After Carlos is tasked to care for Paola, both characters must work out their differences to make their time together more pleasant. As time goes on, they are faced with lessons about trust, mutual respect, and perhaps love.
Naive and idealistic Jefferson Smith, leader of the Boy Rangers, is appointed to the United States Senate by the puppet governor of his state. He soon discovers, upon going to Washington, many shortcomings of the political process as his earnest goal of a national boys' camp leads to a conflict with the state political boss.
A small egg named Toto decides that he wants to fulfill his purpose in life and become a chicken instead of dying in a frying pan; so he starts a quest to return to the farms along with his new friend, the noisy egg Willy and a crazy bacon stripe. The three friends will face lot of obstacles in their quest.
A young elephant goes on an extraordinary adventure and learns important lessons along the way about friendship, love and courage.
An ambitious singing and dancing cat goes to Hollywood and overcomes several obstacles to fulfill his dream of becoming a movie star.
The Japanese government sets up a special task force to fight the giant creatures suddenly appearing across the country. Soon, the squad unexpectedly meets a giant silver humanoid who starts appearing every time a space monster attacks!
Un venedor ambulant de ganivets es veu forçat a aturar-se en una estació de servei rural després de quedar-se encallat enmig del no-res. Allà, serà víctima d’una violenta presa d’ostatges per part de dos lladres de bancs.
Foreign Legion officer Galoup recalls his once glorious life, training troops in the Gulf of Djibouti. His existence there was happy, strict and regimented, until the arrival of a promising young recruit, Sentain, plants the seeds of jealousy in Galoup's mind.
Un thriller nòrdic d'altes pressions on dues germanes hauran d'enfrontar-se a una situació límit quan una quedi atrapada en l'oceà. Al més pur estil "127 hores" o "Gravity", una trepidant pel·lícula de supervivència que et deixarà sense alè. Les germanastres Ida i Tuva pateixen un accident durant una sessió de busseig hivernal en el nord de Noruega. La Tuva queda atrapada a 30 metres de profunditat i l'Ida haurà de posar a prova les seves habilitats per a controlar la crisi. Sense l'ajuda del món exterior les germanes han de resoldre la situació pels seus propis mitjans.
En un poble idíl·lic costaner escocès Macintyre (Peter Riegert), l'enviat d'una companyia petrolífera, negocia la compra de totes les propietats de la zona per construir-hi una refineria. Els habitants del poble veuen una oportunitat per enriquir-se, però l'obstinació del vell Ben (Fulton Mackay), propietari d'una platja, impedeix el tracte. Mac només pot oferir diners i la platja és tot el que Ben ambiciona. Mentrestant, el nouvingut se submergeix en un mode de vida que es mou a un ritme pausat, on el paisatge i la comunitat l'envolten als seus llaços.
Mexico, 1985. Juan and Wilson, two perennial Veterinary students, perpetrate an audacious heist in the National Museum of Anthropology, running away with a loot of more than hundred invaluable pieces of Mayan art, unaware of the consequences of their outrageous act.
Physical therapist Leslie Wright lands the dream job of working with basketball superstar Scott McKnight, helping him recover from a career-threatening injury. All goes well and soon Leslie finds herself falling in love with him. Just as their friendship deepens, however, Scott focuses his attention back on his tenuous relationship with his ex-fiancé Morgan, Leslie's gorgeous godsister, who would love to be the basketball player's trophy wife.
Renton, son of scientists, and Eureka, a girl who can't live under the sun, are raised together when very young and become very attached to each other. Powerless to prevent Eureka from being taken away Renton vows to rescue her and enters the military.
Després de defensar les seves terres contra un poderós imperi, el soldat Van és pres com a esclau i enviat a les mines de sal. Una nit, un ramat d'estranys gossos ataca la mina i comença a propagar-se una misteriosa malaltia. Van troba Yuna, una nena òrfena, i com a únics supervivents de la pesta, inicien junts un viatge com si fossin pare i filla.
La seva primera setmana d'institut i la festa més gran de l'any. Quatre nois es deixen anar en una nit boja on no faltaran els equívocs.
Syd March is an employee at a clinic that sells injections of live viruses harvested from sick celebrities to obsessed fans. When he becomes infected with the disease that kills super sensation Hannah Geist, Syd becomes a target for collectors and rabid fans. He must unravel the mystery surrounding her death before he suffers the same fate.
The family Pintín: Ada, Bepo and grandfather Fierro must rescue Luna, the youngest daughter of the family, who was kidnapped by humans and taken to an island that functions as a private zoo sinister character. The wait for a journey full of dangers and adventures.
When a grandmother falls for a cheeky suitor with dubious intentions, her family devises a secret plan to protect her life — and their inheritance.
A young love affair becomes a menacing game of cat and mouse where nothing is what it seems in this immersive thriller.
After a terrifying storm destroys their home, a speedy sloth named Laura and her kooky family move to the big city in their rusted old food truck, Gordito, hoping to make their business a success. The family's delicious food catches the eye of a quick-witted cheetah who will stop at nothing to revive her failing fast-food business.