The journey of Manolo, a young man who is torn between fulfilling the expectations of his family and following his heart. Before choosing which path to follow, he embarks on an incredible adventure that spans three fantastical worlds where he must face his greatest fears.
When five ragtag freshman first meet in detention, it seems they have nothing in common. But, through music, they form an unbreakable bond and discover they have the makings of the greatest high school garage band in history! In the face of incredible odds, Olivia, Stella, Wen, Mohini and Charlie find they can make a real difference when they learn to lean on each other and let go of everything holding back their dreams.
Twelve-year-old Koichi, who has been separated from his brother Ryunosuke due to his parents' divorce, hears a rumor that the new bullet trains will precipitate a wish-granting miracle when they pass each other at top speed.
Dos malalts terminals, de personalitats i mons completament oposats, fan amistat en compartir la mateixa malaltia, el càncer. L'Edward Cole és un milionari arrogant i en Carter Chambers és un mecànic de classe modesta. Malgrat tot, decideixen fer junts l'últim tros del camí.
WWE superstar Mick Foley (aka Mankind, aka Dude Love, aka Cactus Jack) looks back at his spectacular career as one of the best-loved and biggest risk-taking wrestlers of his generation...
Sophomore year has been a nightmare for Jessica Burns. Relentlessly harassed by her former friend Avery Keller, Jessica doesn't know what she did to deserve the abuse from one of South Brookdale High's most popular and beautiful students. But when a shocking event changes both of their lives, a documentary film crew, a hidden digital camera, and the attention of a reeling community begin to reveal the powerful truth about A Girl Like Her.
La Bella Brown és una noia estranya i misteriosa. Des de ben petita ha tingut certa obsessió per l'ordre, i a casa seva tot està molt endreçat. Però, en canvi, té el jardí de darrere completament abandonat. Aquest fet exaspera el veí del costat, un vell ric i malcarat, que s'entossudeix a fer el que calgui perquè la Bella arregli el tros de terra que els separa. Però a mesura que ell i la noia es van coneixent, el jardí i la relació entre tots dos va canviant.
La Jasmine és una elegant i glamurosa dona de l'alta societat de Nova York que pateix una profunda crisi existencial. En separar-se del seu adinerat marit Hal, la Jasmine es veu obligada a deixar la vida luxosa que porta i mudar-se a San Francisco a viure amb la seva germana Ginger, una dona de classe treballadora que viu en un petit apartament amb el seu company Chili. Allà haurà d’adaptar-se a un estil de vida molt diferent.
Phil Broker és un expolicia de narcòtics, un home de família que decideix passar desapercebut al costat de la seva filla, mudant-se a una localitat remota i aparentment tranquil·la per escapar del seu turbulent passat. No obstant això, el món de Broker es converteix en tot menys tranquil quan descobreix que el petit poble amaga un rerefons de violència i drogues. Aviat un capo sociòpata, Gator Bodine, posa en risc a Broker i a la seva filla, obligant-lo a entrar de nou en acció per salvar a la seva família i al poble.
The balance of power in four couples’ relationships is upset when the women start using the advice in Steve Harvey’s book, Act Like A Lady, Think Like A Man, to get more of what they want from their men. When the men realize that the women have gotten a hold of their relationship “playbook,” they decide that the best defense is a good offense and come up with a plan to use this information to their advantage.
Luciana is a factory worker married to the love of her life. She is living the simple and quiet life she’s always desired: she works and she is deeply in love with her husband Stefano, even if he doesn’t always have a job and they both need to struggle to keep on going. They are happy and always on each other’s side, but shortly after she finds out she’s pregnant, she gets fired and her world starts falling apart. After having tried to have a baby for years, the joy of impending motherhood lasts only a few months. Begging for help but with no one ready to listen to her, completely desperate and shattered, Luciana decides to kidnap the managing director of her former company, asking for the justice she deserves.
La Casa Beecham és una residència per a músics retirats, on corre el rumor que aviat acollirà un nou hoste. A més, es comenta que serà algú famós. Per a Reginald, Wilfred i Cecily, és només una tafaneria més, però un dia, de sobte, queden en estat de xoc quan veuen entrar per la porta la seva excompanya del quartet: la Jena Horton.
Value Shop assistant manager Maya Vargas wants only one thing for her 43rd birthday -- a promotion. While her résumé may not scream upper management, her track record certainly does; she is an innovator who listens to her customers and delivers results. When she loses the job to a college-educated candidate, Maya sets out to prove to Madison Avenue that street smarts are as valuable as book smarts -- and it's never too late for a second act.
Alex i Nancy formen una jove i dinàmica parella de Nova York amb un brillant futur per endavant. Només els falta una cosa: una casa pròpia. El problema sorgeix quan la seva nova casa ve amb "alguna cosa" amb el que no comptaven: la Sra. Connelly, l'arrendatària del pis de dalt, que és molt menys cordial i delicada del que Alex i Nancy van pensar al principi.
Katelin Kingsford, an Olympic hopeful figure skater wants to train with a Russian figure skating coach. In order to go to go to the school that Natasha is at, Katelin gets a scholarship playing on the girls hockey team.
Maddy and Cole were inseparable friends until high school started and Maddy became the most popular girl on campus. When she starts feeling lonely and heartbroken, she reconnects with Cole and the duo conspire to destroy the ultimate teen popularity contest
Carmen and Juni think their parents are boring. Little do they know that in their day, Gregorio and Ingrid Cortez were the top secret agents from their respective countries. They gave up that life to raise their children. Now, the disappearances of several of their old colleagues forces the Cortez' return from retirement. What they didn't count on was Carmen and Juni joining the "family business."
Liam Neeson és un paio normal que es fica en un vesper de nassos per a venjar la mort del seu fill. L'argument ens és familiar, però en el remake de "Un darrere l'altre", que dirigeix el mateix Hans Petter Moland, funciona millor que mai. Un conductor de llevaneu porta una vida tranquil·la fins que la mort sobtada del seu fill fa que es vegi embolicat en una guerra entre narcotraficants, armat només amb maquinària pesant i la sort del principiant.
Lisa Jorgenson és una jove atleta de 31 anys que està convençuda que la seva vida sentimental és un fracàs. Però, inesperadament, es veurà envoltada d'un divertit triangle amorós amb George, un executiu en plena crisi, i Matty, un jugador de beisbol professional. Per quin dels dos es decidirà? Com es pot saber què és l'amor veritable?
After the events at Lake Victoria, the prehistoric school of blood-thirsty piranhas make their way into swimming pools, plumbing, and a newly opened water park.