As the Twelfth Doctor nears regeneration, he stumbles on his first incarnation, also refusing to change. It takes a captain, a glass avatar and a familiar face to convince the Doctors the universe still needs them.
Newt Scamander protagonitza una aventura frenètica amb les criatures fantàstiques del món de Harry Potter, enmig de Nova York en el Congrés de Màgia dels EUA.
A love story following two young people battling with their emotions and dreams, the pressures of career, family and not knowing what the future holds. Füsun is a brilliant student, destined for a successful career but can't help from falling for Baris, a musician who struggles with a psychological disorder. As the two grow closer they start to adopt each other's traits, but becoming increasingly dependent on one another proves damaging for their relationship.
El llegendari assassí John Wick (Keanu Reeves) es veu obligat a sortir de la jubilació per un ex-associat que planeja obtenir el control d'un misteriós grup internacional d'assassins. Obligat a ajudar-lo per un jurament de sang, John emprèn un viatge a Roma ple d'adrenalina estremidora per lluitar contra els assassins més perillosos del món.
Una banda de criminals dirigida per un constructor molt ambiciós (Mike Tyson) intenta desallotjar l’escola local però el mestre Ip Man (Donnie Yen) no està disposat a cedir. Paral·lelament, a la ciutat, acaba d’arribar un nou mestre de Wing Chun (Zhang Jin).
Poe Dameron and BB-8 must face the greedy crime boss Graballa the Hutt, who has purchased Darth Vader’s castle and is renovating it into the galaxy’s first all-inclusive Sith-inspired luxury hotel.
This documentary looks at the Danish resistance movement's execution of 400 informers during the Nazi occupation and the ensuing cover-up.
He is one of the top celebrities in the country: a fast-talking TV host, who can joke his way out of any situation. Women want to be with him, men want to be like him. He is looking for a new topic to discuss in his popular talk-show. She is a teacher at a musical school - a timid girl looking for Mr. Perfect on an internet dating site. He will help her realise her potential and teach her how to recognise various types of men for what they are, she will teach him what real life is about. The show will become a huge hit. It seems they are destined to fall in love and be together, but one day she actually does meet Mr. Perfect on the net.
Un nadó peculiar, que porta vestit, corbata i maletí, i el seu germà Tim, de 7 anys, tractaran d’aturar els perversos plans del director de l’empresa Puppy Corporation.
Els Mínions no saben conservar malvats, per això ara estan sols i deprimits. En Kevin i dos amics surten a buscar un nou líder i van a parar a la gran trobada de superdolents d'Orlando, on la malvada Scarlet els fa un encàrrec reial.
Tension mounts between a quadraplegic man and his wife as she prepares a bath for him.
After surviving the events in the Jotunheimen mountains in which four of her friends were murdered, the badly injured Jannicke is brought to the local hospital. But when she wakes up, the building is dark and deserted... and she soon realizes that her nightmare isn’t over yet.
En Ray Gaines és un membre del cos de bombers de Los Angeles especialitzat en rescats perillosos, amb una llarga experiència a l'exèrcit, però viu turmentat per no haver pogut salvar una de les seves filles mentre feien ràfting, un fet que a la llarga el va portar a separar-se de la seva dona. La vida, però, li donarà una segona oportunitat quan un seguit de terribles terratrèmols sacsegin tot l'estat de Califòrnia i es trobi que ha de rescatar la seva exdona a Los Angeles i després la seva altra filla a San Francisco, on al terratrèmol inicial s'hi sumarà un tsunami devastador.
After reading an article about hypnotic regression, a woman whose maternal grandfather died when she was only three years old contacts the hypnotic subject named in the article believing that he is the reincarnation of her grandfather, and hoping that she can learn the truth about how he died.
En Tien és capturat i gairebé mort a cops; però aconsegueix escapar-se i es refugia en el poble de Kana Khone. Allà li ensenyen meditació, i com tractar amb el seu karma. Però ben aviat el seu rival torna a aparèixer, desafiant Tien en un duel final.
Desperate for revenge, a young man enlists the aid of a medium to help him track down his sister's killer.
Les Tuche, a modest french family, change his life after winning a super lottery. Thanks to the money of his parents, the son, Donald (aka "coin-coin) goes to Los Angeles to improve his english. On the L.A. University, he meets Jennifer, daughter of a famous American financier.
Guy gets mugged on horseback and left for dead; farmgal nurses him back to health and when he's on his feet again, he puts a domino on and swings into J J action.