Després d'eliminar alguns dels membres de la banda que va intentar assassinar-la el dia del seu casament, "Mamba Negra" prossegueix la venjança i intenta acabar amb la resta de la banda, especialment amb el seu antic cap, Bill, que la va donar per morta deixant-la en coma.

L'arribada a l'escola d'un nou alumne canvia la vida de Leonardo, un adolescent cec. A partir de llavors, Leo haurà de lluitar amb la gelosia de la seva amiga Giovana, mentre tracta d'esbrinar quins són els sentiments que ell té cap al seu nou amic. Curtmetratge que després va inspirar la pel·lícula "A primera vista" ("Hoje Eu Quero Voltar Sozinho").

Harry Callahan és un policia que s'ha criat al carrer. Els seus companys l'anomenen Harry el Brut pels seus particulars mètodes de lluita contra el crim, i perquè sempre s'encarrega dels treballs més desagradables. A Sant Francisco, un franctirador ha matat ja dues persones. Harry serà l'encarregat de resoldre el cas.

Iris is a shy and dowdy young woman stuck in a dead-end job at a match factory, who dreams of finding love at the local dancehall. Finding herself pregnant after a one-night stand and abandoned by the father, Iris finally decides the time has come to get even and she begins to plot her revenge.

For Norman and Ethel Thayer, this summer on golden pond is filled with conflict and resolution. When their daughter Chelsea arrives, the family is forced to renew the bonds of love and overcome the generational friction that has existed for years.

Era escriptor i pensava que escrivia sobre el futur, però realment escrivia sobre el passat. En la seva novel·la, un misteriós tren sortia de tant en tant cap a l’any 2046. Tots els que anaven en ell tenien la mateixa intenció: recuperar la seva memòria perduda. Es deia que en el 2046 res canviaria. Ningú sabia del cert si era veritat, perquè cap dels que van anar va tornar mai. Excepte un... Va estar allí. Va elegir marxar. Volia canviar.

Two aging crooks are given two weeks to repay a debt to a woman named The American. They recruit their recently deceased partner's son to help them break into a laboratory and steal the vaccine against STBO, a sexually transmitted disease that is sweeping the country. It's spread by having sex without emotional involvement, and most of its victims are teenagers who make love out of curiosity rather than commitment.

The Tortoise and the Hare is an animated short film released on January 5, 1935 by United Artists, produced by Walt Disney and directed by Wilfred Jackson. Based on an Aesop's fable of the same name, The Tortoise and the Hare won the 1934 Academy Award for Best Short Subject: Cartoons. This cartoon is also believed to be one of the influences for Bugs Bunny.

Winterbolt is trying to make the North Pole his evil wonderland, and it is up to Frosty the Snowman, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer and others to stop him.

A bedtime story leads Littlefoot and his grandparents on a journey to a new land, where Littlefoot discovers someone who vanished before he was born: his father! Now Littlefoot must decide between two worlds. Will he leave to be with his friends in the Great Valley, or stay behind and start a new life with his father?

An emotionally unavailable flight attendant meets a potential love interest and later finds out that her "perfect guy" has ulterior motives. As the clock ticks down on New Year's Eve, she must fight to keep her murdered ex-boyfriend's secrets or find herself dead.

Un enorme meteorit ha caigut a la Gran Vall, cosa que talla el subministrament d'aigua i crea tensió entre els dinosaures que hi habiten. En Dinet i companyia busquen més aigua i troben un gran dipòsit atrapat entre la Gran Vall i el “misteriós més enllà”, llar de les temibles dentegades. Aquest tercer lliurament de les aventures del petit dinosaure va ser directament a vídeo, tant als EUA com a Europa.

Eddie, Dov, and Yvan are back, still working in Paris' Sentier textile district, This time they're confronting the high-stakes world of large distribution after striking a deal with Eurodiscount, a European hypermarket chain.

The film tells the story of three best friends named Ako, Aki and Awang, who are well-known in their village for their mischievous and humourous pranks. The trio work for Pak Man. One day, they are assigned to pick up his daughter Misha, who has just returned from overseas and dreams of becoming a doctor. The trio have been in love with her for a long time but she does not pay them any heed. When Misha is robbed by a snatch thief one day, she is rescued by a doctor named Shafiq. Her face reminds the doctor of his late wife, and he begins to pursue her, which annoys the trio.

Han passat quatre anys des que aquell gran tauró blanc va terroritzar el petit poble costaner d'Amity. El cap de policia Brody continua preocupat, tot i que hi ha en marxa diversos projectes per revifar l'interès turístic de les platges. L'alcalde Larry Vaughn dóna la benvinguda a l'inversor Len Peterson i el seu equip al poble. Dos submarinistes exploren la zona on va aparèixer el perillós esqual en el passat, i són devorats per un altre enorme tauró no sense abans obtenir-ne una foto de l'ull del monstre. La desaparició dels dos bussejadors alerta Brody, ja que és estiu i els turistes arriben per centenars fins a Amity. Mentrestant, un grup d'adolescents entre els quals hi ha Mike i Sean, els fills del policia, fan una excursió fins a una península propera...

During one of their night stays, three college teens play a silly prank where they randomly call people and tell them that they know who that person is and what they have done. What will happen when things take a dangerous turn?

An excellent comprehensive look at all the music that came out of Cincinnati, Ohio. Cincinnati "Rock Legends" "James Brown" "King Records" "Pure Prairie League" "Lemon Pipers" "Syd Nathan" WEBN "Bootsy Collins" "Lonnie Mack" "The Who concert 1979" "Rick Derringer"

A small West Virginia town is hosting the legendary Mountain Man Festival on Halloween, where throngs of costumed party goers gather for a wild night of music and mischief. But an inbred family of hillbilly cannibals kill the fun when they trick and treat themselves to a group of visiting college students.

After another deadly shark attack, Ellen Brody decides she has had enough of New England's Amity Island and moves to the Caribbean to join her son, Michael, and his family. But a great white shark has followed her there, hungry for more lives.