Un matí, la Ran es desperta esverada per un malson. A ella, i la seva mare l'Eri els hi disparen; la Ran no sap el perquè d'aquest somni fins que recorda que 10 anys abans el seu pare en Kogoro, quan encara estava en el cos de policia, va disparar a l'Eri com a única manera d'arrestar al criminal Joh Murakami. Justament en aquests dies, Joh Murakami ha sortit de la presó després de complir una condemna de 10 anys pels seus crims.

Tom Segura gives voice to the sordid thoughts you'd never say out loud, with blunt musings on porn, parking lot power struggles, parenthood and more.

Oleg is a young gifted paramedic. His wife Katya works as a nurse at the hospital emergency department. She loves Oleg, but is fed up with him caring more about patients than her. She tells him she wants a divorce. The new head of Oleg’s EMA department is a cold-hearted manager who’s got new strict rules to implement. Oleg couldn’t care less about the rules – he’s got lives to save; his attitude gets him in trouble with the new boss. The crisis at work coincides with the personal life crisis. Caught up between their patients, alcohol-fueled off-shifts, and an evolving health care system, Oleg and Katya have to find the binding force that will keep them together.

Mentre el matrimoni d'en Tom fa aigües, es veu forçat a viatjar a Nova York per l'intent de suïcidi de la seva germana bessona Savannah, una poetessa de gran talent fortament trasbalsada per obscurs secrets d'una infantesa dissortada. Allà coneixerà la Dra. Lowenstein, la psiquiatra que atén la Savannah, amb qui col·laborarà per revelar els traumes familiars que l'afecten. De mica en mica tots dos se sentiran atrets l'un per l'altre i miraran de resoldre els seus propis conflictes personals.

A la petita comunitat de Carthage, Texas, el subdirector de la funerària Bernie Tiede era un dels més estimats residents. Cantava al cor de l'església, participava activament a la companyia de teatre local i sempre estava disposat a donar un cop de mà a algú. Tothom apreciava en Bernie i ningú es va sorprendre quan es va fer amic de Marjorie Nugent, una vídua tan rica com malcarada. Bernie l'acompanyava en els seus viatges, li administrava els medicaments i li gestionava els diners. A poc a poc, les exigències de la possessiva Marjorie es van anar incrementant. Fins que un bon dia la Marjorie va desaparèixer.

A romantic comedy about a young interior decorator who, as a result of a romantic disappointment, becomes the female counterpart of Don Juan. The misadventures of the manizer make her rediscover the value of love.

Werner Ernst (James Spader), un jove metge que treballa a la unitat de cures intensives d'un hospital, coneix dues germanes que s'enfronten per l'herència del seu pare, un pacient del centre que es troba en estat de coma.

Harry Madox, un home enigmàtic i atractiu, arriba a un apartat poble de Texas. Aviat aconsegueix feina com a venedor de cotxes, però Dolly, l'apassionada dona del seu cap ordeix un meticulós pla per seduir-ho i ho aconsegueix. Tot i això, en realitat, Harry està enamorat de Gloria Harper, l'encarregada del departament de préstecs del banc local. Quan és acusat d'atracar-lo, Dolly recolza la coartada de Harry, per aconseguir retenir-lo al seu costat a qualsevol preu, encara que sigui a costa de la vida del marit.

Marnie és una vídua recent que es trasllada a Hollywood per estar més a prop de la seva filla, cosa que resultarà ser un canvi total per a la seva vida: noves aventures, nous amics, noves oportunitats… i qui sap si un nou amor.

The irreverent host of a political satire talk show decides to run for president and expose corruption in Washington. His stunt goes further than he expects when he actually wins the election, but a software engineer suspects that a computer glitch is responsible for his surprising victory.

Reunited for their mother’s funeral, four sisters – Selma, Regina, Laura and Lúcia – find themselves forced to divide much more than an apartment in Copacabana. While dividing the articles, the sisters compare options, destinies, lifestyles, and expectations. The turbulent sale of the apartment represents a turning point in their lives: they know they have never been so deeply involved as accomplices, or as sisters.

Stand-up performance filmed at the historic Fox Theatre in Detroit, MI., Epps gets the house rocking with his unique and hilarious observations of married men, black/white family dynamics and a spot-on impersonation of a popular crime scene investigation series. Legendary hip hop emcee Doug E. Fresh also makes a special appearance.

Al jove agent federal Henry se li assigna un nou cas: seguir els passos d'en Tommy, un refinat lladre d'art buscat internacionalment que està planejant un nou robatori. Les coses es compliquen quan en Henry descobreix que en Tommy és el nou nòvio de la seva eixelebrada mare Marty.

A teenager has his Sitka Spruce tree chosen to be planted outside the White House as the new national Christmas Tree.

What a man is a comedy that tells the story of a young professor, Alex (Matthias Schweighofer), which after being left by his girlfriend Caroline (Mavie Hörbiger), begins a journey to know himself. But how do you overcome the difficulties of a man today? Or rather what is it that makes a man a man?

An intense new marijuana strain named “Black Forest” is taking Los Angeles by storm, and Gretel’s stoner boyfriend can’t get enough. But when the old woman growing the popular drug turns out to be an evil witch, cooking and eating her wasted patrons for their youth, Gretel and her brother Hansel must save him from a gruesome death — or face the last high of their lives.

Large doses of humor, ingenious nods to Spain's most recent national cinema, an artistic cast highly linked to comedy and a high reserve of surprises constitute the ingredients of this crazy comedy: Spanish Movie.

A young couple find themselves in an unnerving situation with a mysterious stalker.

'Divorce Invitation' centers on Mike Christian, a happily married man who runs into his high school sweetheart Alex, and after all these years, sparks still fly. When Mike is determined Alex is his true soul mate, he realizes he has a huge problem-he signed an iron-clad pre-nuptial agreement and his wife will not let him out of the marriage

Tommy, un jove sense ofici ni benefici, ha rebut una citació per participar en un jurat. Això suposa ser mantingut per l'Estat en un hotel luxós i, a més, rebre cinc dòlars diaris. Tommy aconsegueix ser eliminat en tots els judicis que es presumeixen breus. I per fi, ho accepten en el procés contra ”l'assassí de les hamburgueseries”, responsable de set crims. Tot i la popularitat de l'acusat, Tommy i les seves estupideses seran les estrelles del judici. I ha d'aconseguir que la deliberació s'allargui indefinidament.