Ava, a young bank professional is devastated when her husband Dallas abandons a marriage she is determined to fight for until fate intervenes, revealing Dallas' wicked deeds that have trashed their marriage, and once upon a time sabotaged Ava's destiny to be loved by her true soulmate.

La trobada entre els equips rivals del Karasuno i el Nekoma farà saltar espurnes, ja que tots dos equips estan decidits a guanyar el campionat nacional de voleibol.

The special takes place during the two year before the Straw Hats reunite on Sabody. Luffy is currently in Rusukaina training to get stronger to take on the New World. However the training is interrupted when Hancock's sisters, Marigold and Sandersonia, are kidnapped by the Byrnndi World, a pirate who was locked away on Level 6 of Impel Down but escaped during Luffy's invasion to save Ace, in order to lure Hancock to him and use her as a hostage against the World Government due to her Shichibukai status. Thus Luffy and Hancock head off to confront him and save Hancock's sisters.

A recap of Kimetsu no Yaiba episodes 22–26, with new footage and special end credits. Tanjiro and his sister Nezuko have been apprehended by the Demon Slayer Hashira, a group of extremely skilled swordfighters. Tanjiro undergoes trial for violating the Demon Slayer code, specifically smuggling Nezuko, a Demon, onto Mt. Natagumo.

On the eve of her college graduation, Natalie's life diverges into two parallel realities: one in which she becomes pregnant and must navigate motherhood as a young adult in her Texas hometown, the other in which she moves to LA to pursue her career. In both journeys throughout her twenties, Natalie experiences life-changing love, devastating heartbreak and rediscovers herself.

L'amor de Tessa i Hardin mai no ha estat fàcil. Mentre ell roman a Londres després del casament de la seva mare i s'enfonsa cada cop més en la seva pròpia foscor, ella torna a Seattle. Tessa és l'única capaç d'entendre'l i calmar-lo... ell en necessita, però ella ja no és la noia bona i dolça que era quan va arribar a la universitat. S'haurà de plantejar si el que ha de fer ara és salvar Hardin i la seva relació amb ell, o si ha arribat el moment de pensar-hi només. Si volen que el seu amor sobrevisqui, primer hauran de treballar en ells mateixos. Però serà el seu destí continuar junts?

Fausto and Esther childhood was tormented. Fausto, trying to escape from his father. Esther, mistreated by her brother-in-law. They both begin to be involved in a supernatural situation. Over which they have no control.

Raised in opulence and culture, 10 year old Tochtli's lavish life contrasts with the darkness that seeps in from his father's criminal activities.

When an unbearably adorable, eternally optimistic Quokka named Daisy wants to achieve the impossible – to win the annual ‘World’s Scariest Animal’ championship, she enlists the guidance of a washed-up, former champion, a grouchy Saltwater Crocodile, to help her achieve her dreams and prove that champions can come in all sizes.

Un estrany virus ha transformat els homes en violents violadors morts vivents. Un grup de dones, armades amb pistoles i espases, s'hi hauran d'enfrontar.

Biopic on the father of the nation of Bangladesh, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. The film will showcase his growing up as a child to his standing up against all injustice in his youth to fighting for the independence of his country. How he led a country to it's independence with his inspirational presence and fight for the justice.

Deshu, a mechanic from Dubai, comes home to Mumbai, and gets embroiled in a crime by accident. The film shows his meteoric rise from common, law-abiding man to underworld kingpin.

Una dona de quaranta anys amb tot en joc (la seva carrera d'alt risc, el rellotge biològic en marxa, el compte bancari) ho arriscarà tot per un afer secret intensament luxuriós amb l'única persona que el podria destruir.

Brendan Cobbs, a famous novelist, is sent to a remote cottage in rural England to find inspiration for his next novel. He believes he found his next subject when he encounters Alfred, a child size doll who can come to life.

With his family away, a devoted stay-at-home dad enjoys his first me time in years by joining his hard-partying old friend on a wild birthday adventure.

A year after their romance began in Riccione, Vincenzo and Camilla reunite for a vacation on the picturesque Amalfi Coast and put their love to the test.

Una història de la generació Z deliciosament moderna que segueix a Kelsa, una confiada noia de secundària que és trans, mentre navega pel curs superior. Quan el seu company de classe Khal s'enamora d'ella, ell va agafar el coratge per convidar-la a sortir, malgrat el drama que sap que pot causar. El que transcorre és un romanç que mostra l'alegria, la tendresa i el dolor de l'amor adolescent.

Laura and Massimo are back and hotter than ever. But the reunited couple's new beginning is complicated by Massimo’s family ties and a mysterious man who enters Laura’s life to win her heart and trust, at any cost.

Linda comes to the big city in search of fun and excitement. What she finds is exploitation and abuse at the hands of a succession of sleazy guys. Searching for love, she enters into a lesbian relationship with a beautiful countess, discovers drugs and swingers' parties and starts acting in porno movies. She also begins to write a secret diary...