la ciutat, el nen descobreix un món misteriós i inquietant ple de natura, estanys i conreus, on coneixerà altres persones com en Totoche, qui li farà descobrir tots els secrets del bosc.

Ex intelligence agent Ki-heon is tasked with safely transporting Seo Bok, the first ever human clone, who holds the secret of eternal life. Several forces try to take control of Seo Bok to serve their own agendas.

Looking to investigate recruitment techniques of ISIS to lure women into Syria, a journalist creates a Facebook profile of a Muslim convert. When an ISIS recruiter contacts her online character, she experiences the process first hand.

Before he built a drug empire, Ferry Bouman returns to his hometown on a revenge mission that finds his loyalty tested — and a love that alters his life.

Park Kyung-won, who aspired to become a pilot since a young age, enrolls at an aviation academy in Japan. There she meets a charming exchange student from Korea who she is destined to be with.

Charles Price may have grown up with his father in the family shoe business in Northampton, central England, but he never thought that he would take his father's place. Charles has a chance encounter with the flamboyant drag queen cabaret singer Lola and everything changes.

Una xef amb l'ego inflat pren una sèrie de decisions que la fan quedar-se sense feina. Ara ha de dedicar-se a cuinar en una llar d'acollida. Un càstig diví o una oportunitat de redempció? Cathy és una estricta xef de 40 anys. Quan està a punt de complir el seu somni d'obrir el seu propi restaurant gurmet, un revés fa que res surti com havia planejat. Amb serioses dificultats econòmiques, accepta amb reticència una feinal en la cafeteria d'un centre per a joves immigrants. A poc a poc, les habilitats de la Cathy i la seva passió per la cuina comencen a canviar la vida dels nois, que també tenen molt a ensenyar-li a ella

Emmy-winning comedian Trevor Noah talks learning German, speaking ill of the dead, judging people in horror movies and ordering Indian food in Scotland.

A young couple travels to a shabby Eastern European hospital for plastic surgery. The young woman wants a breast reduction. Her mother comes along for yet another face-lift. Wandering through an abandoned ward the boyfriend stumbles upon a young woman, gagged and strapped to an operating table; she is the result of an experimental rejuvenation treatment. He frees her, but does not realize he just caused the outbreak of a virus that will change doctors, patients and his mother-in-law into bloodthirsty zombies.

From the rains of Japan, through threats of arrest for 'public indecency' in Canada, and a birthday tribute to her father in Detroit, this documentary follows Madonna on her 1990 'Blond Ambition' concert tour. Filmed in black and white, with the concert pieces in glittering MTV color, it is an intimate look at the work of the icon, from a prayer circle before each performance to bed games with the dance troupe afterwards.

A pair of high-frequency traders go up against their old boss in an effort to make millions in a fiber-optic cable deal.

A young woman returns to her small hometown intent on killing her abusive father only to discover someone murdered him the day before. As the girl searches for answers, she uncovers a family legacy more dangerous than she'd imagined.

Noreno, a half-Roman, is entrusted with the mission of crossing the snowy mountains of Armenia, swarming with Parthian patrols, to seek help for his slowly dying men.

Paz Vega protagonitza aquesta espectacular i frenètica pel·lícula de catàstrofes amb ressons a Roland Emmerich on quatre famílies en una ciutat de Heartland es posen a prova en un sol dia quan colpeja un tornado, obligant a creuar camins i redefinint el significat de supervivència.

La seva mare va morir quan ella va venir al món. Ara té tretze anys i el seu pare, propietari d'una funerària, s'ha tornat a casar i li donarà un germà. A l'institut li han demanat que escrigui sobre algú... i escull la seva mare.

Over the course of one fateful day, a corrupt businessman and his socialite wife race to save their daughter from a notorious crime lord.

A plane is taken over by a mysterious virus. When the plane lands it is placed under quarantine. Now a group of survivors must band together to survive the quarantine.

After the assault of a young woman in their seaside town, a security expert and his family get caught in a powerful riptide of secrets and lies.