Scooby-Doo and the gang team up with their pals, Bill Nye The Science Guy and Elvira Mistress of the Dark, to solve this mystery of gigantic proportions and save Crystal Cove!

A clinically depressed teenager gets a new start after he checks himself into an adult psychiatric ward.

A young autistic woman runs away from her caregiver in order to boldly go and deliver her 500-page Star Trek script to a writing competition in Hollywood. On an adventure full of laughter and tears, Wendy follows the guiding spirit of Mr. Spock on her journey into the unknown.

Rose Pamphyle lives with her widowed father and is destined to marry a son of the local mechanic. When she travels out of town and applies for a secretarial job with an insurance agency run by Louis Échard, he learns that Rose can type with extraordinary speed - using only two fingers. He tells her to compete in a speed-typing competition if she wants the job.

Jackass Number Two is a compilation of various stunts, pranks and skits, and essentially has no plot. Chris Pontius, Johnny Knoxville, Steve-O, Bam Margera, and the whole crew return to the screen to raise the stakes higher than ever before.

Jeffrey Dahmer struggles with a difficult family life as a young boy. During his teenage years he slowly transforms, edging closer to the serial killer he was to become.

A comedy that follows two high school students -- one overachiever struggling to write his valedictorian speech, the other a senior now going on his 15th year of school.

When an exclusive clique of teenage socialites accidentally murder their best friend on the morning of her birthday, the three girls responsible conspire to hide the truth.

En Frank Berdsley, almirall del servei de Guardacostes, vidu i amb vuit fills, i la seva antiga xicota de l'institut, la Helen North també vídua i amb deu fills, es retroben i decideixen donar-se una segona oportunitat.

A woman tries to help her teenage daughter when she becomes the victim of online bullying.

At “Prom,” every couple has a story and no two are exactly alike. As the big dance approaches for Nova Prescott, it’s a battle of wills as she finds herself drawn to the guy who gets in the way of her perfect prom. Fellow seniors Mei and Tyler harbor secrets, while others face all the insecurity and anticipation that surrounds one of high school’s most seminal events.

Ethan Wate just wants to get to know Lena Duchannes better, but unbeknownst to him, Lena has strange powers. As Lena's 16th birthday approaches she might decide her fate, to be good or evil. A choice which will impact her relationship forever.

Els pares de Ruby i Rhett Rhett moren en un accident de trànsit, trastocant completament la despreocupada i feliç vida dels seus dos fills adolescents. Els nois decideixen mudar-se a una fabulosa mansió de Malibú amb els Glass, vells amics de la família. Però Ruby troba pistes que semblen indicar que els seus tutors podrien estar implicats d'alguna manera a la mort dels seus pares. L'objectiu de la inquietant parella sembla ser l'herència de quatre milions de dòlars que correspon als dos germans.

A divorced writer from the Midwest returns to her hometown to reconnect with an old flame, who's now married with a family.

Madea and the gang encounter monsters, goblins and boogeymen at a haunted campground.

A group of kids must protect their vacation home from invading aliens.

In the wake of a nuclear war, a young woman survives on her own, fearing she may actually be the proverbial last woman on earth, until she discovers the most astonishing sight of her life: another human being. A distraught scientist, he’s nearly been driven mad by radiation exposure and his desperate search for others. A fragile, imperative strand of trust connects them. But when a stranger enters the valley, their precarious bond begins to unravel.

Després de la victòria al concurs de gossos pastors, el Babe torna a la granja. L'Arthur té un accident instal·lant una bomba al pou i, mentre està convalescent, l'Esme ha de portar la granja tota sola. Els deutes aviat s'acumulen i, quan el banc està a punt d'embargar la finca, la dona del granger rep una invitació per anar a fer una demostració amb el Babe a canvi d'uns diners que poden salvar la granja. Però les coses no van com estaven previstes i l'Esme i el Babe s'han de quedar uns dies a la gran ciutat, on viuran aventures de tota mena.

As investigative reporter Ward Jansen and his partner Yardley Acheman chase a sensational, career-making story with the help of Ward's younger brother Jack and sultry death-row groupie Charlotte Bless, the pair tries to prove violent swamp-dweller Hillary Van Wetter was framed for the murder of a corrupt local sheriff.

Several people start receiving voice-mails from their future selves -- messages which include the date, time, and some of the details of their deaths.